Appendix A- Gastric Lymph Node Survey

1. What type of facility do you work in?
 teaching hospital  private lab
 community hospital  other / 2. How many pathologists are in your pathology department?
 1-4  5-9  10-14  >15
3. Of those pathologists in your department, how many sign-out gastric cancer resection specimens?
 1-4  5-9  10-14  >15 / 4. On average, how many pathology residents do you have?
 We do not have residents  3
 0 at this time  4
 1  5
 2  >5
5. How many pathology assistants do you have?
 0 at this time  >3
 1  N/A
 2 / 6. Does your facility process gastric cancer resection specimens?
 yes
 no
 We send our gastric cancer resection specimens out to another facility
7. Who does the grossing in your lab? Choose all that apply.
 pathologist  resident
pathology assistant  other / 8. How many gastric cancer resections does your facility process per year?
1-3 4-6  7-9
 10-12 >13
9. Do you routinely look for any of the following in the gastric cancer specimens: Choose all that apply.
 vascular involvement  perineural invasion
signet rings / 10. On average, what is the estimated time it takes to identify gastric cancer and dissect the lymph nodes in a gastric cancer resection specimen?
 <10 min 10-30 min 30-60 min
 >60 min
11. How often do you use keratin immunohistochemical stains on lymph nodes taken from gastric cancer resection specimens?
never  rarely  25% of the time
 50% of the time  always / 12. How many lymph nodes do you TRY to harvest in a gastric cancer resection specimen?
 <5 5-10 10-15
15-20  >20
13. How many lymph nodes on average do you (or PA/resident) ACTUALLY find per gastric cancer resection specimen?
 <5  5-10  10-15
 10-15  >20 / 14. Do you use lymph node clearing solutions?
 yes  no
15. If you chose “yes” in #14, which of the following clearing solutions do you use for lymph nodes from gastric cancer specimens? Choose all that apply.
 Xylene clearance  Wintergreen/cedar oil clearance  Ether-ethanol-acetic acid (lymph node revealing solution)  acetic acid- alcohol fixative (GEWF)  Other / 16. Do you think finding 5 extra lymph nodes per gastric cancer resection specimen would be:
 a) a significantly increased burden
 b) not a burden
17. How much time do you think the 5 extra lymph nodes from gastric cancer specimens would take?
 <10 min  10-30 min
 30-60 min  >60 min / 18. If you chose a) in #16, do you think finding 5 extra lymph nodes per gastric cancer specimen would be an increased burden because of: (Choose all that apply)
 increased burden due to availability of clearing solution
 increased burden due to cost of solution
 increased burden due to increased processing time
 increased burden due to poor surgical specimen
 increased burden due to increase in PA processing time
Other (please specify): ______
19. Do you offer intra-operative consultation of gross/macroscopic margins for gastric cancer resections?
 yes  no / 20. Do you give frozen section proximal margins for gastric cancer resections?
 yes  no
21. Do you give frozen section distal margins for gastric cancer resections?
 yes  no / 22. What do you consider an adequate gross/macroscopic margin?
 >1 cm  >2 cm  >3 cm
 >4 cm  >5 cm  >6 cm
 >7 cm  >8 cm
23. Do you try to determine if a D1 or D2 gastric resection has been performed by the surgeon?
 yes  no
 this is unfamiliar terminology / 24. Currently, what type of reporting system does your facility use? Choose all that apply.
 dictation  hand-typed  synoptic
 point and click  other (please specify)____
25. Do you feel synoptic reporting is useful for (gastric) cancer specimens?
 yes  no / 26. If you do not think synoptic reporting is useful, please indicate why: (Choose all that apply)
 time consuming  loss of information
 cumbersome
 do not have computer/manpower for it
 other (please specify) ______
27. Do you think that performance incentives may be helpful in getting more lymph nodes per specimen?
 yes  no / 28. Do you think that pathologists should have performance bonuses (for example pay) for achieving quality standards?
 yes  no
29. In relation to the above question, why or why not? ______ / 30. Do you think an educational/CME session on gastric pathology would be useful?
 yes  no
31. What is your age?
 <30  30-39  40-49
 50-59  60-69  >70 / 32. Years in practice:
 <5  5-10  10-15
 15-30  >30
33. Sex:
 Female  Male / 34. Type of practice:
 rural  urban community
 urban academic
35. Please write any comments below: