Appendix H2013: Worksite Observations Evaluation Form - Teaching

Employee: Evaluator:

Course and Section #: Semester and Year:

Number of students in attendance:

Scheduled Start Date/Time: Start Date/Time of Evaluation:

Scheduled End Date/Time: End Date/Time of Evaluation:

Rating / Provide Examples
1. Class activities (e.g. assignments, assessments, lectures, etc) address objectives described in the course outline.. Instructor demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter and currency in the field. / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
2. Class activities (e.g. assignments, assessments, lectures, etc) demonstrate planning and organization.Classroom activities demonstrate effective preparation and planning for instruction, including laboratories, clinics, etc. / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
3. Instructor monitors student learning and adjusts instruction to meet learning objectives. Content covered in class appropriately addresses course curriculum. / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
4. Class discussions strengthened the learning environment. Instructor uses appropriate teaching materials and methods that challenge students to grow, are appropriate to subject matter, and are sufficiently varied as to be responsive to student needs. / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
4. Students are engaged and participating in active learning. Instructor maintains order in the classroom to provide an environment conducive to student learning. / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
5. The instructor demonstrates expertise in the content area as evidenced by presenting concepts clearly. Instructor uses teaching techniques that activelychallenge and engage students in the classroom activity (lecture, discussion, lab, or other activity). / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
6. The instructor is responsive to student questions and feedback. Instructor communicates effectively, explaining key concepts and giving directions clearly, addressing all levels of students in the classroom. / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
7. The instructor’s presentation of the material conveys enthusiasm, clarity, and sound pedagogy. Instructor is responsive to students’ questions and feedback, using classroom discussion to strengthen the learning environment. / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
8. Multiple teaching modalities are utilized to meet the diversity of student needs. Presentation conveys clarity, respect for differing viewpoints, and sound pedagogy. / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
9. The instructor demonstrates professional competence (as described in article 14 of the HCFA contract). Instructor provides an environment in which the dignity and individuality of students are respected, using teaching techniques that are sensitive to the diverse learning styles and educational and cultural background of students. / Excellent / ☐
Satisfactory / ☐
Needs Improvement / ☐
Unsatisfactory / ☐
11. Instructor meets class for the full hours specified in the course outline. / Excellent
Unsatisfactory / ☐