Appendix 1 Index and glossary of abbreviations and acronyms

Table AP1.1—Abbreviations and acronyms

Abbreviation/acronym / Description
ABS / Australian Bureau of Statistics
the Act / Sustainable Planning Act 2009
AEP / annual exceedenceprobability
AHD / Australian height datum
ALARP / as low as reasonably practicable
ANEF / Australian Noise Exposure Forecast
ANVF / araucariannotophyll vine forest
ANZSIC / Australia New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification
ARI / average recurrence interval
AS/NZS / Australian Standard
Australian/New Zealand Standard
ASGC / Australian Standard Geographical Classification
ATM / automatic teller machine
BCA / Building Code of Australia
BCC / Brisbane City Council
BSD / Brisbane standard drawing
BSTM / Brisbane Strategic Transport Model
BOD / biochemical oxygen demand
BPEM / best practice environmental management
CASA / Civil Aviation Safety Authority
CBD / central business district
CIMN / critical infrastructure movement network
CNVF / complex notophyll vine forest
CPTED / crime prevention through environmental design
CW / citywide significance
dB / decibel
DBH / diameter at breast height
DFE / defined flood event
DFL / defined flood level
DSS / desired standard of service
DV / depth X velocity product
E / endangered
EP / equivalent persons
ERA / environmentally relevant activity
ET / equivalent tenement
FPA / flood planning area
GFA / gross floor area
GVM / gross vehicle mass
HAT / highest astronomical tide
IARC / International Agency for Research on Cancer
IDAS / Integrated Development Assessment System
KRA / key resource area
LGA / local government area
LGIP / Local government infrastructure plan
HICB / Hazardous Industries and Chemicals Branch
MERV / minimum efficiency reporting value
MCU / material change of use
MHF / major hazard facilities
MRAC / Major Regional Activity Centre
MUTCD / Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
MVF / microphyll vine forest
NIEIR / National Institute of Economic and Industry Research
NFPVF / notophyll feather palm vine forest
NPM / neighbourhood plan map
NPP / neighbourhood plan precinct
NVF / notophyll vine forest
OC / of concern
OLS / Obstacle Limitation Surface
PAH / polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PANS / Procedures for Air Navigation Surfaces
PANS-OPS / Procedures for Air Navigation Services–Aircraft Operational Surfaces
PBC / Port of Brisbane Corporation
PCB / polychlorinated biphenyls
PEF / potency equivalency factors
PET / polyethylene terephthalate
PETE / polyethylene terephthalate
PFTI / plans for trunk infrastructure
PIA / priority infrastructure area
PM / particulate matter
PMF / probable maximum flood
PRAC / Principal Regional Activity Centre
PSP / Planning scheme policy
QDC / Queensland Development Code
QGSS / Queensland Government strategic sites
QPP / Queensland planning provisions
QUU / Queensland Urban Utilities
RBL / rating background level
RE / regional ecosystem
the Regulation / Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009
RFL / residential flood level
RL / reduced level
ROL / reconfiguring a lot
RPEQ / Registered Professional Engineer Queensland
SCA / special context areas
SEA / special entertainment area
SEQ / South East Queensland
SLA / statistical local area
SPP / state planning policy
SPRP / state planning regulatory provision
SRA / strategic redevelopment area
STP / sewerage treatment plant
TCDD / tetrachlorodibenzodioxin
TEF / toxic equivalency factors
TOD / transit oriented development
TSP / total suspended particulates
USEPA / US Environmental Protection Agency
VMP / vegetation management plan
WSUD / water sensitive urban design

Appendix 1 - Index and glossaryEffective X