Appendix: Detailed description of data evaluation procedures

Spectra were analysed using the DOASIS software (Kraus, 2003). Initially, the spectra were corrected using measured dark spectra and electronic offset and following the procedure applied in Bobrowski (2005) and Hoeninger (2002). The spectral quality below 365nm was examined and only spectra with maximum intensity between 19,000 and 59,000 counts were included. All registered sets of spectra were tested for stability of wavelength calibration and instrumental function. Small shifts of about 0.1 nm caused probably by imperfect stabilisation of the spectrometer’s optical bench temperature have been observed between spectra registered during most of the data sets.To avoid the resulting false modulation in the logarithm of the ratio S()/So() (where (S() denotes plume spectrum which is being fitted, whilst So() is the corresponding background spectrum), the reciprocal of the logarithm of background spectra was treated as a cross-section and was fitted to the logarithm of S() together with the cross-sections of measured gases. The cross-sections used for DOAS fitting of the measured spectra are listed in Table 3. All cross-sections were convolved by the spectrometer’s instrumental function using QDOAS software (Danckaert et al., 2012). The sulphur dioxide cross-section was first deconvolved to high resolution by the same software. Further, a Ring spectrum was calculated from the solar spectrum (Chance and Kurucz, 2010), also using QDOAS software. A polynomial was fitted in order to account for all slow-varying absorbers and instrumental effects. The degree of polynomial ranged from 2 to 4 and was selected to minimise the residual and homogenise it. The fit was performed in wavelength space, i.e. all spectra and cross-sections included in the non-linear DOAS fit had wavelength calibration. The shift and the squeeze permitted during the fit were limited to -0.5 nm–0.5 nm and 0.97–1.03, respectively.

In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the spectra and thus reduce the error on the BrO and OClO retrievals, spectra were averaged in groups of five before fitting.

A systematic residual was present in all of the datasets, possibly caused either by temperature effects, by ignoring the slight wavelength dependence of the instrumental function, or bynon-compensated slow-varying aerosol effects. While the residual varied from day to day, within each dataset it was consistent. The residual was calculated for each dataset, and included in the fits. This practice is discussed in detail by Chance (1998) and Allan et al (2000). Chance notes that it results in a factor of two decrease in the error on BrO SCAs. In our case we observed a slightly stronger decrease, about 2.0–2.5 times. We checked that there was no statistical relationship between the residual cross-sections of all absorbers included in the fit.

There are a number of sources of error in DOAS measurements of trace gas column amounts. These include instrumental errors and stray light, photon noise, radiative transfer effects due to aerosol and Rayleigh scattering, the influence of clouds, the Io-correction effect when retrieving weak absorbers, thermal effects on the spectrometer performance and errors due to non-perfect absorption cross-sections and their temperature dependences (e.g. Platt et al., 1997; Platt and Sturz, 2008).

Instrumental error were minimisedas noted above by correction of dark and offset spectra registered at the correct temperatures. The USB2000+ spectrometer was precisely calibrated and thermostabilised (see above) and the best available absorption cross-sections at corresponding temperatures were included in the fit. Photon noise was reduced by averaging measured spectra. In order to estimate the errors of DOAS retrievals we have first to select proper fitting interval, consider necessity of Io-corrections and account for retrieval errors and influence of radiative transfer effects.

Sulphur dioxide reveals strong absorption between 300 and 330 nm. Two effects compromise the retrieval depending on the fit window used. The first one is the presence of stray light components and in signals and . When the magnitudes of stray light in the instrument and spectra are comparable, the optical density derived in the DOAS retrieval is underestimated (Platt and Stutz, 2008):

if .

The impact of radiative transfer effects on DOAS retrievals was first reported by Millan (1980) who also provided asimplified theoretical model and some quantitative estimation. Later, Weibring et al. (2002) and Mori et al. (2006) reported experimental confirmation of the dependence of DOAS retrievals on scattering. Three effects may occur: widening of the plume due to multiple scattering in the plume and surrounding atmosphere; increase of the retrieved column amount due to multiple scattering in plume; or decrease of the retrieved column amount due to dilution effects. The radiative transfer effects on DOAS retrievals have been explained theoretically by means of three Monte-Carlo simulation models (Weibring et al., 2002; Kern et. al., 2010; Kern et al., 2012). None of these models accounts for all the above-mentioned effects. The proposed method for correction of the scattering effects requires presence of corresponding software and a-priori information about plume and atmosphere. Furthermore, processing is time consuming and labour intensive. An additional disadvantage is the common assumption of a cloudless atmosphere. In reality volcanic plumes are quite often surrounded by clouds. The Monte-Carlo simulation requires a more complicated approach in order to account for clouds (e.g. see Schröder, 2004, and references therein). As a result radiative transfer effects are ignored when dealing with large data sets (Bobrowski and Giuffrida, 2012; Mori et al.,2013; Lübcke et al. 2013).

Comparing our plume and atmospheric parameters, registration conditions and estimated column amounts when ignoring the scattering effects with the estimations of “effective” air mass factors reported by Kern (2010) for number of “fit scenarios” we concluded that our DOAS retrieved column amounts for SO2 are underestimated by 11 to 33%. Further Kern et al (2010) showed that for relatively transparent plume and surrounding atmosphere (as in our case) the “effective” air mass is practically wavelength independent.

In order to minimise the impact of stray light and scattering effects on SO2 DOAS retrieval , and thus to reduce any resulting error, an optimisation script was applied to find the most effective range for SO2 retrievals (Tsanev and C. Oppenheimer, 2006; Tsanev, access on web-page). The script operates by fixing the end point of the fitting interval, and progressively selecting minima and maxima of the SO2 absorption cross section as start points in succession. Assessment of the fit residual from the range of intervals allows the identification of the ideal fitting range, in which the air mass factor defined by radiative transfer is approximately constant and where there is no stray light interference. This algorithm is very similar to ‘Retrieval interval mapping’ proposed by Vogel (2013). Its aim is to select a fitting interval where residual is minimised but homogeneous and at the same time evaluated SO2 column amount are approximately constant. In this way the influence of stray light and scattering effects is minimised as much as possible. The SO2, O3, NO2 and Ring cross sections were included in the fit scenario. This algorithm suggested that the optimum range for SO2 retrievals was from 310.78 nm to 323.67nm for our data. The changes of fit residual in dependence on the lower limit of fitting range are presented on Figure 2. At longer wavelengths, the absorption of SO2 was significantly lower and a wider fitting range did not improve the results significantly, but resulted in larger errors.

Figure A1: Maximum, mean and minimum residual intensity (arbitrary units) for the fit range to 323.67nm, varying the initial wavelength of the interval. The fit stabilises at 310.78 nm.

BrO and OClO were retrieved in two spectral ranges: 320-360nm (to coincide with that used by Bobrowski, 2003, 2007) and 331-357nm, which contains three peaks of OClO and five of BrO (Kern et al., 2009). In both of these ranges, the cross sections for BrO, OClO and HCHO are distinct (Figure A2). Cross sections for O3, O4, BrO, OClO, NO2 and SO2 were included in the fit.

Figure A2: Cross-sections used in the fits, plus HCHO. Fit windows were 320-360nm and 331-357nm.

Small amounts of formaldehyde have been detected near some volcanoes (Bobrowski, 2005; Vogel, 2011; Lübcke et al., 2013). In all these cases formaldehyde probably originates from atmospheric photochemical tranformations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or biomass burning (Luecken et al., 2010). Further it is known that NO2 may exist in volcanic plumes if enough hot lava is in contact with atmospheric air (Martin et al., 2012). We tested thoroughly all background spectra by using a convolved solar spectrum as a reference (Salerno et al., 2009). We checked spectra for the presence of NO2, and this species was not found above the detection limit. This is consistent with the relatively low temperatures of the lava dome. Since HCHO is not of volcanic origin and we found no HCHO in the background spectra or measured spectra, and there is no reason to expect it to be present, we have not included HCHO in the fit.

Vogel et al (2013) discuss the role of the I0 effect in retrievals of BrO from volcanic plumes. This is caused by the presence of Fraunhofer lines in the background spectra used in DOAS retrievals and their absence in the cross-sections recorded in a laboratory (Aliwell et al., 2002). Vogel et al. (2013) note that unlike zenith-sky DOAS retrievals for stratospheric weak absorbers, BrO in volcanic plume retrievals experience considerably less error as a result of not accounting for the I0-effect.There is currently no theoretical means to estimate the error on BrO and OClO measurements from multiple scattering effects (Bobrowski et al., 2003; Lubcke et al., 2013; Vogel et al., 2013).

We did carry out retrievals using a ClO cross section, but were unable to eliminate the possibility that the results were artefacts of the processing due to high concentrations of SO2 and the overlap of the ClO and SO2 cross sections. We have therefore omitted these results from the analysis.

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