Appendix 1 List of the most common hydrophytes, including their relative frequency, present in the studied lakes where zooplankton sampling was carried out.

MikriPrespa / Kastoria / Vegoritis / Petron
PotamogetonpectinatusL. / present / common / abundant / abundant
PotamogetoncrispusL. / present / common / present / -
PotamogetonperfoliatusL. / common / present / common / common
PotamogetonnatansL / common / common / - / -
PotamogetonlucensL / common / present / - / -
CeratophyllumdemersumL / abundant / abundant / abundant / abundant
MyriophyllumspicatumL / abundant / present / present / common
TrapanatansL / - / abundant / - / -
Nymphaea alba L / present / - / - / -
Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. / present / - / - / -
Nymphoides peltata (S.G. Gmel.) Kuntze / present / - / present / -
Vallisnaria spiralis L / - / - / abundant / -
Najas marina L / present / common / present / -
Ranunculus trichophyllusChaix. / present / - / - / -
Polygonum amphibiumL / - / present / - / present

Appendix 2 List of Cladocera and Rotifera species found in the studied lakes.

MikriPrespa / Kastoria / Vegoritida / Petron
Alona rectangula G.O Sars / + / + / +
Alona sp. / +
BosminacoregoniBaird / + / + / +
Bosmina longirostris O. F. Müller / + / + / + / +
Ceriodaphnia sp. / + / +
Chydorus sphaericus O. F. Müller / + / + / + / +
Chydoridae sp. / + / + / + / +
Daphnia sp. / + / + / + / +
DiaphanosomabrachyurumLievin / + / + / + / +
Macrotrix sp. / +
MoinamicruraKurz / + / +
PleuroxustruncatusO. F. Müller / +
Simocephalus sp. / + / +
Sida crystallinaO. F. Müller / +
Anuraeopsisfissa Gosse / + / + / + / +
AscomorphaecaudisPerty / +
AscomorphasaltansBartsch / +
Asplanchna sp. / + / + / + / +
BrachionusangularisGosse / + / + / +
BrachionuscalicyflorusPallas / + / + / + / +
BrachionusdiversicornisDafday / + / + / +
BrachionusforficulaWierzejski / + / +
Cephalodella sp. / +
EuchlanisdilatataEhrenberg / + / + / + / +
Euchlanis sp. / + / +
FilinialongisetaEhrenberg / + / + / +
Hexarthramira Hudson / + / + / + / +
KellicotialongispinaKellicot / +
KeratellacochlearisGosse / + / + / + / +
Keratella quadrata O. F. Müller / + / + / + / +
LecanebulaGosse / + / + / +
LecaneflexilisGosse / + / +
Lecane luna O. F.Müller / + / + / +
LecanelunarisEhrenberg / + / + / +
LecanemiraMurray / +
Lecane sp. / + / + / + / +
Lepadella ovalis O. F. Müller / +
Lepadella sp. / + / + / + / +
NotholcasquamulaO. F.Müller / + / +
Notholca sp. / +
Polyarthra majorBurckhardt / + / +
Polyarthra minor Voigt / +
Polyarthra sp. / + / + / + / +
Pompolyx sp / +
TrichocercacapucinaWierzejski & Zacharias / +
TrichocercacylindricaImhof / + / + / +
TrichocercaelongataGosse / + / +
TrichocercapussilaLauterborn / + / + / + / +
Trichocerca rattus O. F.Müller / + / + / +
TrιchocercasimilisWierzejski / + / + / +
TrichocercaweberiJennings / + / + / + / +
Trichocerca sp. / + / + / + / +
Trichotria sp. / + / +