Alabama Association of Student Financial Administrators (ASFAA) Transition Meeting

Friday, June 15, 2012 – 10 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Samford University – Divinity Hall, Room 111

Minutes of the Transition Meeting

The Alabama Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (AASFAA) Transition Meeting was called to order by President Vickie Adams at 10:25 a. m. The Executive Board members and Committee Chairpersons whose names are listed below were present for this meeting.

Dr. William Wall Kevin Ammons

Debra Talley Jennifer Epperson

Amanda Sharp Stephanie Miller

Amy Rowell Cheryl Newton

Vickie Adams Betty Edwards

Sharon Williams

A copy of the Committee Chairs and Executive Officers written reports are included with these minutes.

However, the Committee Chairs and Executive Board members present at the Transition meeting made the following additional reports:

Mrs. Cheryl Newton, ACHE Liaison, reported that there is a desire by the Alabama Commission of Higher Education to create an Advisory Group composed of public, private two-year and four-year AASFAA college members in order to bring our concerns to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education.

Stephanie Miller, Chairperson, 2012 Spring Local Arrangements, reported that the 2012 Spring Conference came in under budget; and, she thanked all of the members who helped the Local Arrangements Committee at the Conference.

Phillip Nelson, Chairperson, 2011 Fall Local Arrangements, reported that the Local Arrangements Committee is working on the 2012 Fall Workshop, scheduled for Friday, November 16, 2012, as well as the catering arrangements. The Program Chair will work on speakers for the November 16 workshop.

In addition, Phillip Nelson reported on the AASFAA Financial Review for 2011-2012. The Audit Review was fine and a copy of this report is included with these minutes. Phillip also commended Belinda Duett for an awesome job as Treasurer for the 2011-2012 year. Phillip further suggested that the person responsible for conducting the 2012-2013 Financial Review should be someone who is located close to Ann Campbell, AASFAA Treasurer for 2012-2013.

Kevin Ammons, Vice President, reported that there were 88 attendees for the 2011 Fall Conference. It was also requested that we continue the on-line registration for the 2012-2013 year and to continue the prepared name tags for the 2013 Spring Conference. Belinda Duett prepared the names tags for the 2012 Spring Conference. It was requested that we ask Belinda to continue with the name tags preparation for the 2013 Spring Conference.

It was requested that the Board members renew their memberships now and get their staff members to also renew their memberships. Betty Edwards who will serve as the 2012-2013 Membership Chairperson will follow up with this request.

AASFAA Transition Meeting

Samford University

June 15, 2012

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Vickie Adams, President, reported on the following 2011-2012 activities:

-The signing of the Proclamation for Financial Aid Awareness Week by Governor Bentley.

-The AASFAA Notebooks that were printed by the University of North Alabama. Vickie commended

Ben Baker for the hard work that he did as Program Chair and for getting the AASFAA Notebooks for

the 2012 Spring Conference. For the record, Stephanie Miller graciously provided the picture that was

on the AASFAA Notebook

-Vickie also reported that the Budget Committee met on May 22, 2012, at Lawson State Community

College, Bessemer campus, and that action will be taken on the minutes from the Budget Committee

during this Transition Meeting.

President Adams expressed her special thanks to Amanda Sharp and Dr. William Wall for helping her during her term as President of AASFAA. Vickie indicated that she was looking forward to working with the New Executive Board next year. Vickie also stated that she will be standing by Sharon Williams as she serves as AASFAA President for 2012-2013.

Amanda Sharp, Past President, reported that since she was on the slate of candidates for office for 2012-2013, she was unable to handle the Nominations and Elections duties. Amanda thanked Chip Quisenberry for stepping up in her stead.

Debra Talley, Chairperson, Diversity Committee, reported that during the 2011-2012 year, the Diversity Committee was not active. However, she expressed her appreciation to President Adams for allowing her to serve.

Dr. Wall, Chairperson of the Scholarship and the Policies and Procedures Committees reported on the following items:

1.  The Scholarship brochures are out of date. The Board would need to decide whether to update the brochures and reprint them. A copy of the current scholarship brochure was passed around during this meeting for review by the Executive Board members. President Adams and the other members of the Executive Board members, present for this meeting, agreed that it is time to reprint and update the AASFAA Scholarship Brochure.

2.  The Financial Aid Officers, at the institutions that received an AASFAA Scholarship at the 2012 Spring Conference, have until December 2012 to request the scholarship funds from AASFAA.

3.  Dr. Wall shared that Charlie’s Trophy has been preparing the AASFAA awards for over 30 years as well as the AASFAA Lapel Pins.

Betty Edwards stated that the financial aid staff at Trenholm State would be happy to help Dr. Wall prepare the Scholarship documents needed for the 2013 Spring Conference. However, it was suggested that a sample Scholarship package be developed to share with each new AASFAA President that could be passed from President to President.

AASFAA Transition Meeting

Samford University

June 15, 2012

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A brief discussion was entertained regarding the handling of thank-you letters received from the AASFAA Scholarship recipients. Stephanie Miller suggested that recipients write their thank-you letters and submit them to AASFAA for the Association to submit to the Scholarship families. It was further suggested that the address that the Financial Aid Director would use to submit the thank-you Letters would be that of the current AASFAA President. The final suggestion for handling the thank-you letters was that the Financial Aid Director from each recipient Institution could include the thank-you letter when submitting the Invoice to the Treasurer. This would allow the Treasurer to send all of the thank-you letters to the Scholarship Chairperson who would forward the thank-you letters to the appropriate family for whom the AASFAA Scholarship honors.

Sharon Williams, President Elect, reported that there is nothing on the AASFAA Website regarding minutes, reports, etc., and changes to the Website. Betty Edwards, Secretary, will work with Stephanie Miller to get all of the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 minutes and reports loaded on the AASFAA website.

Sharon suggested that we give the NASFAA Trainer a year off.

Amanda Sharp suggested that we fix the Vendors badges to indicate what day they will be at the Conference. In addition, Stephanie Miller suggested that we identify what meals they will attend.

At this Transition meeting, the minutes from the recent previous meetings, as indicated below, were presented to the AASFAA Executive Board members present for approval.

-Executive Board Meeting at Lake Guntersville, Alabama, on Tuesday, April 10, 2012;

- AASFAA Opening Session and Business Meeting, Wednesday, April 11, 2012;

- Business Meeting at the AASFAA Appreciation Banquet, Thursday, April 12, 2012; and,

- Budget Committee Meeting, Lawson State Community College, Tuesday, May 22, 2012.

After a review of the minutes for each of the meetings listed above, Kevin Ammons motioned to accept all of the minutes as printed and Amanda seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Before the end of the first session of the Transition meeting, President Adams reminded us that a voting booth section will not be set up at the 2013 Spring Conference. Therefore, everyone will have to continue to vote on line.

Stephanie Miller shared that the NACAC College Fair with be held on Sunday, September 16, 2012, and volunteers would be needed to serve at the AASFAA table. Suggestions were made that we could look at College Goal Sunday and work on a plan to get information out about College Goal Sunday.

The next discussion item was the AASFAA one year transition from ATAC to Wild Apricot. President Adams expressed a concern about someone to monitor the Wild Apricot. There was also a concern about the placement of a dedicated Server and someone to handle this part of the operation. Amanda Sharp suggested that we check with SASFAA and other agencies, for example Tennessee, that are already users of Wild Apricot. Amanda called our attention to the fact that the missing link is just making a decision. It was finally decided that we should contact Jane for SASFAA and Paula to get a fee structure. Amanda agreed to email Jane at SASFAA. In addition, we need to get the dates covered by our current ATAC contract in order to make a decision about the transition from ATAC to Wild Apricot. Sharon Williams and Vickie Adams agreed to work on this part of the transition.

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Samford University

June 15, 2012

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It was also reported that AASFAA is not in a position to take on Dr. Katsinas’ study as a special project because of budget constraints; only $100 was budgeted in the Special Projects category.

Ann Campbell suggested that we wait to the end of the current year to revisit the Budget. At that time, a conference call could be conducted to take another look at the budget. It was decided to accept the actual budget as presented and take no action on the Proposed Budget until all expenditures are in at the end of the year.

Wanda Bass, Archives Chairperson, was absent from this meeting but she notified the Secretary by email that the Archives Committee did not have anything new to report at this time.

At 12 Noon, the Transition meeting was adjourned for lunch until 1:00 p.m., when the new Board members would be welcomed and the transition of officers would occur.

At 1:05 p.m., the 2012 Transition Meeting reconvened for the official transition of officers. The following transitions occurred at this meeting:

-  Vickie Adams transitioned the AASFAA Presidency to Sharon Williams.

-  Kevin Ammons transitioned the Vice President position to Phillip Nelson

-  Sharon Williams transitioned the President-Elect position to Kevin Ammons

-  Betty Edwards transitioned the position of AASFAA Secretary to Stephanie Miller.

-  The transitioning of the position of Treasurer from Belinda to Ann Campbell would take place on

June 29, 2012. The credit card would also be given to Ann at this time.

In addition, the following changes also occurred:

-  Jennifer Epperson was named to the Local Arrangements Committee for 2013.

-  Dr. William Wall agreed to ask Michelle Thompson to help with the Scholarship Committee along with Betty Edwards.

-  Debra Talley agreed to serve on the Policies and Procedures Committee with Dr. Wall for 2012-2013.

Before the Transition meeting adjourned, the following announcements were made:

1.  Sharon Williams shared that her new staff member, Diamonique Townsend, would like to serve on the Local Arrangements Committee for the 2013 Spring Conference.

2.  Vickie Adams also shared that Ben Baker was preparing the AASFAA Newsletter which should be available later in June, 2012. Vanessa Kyles will prepare the 2012 Fall and the 2013 Spring Newsletters.

3.  It was also announced that Joan Waters, Public Relations Chairperson, sent a CD with pictures from the 2012 Spring Conference.

Debra Talley reported on the NASFAA Website that there were several diversity related topics mentioned and these may be possible sessions for the 2013 AASFAA Spring Conference.

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Samford University

June 15, 2012

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Sharon Williams mentioned that at SASFAA every group had a charity except AASFAA. Sharon indicated her desire for AASFAA to sponsor some charity next year which would be up to Kevin and Phillip to

select. However, CHOICES--Emefa Butler, with Robert C. Hatch High School, Union Town--was mentioned during this discussion. It was suggested that we could introduce Emefa Butler at the 2012

Fall workshop and get her to speak about CHOICES. Debra Tally was asked to make contact with Ms. Butler.

Phillip Nelson shared that he will be attending the GASFAA meeting and that Association would pay for his trip.

Before this meeting ended, a brief discussion was entertained regarding other possible location for the spring conference, for example Wind Creek Resort in Atmore. It was suggested that we ask Charles Markle, Site Selection Chairperson, to look into the rates at Wind Creek and other locations as a possibility for future spring conferences.

New Business:

Dr. Wall expressed appreciation on behalf of AASFAA to Samford University for their hospitality for hosting the Transition meeting and the great lunch that we all enjoyed.

Following Dr. Wall’s statement, a motion was called to adjourn the 2012 Transition Meeting. The motion to adjourn this meeting was made by Amy Rowell and seconded by Vickie Adams. The 2012 Transition meeting ended at 2:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Betty Edwards and Stephanie Miller