
Effect of a Motor Control Intervention in Two-and-a-half to Six Year Old Children Diagnosed with Idiopathic Toe-walking


Today’s date______

Child’s name______Boy___ Girl___

Child’s date of birth ______Child’s age today______

Your name and relationship to child: ______

Name of other parent or person(s) responsible for child: ______

Address: ______

Phone number: ______Emergency phone number: ______

Child’s physician: ______phone number: ______

Birth history

1. How many weeks gestation was your child? ______

2. Birth weight: ______

3. Any complications during pregnancy yes____ no_____

4. Birth complications: yes____ no_____

Cesarean: yes____ no_____ Multiple birth: yes____ no_____

Did he or she require oxygen or resuscitation at birth? yes____ no_____

Did he or she require hospital care more than 3 days? yes____ no_____

Developmental history and walking

1. Age when child walked independently? ______(months)

2. Does your child receive speech or language intervention? yes ___ no___

3. Is your child having difficulties with learning or attention? yes____ no_____

4. Has your child always walked on his or her toes? yes____ no______

If not, at what age did toe-walking begin? ______(months)

5. Is your child able to heel-toe walk sometimes? yes____ no_____

6. On the following line please mark your estimate how much toe-walking your child engages in at this time:


0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

7. Check problems or your concerns about your child as a result of toe-walking:

____falling* ____feet turn in (pigeon toe)

____poor balance ____feet turn out

____tight calf muscles ____leg or foot pain

____tires easily ____flat foot, no arches

____limps ____knee problems

____bunion ____teased by other children

*How often does your child fall?______

Are there particular circumstances in which your child is more likely to fall? ______

8. Have you made any efforts to change your child’s walking? yes____ no_____ If so, what happened as a result of your efforts?______

9. Does your child’s toe-walking behavior vary with the time of day? yes___ no____

10. Are there any more details about your child’s walking that you would like to add?______

Family history related to toe-walking

1. Check family members who were “toe walkers” after the age of 3 years?

__father __mother

__grandfather (father’s side) __grandfather (mother’s side)

__grandmother (father’s side) __grandmother (mother’s side)

__siblings (how many and current ages ______)

__aunts or uncles

__None or Don’t know

2. Do any of these continue to toe walk? yes____ no_____ don’t know_____

If not, at what ages did they outgrow toe-walking?______

3. Do family members have any unusual traits or conditions that seem to be associated with former or present toe-walking?______


Health Issues

1. List any other medical concerns that might affect physical therapy activities (such as asthma, allergies)? ______

2. List regular medications______


3. Is there anything more that we should know to be able to help your child? ______

Visual Analog Scale For Parent Observations

Effect of a Motor Control Intervention in Two-and-a-half to Six Year Children Diagnosed with Idiopathic Toe-walking

Patient code ______

Session # ______



0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

Please put a mark on the line that is your estimate of how much heel-toe-walking your child engaged in during your observations.

What circumstances may have influenced how your child has been walking: (such as being with other children, fatigue, illness)? ______