Name ______#______
1. Choose three activities from the choice board. 2. Label each assignment at the top of the page. 3. All assignments due on Friday
Divide each word into syllables—check with dictionary, if needed.
friend-ly / Words With Friends
Write your words on graph paper and have them intersect using a common letter like you do with Scrabble. / Sticker or Stamp
Use letter stamps or stickers to spell your words. / Ladder Words
ABC Order
Write all of your spelling words in ABC order. / Word Sort
Look at your words and put them in groups. Write down the groups and explain how you sorted them.
(ex: # of syllables or letters, part of speech, beginning or ending letter, vowel sounds, etc.) / Dictionary Hunt
Read, spell and write each word. Find each word and write the part of speech (List ALL if there is more than one. Ex: hat - noun). / Spelling Illustrations
Write each of your spelling words and draw a picture or find & glue a picture to help illustrate what your word means.
Ex: home
Synonym and Antonym
Write each word and write a synonym and antonym for each word. / Letter Generator
Go to
and type a Friendly letter using all your Spelling words this week. Print it out. You can also write a Friendly letter on a postcard or paper as well. / Create an activity
Can you think of a fun way to do your spelling activities? Get permission from your teacher. / Spelling City
Go to and print an activity and complete with this week’s spelling words.
Write each word 2 times neatly in cursive. / Word Search Puzzle
Go to to create and print a word search using all your words THEN find all of your spelling words. / How much is it worth?
Write each word. Use coins to add up how much each word is worth. Ex: word = 36 c
Quarter: A,B,C,D,E,F Dime: G,H,I,J,K,L,M Nickel: N,O,P,Q,R,S,T Penny: U,V,W,X,Y,Z