Supplementary TableS1 Methodologies used in each study

Studies / Year of study / Response rate (%) / Recruitment information / Fasting and 2-hour glucose / Blood sample / Waist circumference / Principal Investigators
China, Beijing Study / 1997 / 98 / Jang Z 1997 Chin J of Geriatrics / Glucose oxidase method, (Hitachi 7170 Auto analyzer) / plasma / At the minimum circumference between the rib cage and iliac crest / Yang Ze,
Institute of Geriatrics and
BeijingHospital and Chinese-JapaneseFriendshipHospital, Ministry of Health, Beijing, China
China, Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Study / 1995-97 / 38 / Janus ED et al.,
Diabet Med
2000;17: 741-5. / Hexokinase method (Hitachi 747 analyser with Boehringer Mannheim, Germany) / plasma / Half way between the xiphisternym and the umbilicus / Lam TH1, Ho SY1, Janus ED2
1. Department of Community
Medicine,School of Public Health,University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, China
2. Department of Medicine,
University of Melbourne, Australia
China , Qingdao Diabetes Survey 2002 / 2002 / 83 / Dong Y et al.,
Diabet Med
2005;22:1427-33 / Glucose oxidase method (AMS Analyser Medical System, SABA-18, Italy) / plasma / At the minimal abdominal girth between the rib cage and iliac crest / Dong YH and Gao WG
Qingdao Endocrinology and
DiabetesHospital and
Institute,Qingdao, China
China, Qindao Diabetes Survey 2006 / 2006 / 90 / ( / Glucose oxidase method (AMS Analyser Medical System, SABA-18, Italy) / plasma / At the minimal abdominal girth between the rib cage and iliac crest / Qiao Q1, Pang ZC2, Wang SJ2 for
the Qingdao Diabetes
Study Group 2006
1. Department of Public Health,
University of Helsinki. Helsinki,
2. Qingdao Municipal Centre for
Disease Control and Prevention,
Qingdao, China
China, Shunyi Study / 1997 / 98 / Jang Z 1997 Chin J of Geriatrics / Glucose oxidase method, (Hitachi 7170 Auto analyzer) / plasma / At the minimum circumference between the rib cage and iliac crest / Yang Ze,
Shunyi County People’s Hospital,
Shunyi, China
Japan, Funagata Diabetes Survey90-92 / 1990-92 / 65 / Sekikawa A
Diab Care 1993 / Glucose oxidase method / plasma / NA / Tominaga M,
Department of Laboratory Medicine, YamagataUniversity,
Yamagata, Japan
Japan, Funagata Diabetes Survey95-97 / 1995-97 / 58 / Daimon et al.,
Diab Care
2003;26:2015-20 / Glucose oxidase method, (GA1160, Arkray, Kyoto) / plasma / At umbilicus l / Tominaga M,
Department of Laboratory Medicine, YamagataUniversity,
Yamagata, Japan
Japan, Hisayama Study / 1988 / 96 / Ohmura et al.,
1993;36:1198-1203 / Glucose oxidase method using Glucoroder-MK2
(A & T Inc., Tokyo, Japan) / plasma / NA / Doi Y, Ninomiya T,
Kiyohara Y,
Department of Environmental
Medicine, GraduateSchoolof Medical Sciences,
KyushuUniversity, Fukuoka,
Japan, Ojika91 and 96 / 1991, 1996 / 47 / Nagai et al.,
Nippon Koshu Eisei
Zasshi 1992;39:
907-912 / Glucokinase; GPH/Hitachi7250 / plasma / NA / Masaki Nagai, Satomi Shibazaki,
Department of Public Health,
Saitama, Japan
India, Chennai 94 / 1993-95 / 84 / Ramachandran et al.,
Diab Res ClinPrac
2003;60:199-204 / Glucose oxidase-Peroxidase (Hitachi 704 Autoanalyser, and Boehringer Mannheim, Germany reagents) / plasma / The smallest girth between the costal margin and iliac crests / Ramachadran A,
India Diabetes Research Foundation, Ramachandran’s DiabetesHospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
India, Chennai Urban Population Study (CUPS) 1997 / 1997 / 90 / Mohan et al.,
Diabet Med
2001;18:280-287 / GOD-POD method, with kit (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany) and Ciba Corning Express Plus Autoanalyser (Corning, Medfield, MA, USA) / plasma / Midpoint between the iliac crest and the lower margin of the rib / Mohan V,
Dr.Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre & Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai, India
India, NUDS 2000 / 2000 / 90 / Ramachandran et al.,
2001;44:1094-1101 / Glucose oxidase method, Glucometer - Johnson & Johnson, / capillary / The smallest girth between the coastal margin and iliac crests / Ramachadran A,
India Diabetes Research Foundation, Ramachandran’s DiabetesHospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
India, Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiological Study (CURES) 2004 / 2004 / 90 / Mohan et al.,
2006;49:1175-1178 / Glucose oxidase-peroxidase method (Hitachi 912 Autoanalyser (Hitachi, Mannheim, Germany) / plasma / Smallest horizontal girth between the costal margins and the iliac crests at minimal respiration / Mohan V,
Dr.Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre & Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai, India
Mauritius 87 / 1987 / 86 / Söderberg et al.,
Diab Med 2005;22:61-8 / Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI) glucose analyzer, OH, USA / plasma / Midpoint between
crest and the lower rib margin / Zimmet P1,Tuomilehto J2
Shaw J1, Alberti K.G.M.M3,
Söderberg S4.
1. Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia
2. Department
of Public Health, University
of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;
3. Imperial College, Mint Wing, St Mary’s Hospital, London, UK;
4. Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Cardiology,University of Umeå, Sweden
Mauritius 92 / 1992 / 90 / Söderberg et al.,
Diab Med 2005;22:61-8 / Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI) glucose analyzer, OH, USA / plasma / Midpoint between
the iliac
crest and the lower rib margin / Zimmet P,Tuomilehto J,
Shaw J, Alberti KGMM,
Söderberg S
Mauritius 98 / 1998 / 87 / Söderberg et al.,
Diab Med 2005;22:61-8 / Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI) glucose analyzer, OH, USA / plasma / Midpoint between
the iliac
crest and the lower rib margin / Zimmet P, Tuomilehto J,
Shaw J, Alberti KGMM,
Söderberg S
Cyprus, Nicosia
Diabetes Study / 2003-04 / 76 / Loizou T et al.,
Diab care 2006;29:1714-15 / Hexokinase/Cobas Mira Plus Roche / The whole
blood / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
the iliac crest / Loizou TG
NicosiaDiabetesCenter and
S.Pouloukas, Department of
ComputerScience and
Engineering, Intercollege,
Finland,The National FINRISK Study 1987 / 1987 / 79 / Lahti-Koski et al.,
Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75:809–17 / Glucose dehydrogenase / the whole
blood / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / Tuomilehto J1,2,3, Jousilahti P2,
Lindström J2,Laatikainen T2.
1. Department of Public Health,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki;
2. Diabetes Prevention Unit, Department of Chronic Disease Prevention, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki,
3. SouthOstrobothnia
CentralHospital, Seinäjoki,
Finland, The National FINRISK Study 1992 / 1992 / 77 / Lahti-Koski et al.,
Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75:809–17 / Glucose dehydrogenase / plasma / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / Tuomilehto J, Jousilahti P,
Lindström J, Laatikainen T.
Finland, The National FINRISK Study 2002 / 2002 / 71 / Raatikka et al.,
Int J Biometereol
2007; 51:441-448 / Hexokinase assay (Thermo Electron Oy) / plasma / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / Tuomilehto J, Jousilahti P,
Lindström J, Laatikainen T.
Finland, Savitaipale study / 1996-99 / 77 / Saramies et al.,
Diab Res Clin Prac
2006;71:220-224 / Glucose dehydrogenase (Hemocue) / the whole
blood / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / Saramies J
Savitaipale, Finland
Italy, Cremona Study / 1990-91 / 58 / Garancini et al., Diabetologia 1995; 38: 306-313 / GOD-PAP glucose-oxidase (Boehringer Mannheim, Milan, Italy) / plasma / At umbilicus / M.P. Garancini1, G. Calori2,
G. Ruotolo1,2
1. Clinical Cardiovascular BiologyResearch Centre, San
Raffaele Scientifc Institute,
Milan, Italy
2. AstraZeneca R&D
Mölndal, Sweden
The Netherlands,Hoorn Study / 1989-91 / 71 / Mooy JM et al., Diabetes care 1991; 18: 1270-1273 / glucose dehydrogenase (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) / plasma / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / L.M. Bouter1, J.M. Dekker1,
R.J. Heine1, G. Nijpels1,
C.D.A. Stehouwer1,2.
1. Institute for Research
in Extramural Medicine,
VU UniversityMedical
Center, Amsterdam.
2. Dept of Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht,
Centre, AZ Maastricht,
the Netherlands
Spain, Viva study / 1996-98 / Lorenzo C et al.,
Diab Care 2001;24:2059-2064 / Hexokinase method, HITACHI / plasma / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / Gabriel R, JB Cabello,
JM Carreira, P. Horcajo,
J. Muñiz, J, Parra,
M. Pladevall,
A. Segura, S. Vega,
M. Serrano-Rios, F. Soriguer.
Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Hospital Universitario La Paz
Madrid, Spain
Swedish MONICA1986 / 1986 / 82 / Stegmayr B,
1995;38:1061-1068 / glucose oxidase (Beckman analyzer) / plasma / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / Söderberg S, M. Eliasson.
Department of Public Health
and Clinical Medicine,
Cardiology, University of Umeå, Sweden
Swedish MONICA 1990 / 1990 / 81 / Eliasson M et al.,
Scand J Public Health
Suppl 2003;61:70-7 / glucose oxidase (Beckman analyzer) / plasma / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / Söderberg S, Eliasson M.
Department of Public Health
and Clinical Medicine,
Cardiology, University of Umeå,
Swedish MONICA 1994 / 1994 / 77 / Eliasson M et al.,
Scand J Public Health
Suppl 2003;61:70-7 / glucose oxidase (Beckman analyzer) / plasma / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / Söderberg S, Eliasson M.
Department of Public Health
and Clinical Medicine,
University of Umeå, Sweden
Swedish MONICA 2004 / 2004 / 76 / Hendrikx T et al.,
Scand J Public Health
2008; 36: 340-345 / glucose oxidase (Beckman analyzer) / plasma / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / Söderberg S, M. Eliasson.
Department of Public Health
and Clinical Medicine,
Cardiology, University of Umeå
United Kingdom, Ely Study / 1990-92 / 74 / WarehamNJ et al.,
Diabetes care 1999;
22: 262-270 / Hexokinase assay / plasma / Midway between
the lower rib
margin and
iliac crest / N.J. Wareham, MRC
Epidemiology Unit,
Strangeways Research Labs,
Cambridge, UK
United Kingdom, Newcastle Study / 1992-94 / 96 / Unwin et al.,
J Epidemiol Community Health
1997;51:160-166 / glucose oxidase (hitachi 717 analyser) / plasma / Midpoint between
the lower costal
margin and the
superior iliac crest / N. Unwin1, N. Ahmad1,
KGMM. Alberti2, L. Hayes1.
1. Department of Medicine and
Epidemiologyand Public Health,
Universityof Newcastle, Newcastle.
2. ImperialCollege, St Mary's Campus,
St Mary's Hospital, London, UK