Instructions: fill out the form where needed, add separate documents where necessary to provide sufficient information.

Appendix 4 - Business Plan


1.1Tenderer Data



Visiting address, zip code + city, country: ......

Postal address, zip code + city, country: ......

Website URL:......

No. of employees: ......

Company’s core business: ......

Registration number:......

Professional or Trade Register + City: ......

Date of registration: ......

Bank account number: ......

Bank name: ......

Contact person:

Name: Mr/Mrs ......

Title: ......

Telephone number: ......

Fax number: ......

E-mail: ......

1.2 Correspondent’s Data (if Tenderer is represented by a third party)


Name: ......

Visiting address, zip code + city, country: ......

Postal address, zip code + city, country: ......

Contact person:

Name: Mr/Mrs ......

Title: ......

Telephone number: ......

Fax number: ......

E-mail: ......

1.3 Other Project Participants



Visiting address, zip code + city, country: ......

Postal address, zip code + city, country: ......

Website URL:......

No. of employees: ......

Company’s core business: ......

Registration number:......

Professional or Trade Register + City: ......

Date of registration: ......

Bank account number: ......

Bank name: ......

Contact person:

Name: Mr/Mrs ......

Title: ......

Telephone number: ......

Fax number: ......

E-mail: ......

1.4 Other (Expected) Financial Project Participant(s)


Name: ......

Visiting address, zip code + city, country: ......

Postal address, zip code + city, country: ......

Website URL:......

No. of employees: ......

Company’s core business: ......

Registration number:......

Professional or Trade Register + City: ......

Date of registration: ......

Bank account number: ......

Bank name: ......

Contact person:

Name: Mr/Mrs ......

Title: ......

Telephone number: ......

Fax number: ......

E-mail: ......


2.1Key data of project

Project Title (maximum 40 positions):

Host Country:

Location of project:

Abstract (maximum 100 words, most important features of the project):

Date of go/no-go decision of project:

Construction starting date and finishing date:

Major contracts (e.g. turnkey delivery Energy Purchase Contracts, licences, off take contract, etc.):

For JI projects:

Period of delivery of ERUs (must be in 2008 – 2012):

Total of ERUs to be delivered:

Price per ERUs offered:

Total value of ERUs offered:

If applicable:

Period of delivery of AAUs:

Total of AAUs to be delivered:

Price per AAUs offered:

Total value of AAUs offered:

For CDM projects:

Period of delivery of CERs:

Total of CERs to be delivered:

Price per CER offered:

Total value of CERs offered :


3.1 Market Analysis

Describe the market situation in which the investment will be operating.

Items to be addressed are:

Country profile (general information, economic data, etc.);

Sector description;

Governmental policy towards the sector;

Competitors (their strong and weak points);

Market prices;

The general market framework within which the investment will be carried out;

Opportunities and risks for the investment;

Description of the customers;

Market trends;


3.2 Marketing mix description

Describe location, product, price and promotion of the investment, and how this relates to the market analysis as described above.

3.3 Purchasing agreements

Describe the availability of raw materials (e.g. biomass) and activities that are needed to purchase these raw materials. Describe the contracts that are needed to sell the product and indicate the status of these agreements and when they will be obtained.


If possible, use spreadsheets, graphs and charts.

4.1 Investment Plan

List the major elements of the project and their costs including possible engineering, managerial and infrastructure costs. Provide a balance sheet of the investment showing assets and liabilities (equity and debt).

4.2 Financial Plan

Describe in detail how the investment will be financed. Also indicate the commitments made so far by the financing parties and when final approval of each financing party is expected. Support the financial plan with relevant documents.

Funding / Name of financier / Amount / Status
Existing cash flow
Bank loan

4.3 Financial conditions and terms

Indicate the conditions and terms under which a loan will be disbursed.


5.1 Work Plan Description

Give a description of the scheduling of the activities (and sub-activities) with dates for the start of project implementation, the phasing of activities, the milestones (see also Article 4.6 in Part B), the completion date and the reporting schedule (see also Article 10.1.j. in Part B):

  • Elaborate on project phasing, broken down into activities leading to the results;
  • Indicate milestones;
  • Give time planning including a critical path. Use different scenarios, indicate factors affecting the scenarios.

5.2 Project Organization

Give a description of the project organisation. In particular, the proposal should:

  • Indicate the organisation of project management;
  • Indicate the responsibilities and tasks of each project participant;
  • Indicate the tasks and the names of others organisations and (groups of) people involved.

5.3 Technology Description

Provide the technical specifications of the hardware and plant designs, etc. Add hardware quotations where possible.

5.4 Formalities Description

Describe the legal necessities in relation to the investment, such as licences, technical approvals, and permits (e.g. permit from the local authorities to extract methane from landfills). Indicate the expected dates for obtaining all key permits and approvals. Include any available relevant permits in the proposal.


6.1 Operational estimate

Provide estimated balance sheets and profit and loss statements up to 2012.

6.2 Cash flow analysis

Give an estimate of operational, investment and financing cash flows up to 2012.

6.3 Internal Rate of Return

Give the calculation of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of your project over a period of 10 years. Calculate the IRR including and excluding the additional return from AAUs/ERUs/CERs (depending on what is applicable).

6.4 Sensitivity analysis

Provide a sensitivity analysis of IRR (by varying e.g. energy prices, project costs (EPC costs, development cost, O&M costs, construction period, energy generation, debt interest rate), change in technology, change in policy, etc).

6.5 Operation and maintenance of equipment

Describe which company will operate and maintain the facility, and describe the planned activities to maintain the facility.

6.6 Human resources

Describe the qualifications of operating staff and the planned training program.

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