The Solihull Children’s Services – Social Worker Supervision Policy has been read and understood by both parties

The Supervisory relationship is based on mutual respect and a commitment to improving performance, practice and outcomes for the people we work with.

The aim of this agreement is to form a basis for this relationship and to start to establish how supervision can be used most effectively.

This agreement is between:

Name of Supervisee:
Name of Supervisor:
  1. What are our supervision arrangements?

Duration / The session will last approximately 1.5-2hrs on average
Location and Environment / The location of supervision may vary depending on available rooms. It will be a private space and we will do our best to ensure that we are not disturbed. If interruptions are anticipated we will …………………………………
Preparation / We will come to supervision having prepared what we need in order to use our time most effectively. If there are any issues that need to be discussed that require preparation from either one of us, we will let each other know as soon as possible with at least one day's notice prior to the supervision session.
Recording / The supervision record will be completed and distributed within two weeks by the supervisor. If the supervisee disagrees with what is written, is should be verbally communicated within 2 working days the record should be returned with written comments within 5 working days.
Confidentiality / The content of supervision will remain private and access will be given only to those with the authority to request it. Notification will be given to both of us if this occurs. The records will be stored securely in ………………………………
Changes to supervision arrangements / If supervision needs to be postponed or there are other changes required, we agree to communicate this with each other and arrange another time at the earliest opportunity. The reason for this change will be noted in the supervision record and in the record of supervision activity.

3. How can we get the most out of supervision?


  • The ways I learn most effectively are through:
  • The methods I have found to be most effective in managing my time are:
  • What I want from you as my supervisor is:
  • What I am making the commitment to contribute to supervision is:


  • What I want from you as my supervisee is:
  • What I am making the commitment to contribute to supervision is:
  1. Review of supervision agreement

In the recognition that situations and people develop and change, this agreement should be reviewed at least annually.

Signature of Supervisee:
Signature of Supervisor: