Appendix ISources of the ratification data

Abbreviation / Formal Name / Date of Adoption / Webpage
ICRW / International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling / 1946 / [originally on Apr.16, 2012)]
Ramsar / The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands / 1971 /
(visited on Apr.16, 2012)
LDC / Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter / 1972 /
(visited on Apr.16, 2012)
LoS / UN Convention on the Law of the Sea / 1982 / United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(visited on Apr.16,2012)
Vienna / Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer / 1985 / (visited on Apr.16, 2012)
BC / Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal / 1989 /
(visited on Apr.16, 2012)
CBD / The Convention on Biological Diversity / 1992 / on Apr.16, 2012)
UNFCCC / UN Framework Convention on Climate Change / 1992 /
(visited on Apr.16, 2012)

Appendix II166 Countries, with abbreviations and year they were included in the count of countries.

Country Name / Entered Population
Albania / 1980
Algeria / 1980
Angola / 1980
Argentina / 1980
Armenia / 1991
Australia / 1980
Austria / 1980
Azerbaijan / 1991
Bahamas / 1980
Bahrain / 1980
Bangladesh / 1980
Barbados / 1980
Belarus / 1991
Belgium / 1980
Belize / 1981
Benin / 1980
Bhutan / 1980
Bolivia / 1980
Bosnia & Herzegowina / 1992
Botswana / 1980
Brazil / 1980
Brunei Darussalam / 1984
Bulgaria / 1980
Burkina Faso / 1980
Burundi / 1980
Cambodia / 1980
Cameroon / 1980
Canada / 1980
Cape Verde / 1980
Central African Republic / 1980
Chad / 1980
Chile / 1980
China / 1980
Colombia / 1980
Comoros / 1980
Congo / 1980
Congo, Dem. Rep. / 1980
Costa Rica / 1980
Cote d’Ivoire / 1980
Croatia / 1980
Cuba / 1980
Czech Republic / 1980
Denmark / 1980
Djibouti / 1980
Dominican Republic / 1980
Ecuador / 1980
Egypt / 1980
El Salvador / 1980
Equatorial Guinea / 1980
Eritrea / 1993
Estonia / 1991
Ethiopia / 1980
Fiji / 1980
Finland / 1980
France / 1980
Gabon / 1980
Gambia / 1980
Georgia / 1991
Germany / 1980
Ghana / 1980
Greece / 1980
Guatemala / 1980
Guinea / 1980
Guinea-Bissau / 1980
Guyana / 1980
Haiti / 1980
Honduras / 1980
Hungary / 1980
Iceland / 1980
India / 1980
Indonesia / 1980
Ireland / 1980
Islamic Republic of Iran / 1980
Israel / 1980
Italy / 1980
Jamaica / 1980
Japan / 1980
Jordan / 1980
Kazakhstan / 1991
Kenya / 1980
Korea, Rep. / 1980
Kuwait / 1980
Kyrgyzstan / 1991
Laos / 1980
Latvia / 1980
Lebanon / 1980
Lesotho / 1980
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya / 1980
Lithuania / 1990
Luxembourg / 1980
Macedonia / 1991
Madagascar / 1980
Malawi / 1980
Malaysia / 1980
Maldives / 1980
Mali / 1980
Malta / 1980
Mauritania / 1980
Mexico / 1980
Mongolia / 1980
Morocco / 1980
Mozambique / 1980
Myanmar / 1980
Nambia / 1990
Nepal / 1980
Netherlands / 1980
New Zealand / 1980
Nicaragua / 1980
Niger / 1980
Nigeria / 1980
Norway / 1980
Oman / 1980
Pakistan / 1980
Panama / 1980
Papua New Guinea / 1980
Paraguay / 1980
Peru / 1980
Philippines / 1980
Poland / 1980
Portugal / 1980
Qatar / 1980
Republic of Moldova / 1991
Romania / 1980
Russian Federation / 1980
Rwanda / 1980
Samoa / 1980
Sao Tome & Principe / 1980
Saudi Arabia / 1980
Senegal / 1980
Sierra Leone / 1980
Singapore / 1980
Slovakia / 1992
Slovenia / 1991
Solomon Islands / 1980
South Africa / 1980
Spain / 1980
Sri Lanka / 1980
St. Lucia / 1980
St. Vincent and the Grenadines / 1980
Sudan / 1980
Surname / 1980
Swaziland / 1980
Sweden / 1980
Switzerland / 1980
Syrian Arab Republic / 1980
Tajikistan / 1991
Thailand / 1980
Togo / 1980
Trinidad & Tobago / 1980
Tunisia / 1980
Turkey / 1980
Turkmenistan / 1991
Uganda / 1980
Ukraine / 1991
United Arab Emirates / 1980
United Kingdom / 1980
United Republic of Tanzania / 1980
United States of America / 1980
Uruguay / 1980
Uzbekistan / 1991
Vanuatu / 1980
Venezuela / 1980
Viet Nam / 1980
Yemen / 1990
Zambia / 1980
Zimbabwe / 1980

Appendix III Sources for Variables

Variables / Data Resources / Website
CINC / CINC: National Material Capabilities (V4.0)Singer, Bremer, and Stuckey (1972). [originallyPatrick Rhajmey, Jr.] /
[originally on Apr.16, 2012)]
Political freedoms / Freedom House database /
(visited on Apr.16, 2012)
# IENGO headquarters / Union of International Associations (1983-84 to 2008-09), Vol. 3
# IENGO offices, branches, affiliates / Union of International Associations (1981 to 2008-09), Vol. 1
% Industrial GDP / UN Data database / (visited on Apr.16, 2012)
IGO memberships / COW Vr. 2.3: Pevehouse, Nordstrom, and Warnke (2004). /
(visited on Apr.16, 2012)
ICSU membership / International Council for Science homepage / http://
(visited on Apr.16, 2012)
Diplomatic exchange / COW: Bayer, R. (2006) Diplomatic exchange dataset v2006.1 /
(visited on Apr.16, 2012)
Geographic closeness / Gleditsch and Ward (2001) /
(visited on Apr.16, 2012)
GNI per capita status / World Bank / (visited July 28, 2015)
64133175~theSitePK:239419~isCURL:Y,.htm}l (visited on Apr. 16, 2012)]
Religion / COW World Religion Data Vr. 1.1: Maoz and Henderson (2013) / (visited on July 18, 2015)
Language / CIA: The World Factbook 1998-2008 / visited on Apr. 16, 2012; revisited on July 18, 2015)