Aims and Objectives
Consumer Protection provides a wide range of front line services. The unit’s mission statement is ‘to protect the health and safety of the community whilst preserving and improving the local environment and encouraging fair trading for the benefit of consumers and business alike’.
Links to Corporate objectives and plans
a)We aim to contribute by::
  • Ensuring food is manufactured, handled, prepared, packaged, stored and sold in a hygienic way, in compliance with food legislation.
  • Ensuring food is labelled correctly and meets compositional requirements.
  • Monitoring infectious diseases and investigating cases of food poisoning.
  • Facilitating education and promotion activities.
b)Public Health Action Plan
The plan for 2001-04 identifies key priorities for improving health in Dorset and brings Agencies together to achieve this.
The food service plan contributes to the following priorities:
Reduction in heart disease and strokes
c)Major Incident Plan
A corporate, generic plan has been written. This provides for procedures and chain of command in the event of a major incident. Further specific arrangements are in place with the Consultant in Communicable Disease Control in the event of an infectious disease outbreak.
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Food and Feedingstuffs Premises Inspections

a)Food premises have been risked assessed in accordance with Food Safety Act Codes of Practice 8 and 9. Details of risk assessments are recorded on a Flare Software System against the individual premises. The revised risk assessment scheme will be implemented when finalised.
b)Subsequent to the introduction of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) requirements in compliance with Regulation 4(3), the time to complete a programmed high risk inspection has increased. This is due to increased advice and guidance given to businesses in explaining the concepts and its practical application.

c)Food Standards Inspection Programme

Food Standards - Premises Tagged for Planned Inspection 2003/04 ( ie where next inspection date falls between 1/04/02 and 31/03/03 based on risked visit frequency –High =1 year, Med = 2 year, Low = 5year)

High / Med / Low / Total
16 / 190 / 525
No. of Planned Inspections 02-03 / 16 / 111 / 203 / 330
Estimated time per inspection, including travel and administrative work (hours) / 6 / 3 / 2 / 835 hours
Estimated number of revisits / 15

NB High number of Low risk premises programmed is due to the numbers of planned inspections carried forward from previous years as well as premises being brought into the risk based inspection programme.

An estimation of the resources

to undertake this work is 0.75 FTE

cont’d / a)Food Hygiene Inspection Programme

Food Hygiene- Premises Tagged for Planned Inspection 2002/03 ( ie where next inspection date falls between 1/04/02 and 31/03/03 based on risked visit frequency)

A / B / C / D / E / F / Total
Total No. of Premises in risk based inspection programme / 9 / 125 / 420 / 111 / 124 / 84 / 875
No. of Planned Inspections 03-04 / 18 / 125 / 246 / 62 / 62 / 44 / 557
Estimated time per inspection, including travel and administrative work (hours) / 6 / 5 / 4 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2063 hours
Estimated number of revisits / 75

An additional 52 un-rated premises not shown in Table are also included as programmed Food Hygiene inspections for 2003/04. These are recently opened businesses that have yet to have a comprehensive inspection and receive a risk rating. 27 medium risk hygiene inspections not undertaken last year will be carried forward and completed within the first 2 months of this year.

An estimation of the resources
to undertake this work is 2.0 FTE
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Food and Feedingstuffs Complaints

a)Procedures are in place for the investigation of such complaints. These are in accordance with the Food Safety Act 1990, relevant codes of practice and LACORS advice
b)An initial response is made within two working days. Advice and guidance is offered to all complainants. Where appropriate a referral is made to another local authority acting as a home authority.
c)Based on April 2002 – March 2003 food standards and hygiene complaints for 2003/04 are estimated to be 300.
d)Required resources to undertake this work is 0.8 FTE.

Home Authority Principle

a)Poole supports the home authority principle and has a formal agreement with the three largest food manufacturers within the borough.
b)Based on April 2002 – March 2003 the estimated number of referrals for 2003/2004 will be 50
c)The estimate of resources required to support these businesses is 0.2 FTE

Advice to Business and Residents

a)Local business is supported by producing information where there is a need and providing information and advice on request.
b)A face to face survey with food businesses having received a hygiene inspection was undertaken in 2001. The results showed the inspections were well received, with a high degree of consistency with properties aware of any requirements.
c)A consultative business panel comprising 15 businesses engaged in the food trade was formed in 2000. These ranged from a take-away premises to food manufacturers.
d)Based on April 2002 – March 2003 requests for advice from business and residents the estimated demand for 2003/2004 is 400. The estimated resources to complete this work is 0.25 FTE
e)The unit’s food officers act as experts in food matters for the council, for example, providing advice and guidance to colleagues in monitoring contracts of food supplied directly to schools.
Estimated Resources required to undertake this work are estimated at 0.05 FTE
f)Microbiological analysis is undertaken by Health Protection Unit (formerly Public Health Laboratory Service). Public Analysis in respect of food and agricultural standards is undertaken by appointed laboratory Somerset Scientific Services, Taunton.

Food and Feedingstuffs Sampling

a)Poole supports a sampling programme, which plays an important role in achieving safe food of a high standard. Sampling programme targets are appropriate to local needs and also reflect home authority responsibilities.
b)The sampling programme for 2003/2004 focuses on our home authority responsibilities and locally produced foods. In 2003/2004 in relation specifically to Food Hygiene we will participate in both planned LACORS surveys in respect of raw shell eggs and their use in catering premises and an end of shelf life study of packaged cooked meats at retail premises.
c)For Food Standards as well as participation in planned SWERCOTS and FSA/LACORS sampling the Public Analyst will be consulted in devising a sampling programme.
d)It is anticipated that between 150-200 samples (excluding shellfish) will be examined/analysed. Based on 02/03 25% of samples will result from food complaints.
e)The unit has a service level agreement with Poole Harbour Commissioners to service our shellfish monitoring requirements in accordance with shellfish hygiene regulations. Shellfish are collected from nine points within the harbour and two in Poole Bay on a monthly cycle. Additional areas within the harbour and bay have been found to support shellfish and consultation is likely to require resource to service this demand.
f)These are examined for microbiological quality. It is anticipated that a total of 140 shellfish will be submitted for analysis during 2003/2004.
g)It is estimated that resources required to complete the sampling programme will be 0.6 FTE
h) The food sampling budget is £5050 .

Control and Investigation of Outbreaks and Food Related Infectious Disease

a)The authority has appointed “Proper Officers”, these being medically qualified employees of the Health Protection Agency to give advice and co-ordinate in the event of food or communicable disease outbreak. In consultation with the Health Protection Agency positive identification of the following infectious diseases are faxed to the unit. Salmonella, Shigella, E coli, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Listeria, Giardia and potential food poisoning cases.
b)All cases of E coli, Salmonella, Shigella or Cryptosporidium are visited within two working days. In cases of Cryptosporidium a national questionnaire is completed.
c)Other notified food poisoning cases are written to within two days. This includes information on food poisoning and requesting contacting a named officer to discuss further or if a commercial premises is implicated.
d)It is anticipated that 375 positive identification notifications will be received in 2003/2004.
e)It is estimated that resources for investigation of infectious diseases will be 0.25 FTE.
f)An outbreak control plan written in conjunction with the Health Protection Agency is in position. This details actions and management in the event of an outbreak.
g)Information suggests that shell fishing is being undertaken in part of the harbour not classified, where sampling has shown high levels of bacteria. This has potential food safety implications. In partnership with other organisations surveys of these areas will be undertaken and illegal fishing encountered be actioned in accordance with the unit’s enforcement policy.

Food Safety Incidents

a)Food hazard warnings are investigated in accordance with Code of Practice 16. EHC net and TS Interlink communication networks are accessed daily. Any food hazard warning is recorded. Action taken will be in accordance with the warning rating and such additional guidance given by the FSA.
b) 40 food hazard warnings are anticipated in 2003/2004.
c)Estimated resources required will be 0.15 FTE in recognition that a higher percentage are likely to require action by officers.

Food safety registration

a) New proprietors and businesses are required to register with the local authority. The maintenance of an accurate database is essential to ensure food businesses form part of the inspection programme ,and is a Food Standards Agency requirement. 200 new/changed registration are anticipated in 2003/04. Estimated resource is 0.05 FTE.

Liaison with Other Organisations

a)To facilitate consistent activity the authority is represented on the following working groups/panels:
  • Trading Standards and Environmental Health regional working groups in respect of food safety, and hygiene.
  • Southern Shellfish Liaison Group.
  • Health Protection Agency - Public Health Laboratory users group
b) Officers are represented on
  • LACORS meat product advisory group and shellfish group
c) It is estimated resources required amount to 0.1 FTE.
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Promotional Work

a)There are several local providers of food hygiene courses. Liaison is maintained with these providers and details are made available to traders and on enquiry.
b)The unit internet page is being developed with the intention of incorporating promotional material, as part of the corporate e government objectives.
c)The unit’s citizen panel placed a low priority on this area compared with other services provided.
d)We will continue to make interested parties aware of their responsibilities in respect of Specific Risk Material and the Animal Bi Products Order 1999.
e)Where appropriate funding will be sought through ESF/LSC to provide foundation food hygiene training to food handlers where English is not there first language.

f)It is estimated that the resources required to undertake this work will be 0.05 FTE

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Financial allocation

a)Financial allocation in respect of food standards and hygiene is made in accordance with assessment of percentage FTE that officers undertake this work.
b)Support costs include provision for IT and central support costs of legal, personnel and financial services. These are similarly allocated.
02/03 03/04
Salary inc on-costs 190860 198930
Transport inc 9320 7820
lump sum payments
Support 33250 22280
Sampling 5000 5050

Staffing Allocation

Total staffing allocation is 6.51 FTE
This includes
0.94 Managerial
0.23 Administrative support, giving operational staffing of 5.34 FTE
The anticipated resources required to deliver the food service plan are :
Inspections Food Standards 0.75
Inspections Food Hygiene 2.00
Complaints 0.80
Home Authority 0.25
Advice- trade & residents 0.20
Sampling 0.60
Infectious disease 0.25
Hazard Warnings 0.15
Liaison groups 0.10
Promotional activities 0.05
Food registration 0.05
Total 5.20
Currently long term vacancies amount to 0.70 FTE . It has not been possible to appoint a qualified officers; alternative staffing, including use of temporary staff is being pursued in order that the plan can be delivered. A long term sickness amounts to 0.30 FTE.
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Staff Development

a)The unit operates a career grade staff development plan and is IIP accredited.
b)Training requirements arising from individuals development plans and new legislation procedures are incorporated into the unit training programme.
c)All officers undertaking work in accordance with Codes Of Practice 8 & 9 receive training in food matters and comply with CIEH CPD requirements as appropriate. Officers are authorised and provided with warrants in accordance with Code Of Practice 19 qualification requirements.


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Quality Assessment

a)Programmed inspections are allocated monthly to officers
b)Complaints and service requests are entered on a Flare database. All actions are recorded against the record.
c)Monthly management reviews are held with all officers to discuss and review work demands, actions and outcomes. These include assessment against service unit and corporate performance standards.
d)Legal notices are agreed with the team manager prior to service. Letters differentiate between legal requirements and best practice.
e)The unit operates to a quality assurance scheme with appropriate work instructions procedures and documents. Development is on going to meet ISO 9002 requirements in all respects.
f)A quality of inspection procedure is in place with all inspecting officers being accompanied by team manager/principal officer, on a planned basis. The procedure starts with investigation of records prior to inspection includes the inspection process, post inspection written information and recording. An appraisal monitoring form is completed by the manager. Results are discussed; any divergence from Q A is acted upon. The monitoring form is held by the Team Manager (Proactive).
g)The unit is participating in inter-authority audits.
h)A percentage of premises receiving a programmed inspection are surveyed as to the trader’s opinion on the inspection, the attitude and conduct of the officer and usefulness of advice given. Survey returns are analysed to identify shortcomings or improvements to the system or with individual officers.
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Review against the Service Plan

a)The plan will be reviewed continually by the Team Manager (Proactive) and quarterly with the Head of Consumer Protection Services. This will be in respect of quality standard and targeted outcomes.
b)On an annual basis a report will be submitted to the Environment and Prosperity Policy Advisory Group, reviewing the current plan and proposing a plan for the forthcoming year.
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Variance from Service Plan

A resume of the review will be recorded together with reasons for any variance from the plan.
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Improvement Plan

As identified by the review or quality assessment.