Appendix 1 – the list of rodent species used in the research, with taxonomic affinity, preferred habitat and activity time.

Species / Family / Subfamily / Tribe / Habitat / Activity time / Reference /
Abrocoma bennetti / Abrocomidae / underground / nocturnal / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Agouti paca / Agoutidae / aquatic habitats / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Anomalurops beecrofti / Anomaluridae / forest / nocturnal / Dorst & Dandelot (1970) Grubb et al. (1998) /
Anomalurops derbianus / Anomalurus derbianus / Anomaluridae / forest / nocturnal / Dorst & Dandelot (1970) Grubb et al. (1998) Ansell & Dowsett (1988) /
Anomalurops peli / Anomalurus pelii / Anomaluridae / forest / nocturnal / Dorst & Dandelot (1970) Grubb et al. (1998) Boitani & Bartoli (1983) /
Anomalurus pusillus / Anomalurops pusillus / Anomaluridae / forest / nocturnal / Dorst & Dandelot (1970) /
Aplodontia rufa / Aplodontidae / aquatic habitats / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Forsyth (1985) Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Cryptomys hottentotus / Bathyergidae / underground / diurnal / Taylor (1998) Ansell & Dowsett (1988) /
Cryptomys mechowi / Bathyergidae / underground / diurnal / Ansell & Dowsett (1988) /
Heliophobius argenteocinereus / Bathyergidae / underground / both / Ansell & Dowsett (1988) Nowak (1999) /
Capromys pilorides / Capromyidae / mixed habitats / diurnal / Nowak (1999) /
Geocapromys brownii / Capromyidae / forest / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) /
Geocapromys ingrahami / Capromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Clough (1972) /
Geocapromys thoracatus / Capromyidae / desert / arid / diurnal / Morgan (1989) /
Castor canadensis / Castoridae / aquatic habitats / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Macdonald & Barrett (1993) Forsyth (1985) Whitaker & Hamilton (1998) Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Castor fiber / Castoridae / aquatic habitats / nocturnal / Macdonald & Barrett (1993) /
Cavia aperea / Caviidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Dolichotis patagonum / Caviidae / desert / arid / diurnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Harris (1998) Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Galea musteloides / Caviidae / mixed habitats / diurnal / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Microcavia australis / Caviidae / desert / arid / diurnal / Harris (1998) Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Chinchilla lanigera / Chinchillidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Lagidium peruanum / Chinchillidae / grasslands / diurnal / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) Nowak (1999) /
Lagidium viscacia / Lagidium viscaccia / Lagidium viscacia / Chinchillidae / desert / arid / diurnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Harris (1998) Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Lagidium wolffsohni / Chinchillidae / desert / arid / diurnal / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) Nowak (1999) /
Lagostomus maximus / Chinchillidae / underground / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Ctenodactylus gundi / Ctenodactylidae / desert / arid / diurnal / Kowalski & Rzebik-Kowalska (1991) /
Ctenodactylus vali / Ctenodactylidae / desert / arid / diurnal / Kowalski & Rzebik-Kowalska (1991) /
Felovia vae / Ctenodactylidae / forest / diurnal / Nowak (1999) /
Massoutiera mzabi / Ctenodactylidae / desert / arid / diurnal / Kowalski & Rzebik-Kowalska (1991) /
Pectinator spekei / Ctenodactylidae / desert / arid / diurnal / Nowak (1999) /
Ctenomys haigi / Ctenomyidae / underground / both / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Ctenomys torquatus / Ctenomyidae / underground / diurnal / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Dasyprocta azarae / Dasyproctidae / evergreen forest / diurnal / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) Emmons (1997) /
Dasyprocta coibae / Dasyproctidae / forest / diurnal / Reid (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Dasyprocta fuliginosa / Dasyproctidae / forest / diurnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Dasyprocta guamara / Dasyproctidae / forest / diurnal / Eisenberg (1989) /
Dasyprocta leporina / Dasyprocta agouti / Dasyproctidae / mixed habitats / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Dasyprocta mexicana / Dasyproctidae / forest / diurnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) /
Dasyprocta punctata / Dasyproctidae / forest / diurnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Dasyprocta ruatanica / Dasyproctidae / forest / diurnal / Reid (1997) /
Myoprocta acouchy / Dasyproctidae / evergreen forest / diurnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Dinomys branickii / Dinomyidae / forest / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Cardiocranius paradoxus / Dipodidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Nowak (1999) /
Dipus sagitta / Dipodidae / mixed habitats / nocturnal / Nowak (1999) /
Jaculus jaculus / Dipodidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Shalmon (1993) Kowalski & Rzebik-Kowalska (1991) /
Jaculus orientalis / Dipodidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Shalmon (1993) Kowalski & Rzebik-Kowalska (1991) /
Napaeozapus insignis / Dipodidae / forest / nocturnal / Whitaker & Hamilton (1998) Wilson & Ruff (1999) Choate et al. (1994) /
Paradipus ctenodactylus / Dipodidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Nowak (1999) /
Pygeretmus pumilio / Alactagulus pumilio / Dipodidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Nowak (1999) /
Salpingotulus michaelis / Dipodidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Nowak (1999) /
Sicista betulina / Dipodidae / forest / nocturnal / Macdonald & Barrett (1993) /
Sicista subtilis / Dipodidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Macdonald & Barrett (1993) /
Zapus hudsonius / Dipodidae / mixed habitats / nocturnal / Forsyth (1985) Whitaker & Hamilton (1998) Wilson & Ruff (1999) Choate et al. (1994) /
Zapus trinotatus / Dipodidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) Gannon (1989) /
Carterodon sulcidens / Carterodon sucidens / Echimyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Nowak (1999) /
Chaetomys subspinosus / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) /
Dactylomys dactylinus / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Diplomys caniceps / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Diplomys labilis / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Diplomys rufodorsalis / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Echimys blainvillei / Nelomys blainvillei / Echimyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) /
Echimys braziliensis / Echimys armatus / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) /
Echimys chrysurus / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Echimys grandis / Makalata grandis / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) /
Echimys semivillosus / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Euryzygomatomys spinosus / Echimyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) Nowak (1999) /
Hoplomys gymnurus / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Isothrix bistriatus / Isothrix bistriata / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Isothrix pagurus / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) /
Kannabateomys amblyonyx / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) Emmons (1997) /
Lonchothrix emiliae / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) /
Makalata armata / Makalata occasius / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) /
Mesomys hispidus / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Mesomys stimulax / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) /
Olallamys edax / Thrinacodus edax / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) /
Proechimys amphichoricus / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) /
Proechimys brevicauda / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) /
Proechimys canicollis / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) /
Proechimys cayennensis / Proechimys guyannensis / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Proechimys cuvieri / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Proechimys dimidiatus / Echimyidae / forest / diurnal / Pessoa & dos Reis (1993) /
Proechimys guairae / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Proechimys hoplomyoides / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Proechimys longicaudatus / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Proechimys oconnelli / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) /
Proechimys poliopus / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) /
Proechimys semispinosus / Echimyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Proechimys simonsi / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Emmons (1997) /
Proechimys steerei / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) /
Proechimys trinitatis / Proechimys trinitatus / Echimyidae / forest / nocturnal / Eisenberg (1989) Nowak (1999) /
Coendou bicolor / Erethizontidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Coendou mexicanus / Sphiggurus mexicanus / Erethizontidae / forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Coendou prehensilis / Erethizontidae / forest / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) Redford & Eisenberg (1992) /
Coendou rothschildi / Erethizontidae / forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Erethizon dorsatum / Erethizontidae / cold habitats / both / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Forsyth (1985) Whitaker & Hamilton (1998) Wilson & Ruff (1999) Nowak (1999) /
Geomys arenarius / Geomyidae / underground / both / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Geomys bursarius / Geomyidae / underground / both / Whitaker & Hamilton (1998) Wilson & Ruff (1999) Contreras (1986) Williams & Cameron (1991) /
Geomys personatus / Geomyidae / underground / both / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Geomys pinetis / Geomyidae / underground / both / Whitaker & Hamilton (1998) Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Orthogeomys cavator / Geomyidae / underground / both / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Orthogeomys cherriei / Geomyidae / underground / both / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) /
Orthogeomys dariensis / Geomyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Orthogeomys heterodus / Geomyidae / underground / both / Reid (1997) /
Orthogeomys hispidus / Geomyidae / underground / both / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) /
Orthogeomys thaeleri / Geomyidae / underground / both / Emmons (1997) /
Orthogeomys underwoodi / Geomyidae / underground / both / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) /
Pappogeomys neglectus / Cratogeomys neglectus / Geomyidae / underground / both / Leon et al. (2001) /
Thomomys bottae / Geomyidae / underground / both / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Wilson & Ruff (1999) Contreras (1986) /
Thomomys talpoides / Geomyidae / underground / both / Forsyth (1985) Wilson & Ruff (1999) Contreras (1986) /
Thomomys umbrinus / Geomyidae / underground / both / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Chaetodipus baileyi / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Chaetodipus californicus / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Chaetodipus fallax / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Chaetodipus formosus / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Chaetodipus hispidus / Chaetopidus hispidus / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) Choate et al. (1994) /
Chaetodipus intermedius / Chaetopidus intermedius / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Chaetodipus lineatus / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Best (1993a) /
Chaetodipus nelsoni / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) Best (1994a) /
Chaetodipus penicillatus / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Chaetodipus spinatus / Perognathus spinatus / Chaetodipus spinatus / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys agilis / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys californicus / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys compactus / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys deserti / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Boitani & Bartoli (1983) Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys elator / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys elephantinus / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys gravipes / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Best & Lackey (1985) /
Dipodomys heermanni / Heteromyidae / mixed habitats / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys ingens / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys merriami / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys microps / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys nelsoni / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Best (1988) /
Dipodomys nitratoides / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys ordii / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Forsyth (1985) Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys panamintinus / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys phillipsii / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Knox Jones & Genoways (1975) /
Dipodomys spectabilis / Heteromyidae / desert / arid / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Dipodomys stephensi / Heteromyidae / grasslands / nocturnal / Wilson & Ruff (1999) /
Heteromys anomalus / Heteromyidae / forest / nocturnal / Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Heteromys australis / Heteromyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Heteromys desmarestianus / Heteromyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) Eisenberg (1989) /
Heteromys gaumeri / Heteromyidae / forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) /
Heteromys goldmani / Heteromyidae / evergreen forest / nocturnal / Reid (1997) Emmons (1997) /