Appendix 9B – Energy Emergency Alerts

C. Energy Emergency Alert 3 Report

NERC policy 9B section B paragraph 3.5 requires that a Deficient Control Area or Load Serving Entity declaring a Energy Emergency Alert 3 must complete the following report. Upon completion of this report it is to be sent to the Security Coordinator for review within two business days of the incident.

Requesting Control Area: Duquesne Light Company
Entity experiencing energy deficiency (if different from Control Area): same
Date/Time Implemented: 22 July 2002 at 1300
Date/Time Released: 22 July 2002 at 2137

Declared Deficiency Amount (MW): 150 MW

Total Energy supplied by other Control Areas During the Alert 3 period: 323 MWH were supplied by other Control Areas. These MWH are related explicitly to the EEA III
Conditions that precipitated call for “Energy Deficiency Alert 3”:

Schedule cuts of 300 MW’s because of a level 3A TLR on Flow Gate 2414 called at 1300

on 7/22/02
If “Energy Deficiency Alert 3” had not been called, would firm load be cut? if no, explain:
To Balance load to Energy supply firm load would have had to been shed.
Explain what action was taken in each step to avoid calling for
“Energy Deficiency Alert 3”:
1. All generation capable of being on line in the time frame of the energy deficiency was on line (including quick start and peaking units) without regard to cost.
DLCO owns no Generation. All third party generation within DLCO’s Control Area was on & loaded to
available capacity.
2. All firm and nonfirm purchases were made regardless of cost.
If the EEA III was not called, available energy would not have been allowed to flow because of the transmission constrints caused by the TLR 3A.
3. All nonfirm sales were recalled within provisions of the sale agreement.
DLCO owns no Generation. No third party nonfirm sales were in effect at the time.
4. Interruptible load was curtailed where either advance notice restrictions were met or the interruptible load was considered part of spinning reserve.
DLCO Control Area has no ECAR Interruptable load.
5. Available load reduction programs were exercised (public appeals, voltage reductions, etc.).
Within the time frame allowed by the TLR 3A cuts. DLCO used load reduction procedures.
6. Operating Reserves being utilized.
DLCO had spinning & supplement reserves loaded as the situation required
To keep from shedding firm load, DLCO followed the NERC Manual Procedures of Policy 9B Sect A Req 1.1 & Sect B 3&4.
Reported By: Robert McClelland / Organization: Duquesne Light Co.
Title: Manager, Control Room Operations

Version 2 A9B-2 Approved by Board of Trustees: June 22, 2000