Dear Colleagues:

As co-chairs of Working Group 1 of the Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM), we are requesting your assistance in gathering information for the nomination and review of “Reference Materials and Reference Methods and/or Procedures of higher order” required for compliance with European Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices. Further information about the activities of the JCTLM in general -- and Working Group-1 in particular -- and the procedure for nomination of Reference Materials or Reference Methods is provided below.

IF, after reviewing this request, you wish to nominate a method or material, please use the attached Excel file containing 4 spreadsheets:

·  Reference Materials Template illustrated with examples

·  Reference Methods Template illustrated with examples

·  Blank Reference Materials Template to be completed with your nominations

·  Blank Reference Methods Template to be completed with your nominations.

The schedule for the nomination and review process is as follows:

·  Completed Spreadsheets to be returned to by 01 December 2002

·  Information provided on spreadsheets will be sorted and provided to the Review Teams in early January 2003

·  Progress Reports from each Review Team will be presented and discussed at a JCTLM WG-1 Meeting in Geel, Belgium in Early March, 2003

·  Recommendations for “Reference Methods and Reference Materials of Higher Order” will be made -- by analyte category -- at a Plenary Session of the JCTLM at the BIPM on 20 June 2003.

As you are perhaps aware, the EC IVD Directive was published on December 7, 1998, marking the start of a transition period of five years. By December 2003 all new IVD products that are placed on the market must be labeled with the CE mark. Alternatively, it remains possible to place new IVD products on the market under the old national regulations until December 2003, and it remains allowed to put already existing IVD products without a CE mark into service until December 2005. Further information regarding this directive can be found at the website -

One of the major components of this Directive is a requirement that “the traceability of values assigned to calibrators and control materials for in vitro diagnostic devices must be assured through available reference measurement procedures and/or reference materials of higher order”. The definition of the term “higher order” was left undefined in the Directive. There are, however two ISO Draft Standards (ISO/FDIS 15193 and 15194) that describe the essential requirements for higher order reference materials and methods.

To facilitate the identification of these methods and materials, The Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) was created at a meeting held at the BIPM in early June 2002. The aim of the Joint Committee is to meet the need for a worldwide platform to promote and give guidance on internationally recognized and accepted equivalence of measurements in Laboratory Medicine and traceability to appropriate measurement standards. The JCTLM created two working groups:

·  Reference Materials and Reference Procedures

·  Reference Laboratory Networks.

The Terms of Reference for Working Group 1, currently co-chaired by Dr. Willie E. May from NIST (USA) and Dr. Heinz Schimmel, from IRMM (Belgium), are to identify Reference Materials and Reference Procedures and endorse those appropriate to meet the requirements of the EC Directive regarding in vitro diagnostic medical devices.

Prof. Dr. Lothar Siekmann, University of Bonn (Germany) and Prof. Dr. Linda Thienpont, University of Ghent (Belgium) were appointed as Co-Chairs of Working Group-II. The Terms of Reference of Working Group 2 are to:

·  Collect information on existing and candidate reference measurement laboratories (RMLs)

·  Encourage and facilitate the formation of networks of RMLs for different groups of measurable quantities (concerning electrolytes, substrates/metabolites, enzymes, HbA1c, low molecular hormones, ...)

·  Establish a procedure for the approval of RMLs on the basis of their metrological level according to ISO 15195 and their performance as demonstrated in inter-laboratory comparisons linked to an NMI.

The first task for these two Working Groups is to provide practical support to the Worldwide IVD industry with respect to the traceability of values assigned to calibrators and/or control materials required by the European Directive on in vitro diagnostics and by comparable regulations in other countries.

JCTLM Working Group-I met at NIST on 28-29 August 2002. The agenda for that meeting is a provided as Appendix I. At this meeting, we (JCTLM-WG1) decided to move forward by putting out an open solicitation for candidate Reference Methods and Certified Reference Materials that might be included in a listing (perhaps ultimately a database) of “reference methods and reference materials of higher order”.

In order to facilitate the review process, WG1 has organized into Review Teams based on analyte category (Appendix II). We are asking that information be returned to us in a common format defined by the attached Templates for Reference Materials and Reference Methods respectively. We have assured, to the extent possible, that each Review Team has representation from IVD manufacturers, National Metrology Institutes, accreditation organizations, and professional societies from the US, Europe, and Asia Pacific.

As stated earlier, completed Spreadsheets to be returned to by 01 December 2002. Information provided on spreadsheets will be sorted and provided to the Review Teams in early January 2003. Progress Reports from each Review Team will be presented and discussed at a JCTLM WG-1 Meeting in Geel, Belgium in Early March, 2003. Recommendations for “Reference Methods and Reference Materials of Higher Order” will be made -- by analyte category -- at a Plenary Session of the JCTLM at the BIPM on 20 June 2003.

The Templates are intended to solicit most of the information that will be required for the Review Teams to make their assessments. However, the Review Teams might need to request additional information for some or all of your nominations, so please make sure to complete the “Contact Information for Additional Details” field of each Template.

Working Group II is now in the process of soliciting nominations for candidate reference measurement laboratories to provide “calibration services” for the analyte categories listed earlier. For additional information concerning the Reference Laboratory nomination process, please contact:

Dr. Angela E Samuel, JCTLM Secretariat

Bureau International des Poids et Mesures

Pavillon de Breteuil

F-92312 Sèvres Cedex


Tel: +33 1 4507 6272

Fax: +33 1 4534 8670


If there are questions about Working Group-I activities in general or any particulars about the Reference Method and/or Reference Materials review process, please contact:

Dr. Willie E May

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory/Analytical Chemistry Division

ACSL (227), Room A109, MS 8390

Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8390


Tel: +1 301 975 3108; Fax: +1 301 926 8671


Dr. Heinz Schimmel

Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM)

European Commission - Directorate General JRC


B-2440 Geel


Tel: +32 14 571 720; Fax: +32 14 590 406


Appendix 1

JCTLM Working Group-I Agenda

Reference Materials and Reference Measurement Procedures

Chair: W. May (NIST), M. Grasserbauer (JRC-IRMM)

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

National Institute of Standards and Technology

9:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Meeting Scope

9:30 EU IVD Directive: Interpretation and Clarification of Traceability Requirements

10:00 Higher Order Reference Materials and Procedures: Stakeholder Needs



·  CAP



·  FDA





Noon Lunch

13:00 Higher Order Reference Materials and Procedures: Ongoing Activities



·  LGC



·  PTB

·  EU Projects

15:00 Coffee

15:15 Criteria for Higher Order Reference Materials and Procedures

16.00 Higher Order Reference Materials and Procedures: Resources and Tools Currently Available

·  BIPM Database [Internationally Vetted Reference Methods and Materials]


·  WHO RMs

·  RMs of other providers

·  AACC Reference Methods

JCTLM Working Group-I Agenda

Reference Materials and Reference Measurement Procedures

Chair: W. May (NIST), M. Grasserbauer (JRC-IRMM)

Thursday, August 29, 2002

National Institute of Standards and Technology

9:00 Establishing List of Category A and Category B Measurands

10:30 Coffee

10:45 Relationship Between Duties of JCTLM WG-1 and WG-2

11:15 Other issues

Noon Adjourn

13:00- 15:00 Laboratory Visits

Appendix 2
Analyte categories

[The measurands listed under the various “Analyte categories” are not meant to represent an exhaustive list; but rather only examples of the types of analytes that would be representative of each of the Analyte Categories.]

Highest Priority

Analyte Category Review Team Chair

(With representative examples)

Electrolytes Richard Miller, Dade Behring








Enzymes Mauro Panteghini, Azienda Ospedaliera “Spedali Civili”






Metabolites and Substrates Michael Welch, NIST





Uric Acid



Proteins David Sogin, Abbott Laboratories




Nucleic Acids Helen Parkes, LGC

Drugs Andre Henrion, PTB







Valproic Acid


Delta-9 THC

Hormones (Non-Peptide) Heinz Schimmel, IRMM









Coagulation Factor TBD

Medium Priority

Vitamins TBD

Non-Electrolyte Metals TBD