Appendix A Example Supervision Agreement for Social Workers

Templates should be individualised to meet needs

1Parties to agreement

XxxAdvanced Practitioner

XxxSocial Worker

2Date of agreement

xx.xx.xxReview annually in April or by mutual agreement

3Professional context/standards

HCPC Standards of Proficiency (SOPS):

  • To be able to reflect on and review practice
  • To understand the value of critical reflection on practice and the need to record the outcome of such reflection appropriately
  • To recognise the value of supervision, case reviews and other methods of reflection and review
  • To be able to assure the quality of their practice
  • To be able to use supervision to support and enhance the quality of their social work practice
  • To be able to contribute to processes designed to evaluate service and individual outcomes
  • To be able to engage in evidence-informed practice, evaluate practice systematically and participate in audit procedure

Professional Capabilities Framework (The College of Social Work)

Knowledge & Skills Statement (DfE)

4Agency context/Policy & Procedure

  • Supervision -
  • Performance
  • Equality & Diversity
  • Health & Safety including risk assessment and lone working
  • Code of conduct and other Human Resources Procedures relating to Council employment & Public Service

5Purpose of supervision

“To optimise the service to users within the limits of agency task, professional knowledge and financial resources”

Hughes L & Pengelly P 1997 “Staff Supervision in a Turbulent Environment” London: JKP

  • Produce and review outcome-focussed SMART plans for children based on needs assessment
  • Meet service objectives and priorities
  • Improve knowledge and skills in agreed areas
  • Identify learning continuing professional development needs and plan to meet them
  • Develop a positive climate for good quality practice
  • Promote anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive social work practice
  • Support and accountability


While weekly group supervision on cases is recorded by the Practice Co-ordinator and signed off by the line manager for electronic social care records, 1:1 casework supervision is recorded by the line manager directly to electronic social care records. Other 1:1 non-casework discussion is recorded electronically by the line manager and is confidential except where other policy and Procedure/agency context allows for exception. Any information shared during supervision would only be communicated to others on a need to know basis. The line manager should provide a copy of their written record to the supervisee and both should sign this and maintain electronic folders as a record.

Supervision should take place in private without interruption by people or phones.

7Power differences in the supervisory relationship

Discussion should take place about previous experience of supervision and any factor likely to crop up as a difference to be acknowledged, recorded and worked with.


Formal 1:1 supervision meetings will take place every 4-6 weeks as minimum except where annual leave or other absence makes this impractical. Dates will be agreed in advance or the next on-date agreed at the end of the meeting.

9Involvement of others in ad hoc supervision

The experienced social worker in the set is also available for consultation on practice, policy and procedure. The Practice Group Lead or other Advanced Practitioners in the Group may also be approached in situations of crisis or absence of the line manager AP.


There is an expectation that the entire group attends group supervision unless leave, sickness or emergency prevents this. Cancellations of 1:1 supervision should be avoided but the nature of the work makes this impossible sometimes. If an emergency necessitates the postponement of a supervision meeting, a further time to meet will be arranged with minimum delay.


1:1 supervision is likely to last an hour (given weekly group supervision) but may be shorter or longer as required.


Supervision is a two way process which should be actively sought by both parties and therefore preparation falls to both to propose items for discussion and agree an agenda at the start. The agenda is likely to include

  • Emergency casework that cannot wait for group supervision
  • Absence (leave/toil/sickness (return to work)/other)
  • CPD (identification of needs, preparation of plans, discussion of learning and impact on practice development and service delivery)
  • Feedback and appraisal including preparation and feedback of direct observation of practice and any audit activity
  • Evidence of practice development and opportunities for stretch targets e.g. opportunities to develop professional leadership
  • Personal/professional boundary issue including emotional impact of work, health & safety, stress management and wellbeing at work including any difficulties in colleague or multi-agency relationships


The supervisor will take notes during 1:1 meetings and will write a supervision record on electronic social care records if there are discussion/decisions about casework. Otherwise, the record of discussion will be maintained in an electronic supervision folder and a copy emailed to the Social Worker for signature. Unless there is challenge to the record, the manager will assume the record is accepted as a true reflection of the meeting.


Supervision requires a trusting relationship with commitment and involvement on both sides. Both parties need to have respect for each other. Supervision should be sensitive, constructive and challenging. Any disagreements will be recorded. In the event of difficulties which cannot be resolved between supervisee and supervisor, a three-way discussion involving the PGL will be arranged.

15Regular agenda items

See note 11 above on preparation. Group supervision will cover allocation and transfers, reflective discussion on casework with systemic clinical input as appropriate, values, other relevant theoretical concepts, relevant research as indicated, quality assurance & performance standards of the group. As appropriate there will also be discussion of inter-agency working issues in relation to the work with children and families, service developments and change.

16Other meetings

Regular attendance is also expected at

  • Service Days where information about law, policy & procedure, service development and change is shared.
  • Practice development workshops as advised
  • Learning opportunities agreed and approved via My Learning Source
  • Mentoring and/or coaching as agreed


Signed ………………………………………….. Social Worker

Signed…………………………………………… Advanced Practitioner