Appendix 1. Bird species recorded by Stiles (1990) during 1968-1989 and our study period 2004-2009. For each species we include a category for forest dependence, its abundance category for both periods, and its abundance value from our study (see methods for categories definitions and abundance calculation). Appendix includes three sections: EXTINCTIO/DECREASING includes species that became locally extinct or their abundance decreased between both periods; COLONIZATION/INCREASING includes new arrivals and species that increase in abundance between both periods; and NO CHANGE includes species whose abundance did not change between both periods.
Family/Species / Status / Forest dependence / 1968-1989 / 2004-2009 / AbundanceEXTINCTION/DECREASING
Crypturellus soui / Resident / 3 / Rare / Not present
Anas discors / Latitudinal migrant / 4 / Rare / Not present
Dendrortyx leucophrys / Resident / 2 / Rare / Not present
Colinus leucopogon / Resident / 2.5 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.325
Phalacrocorax brasilianus / Resident / 4 / Rare / Not present
Bubulcus ibis / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.03
Butorides virescens / Resident / 4 / Scarse / Rare / 0.28
Nycticorax nycticorax / Resident / 4 / Rare / Not present
Coragyps atratus / Resident / 3 / Uncommon-Common / Scarse / 1.02
Cathartes aura / Resident / 3 / Uncommon-Common / Rare / 0.65
Pandion haliaetus / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Scarse Rare / Not present
Elanus leucurus / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Scarse / 0.77
Accipiter striatus / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.05
Accipiter cooperii / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Rare / Not present
Falco sparverius / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Scarse-Uncommon / Not present
Falco columbarius / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Not present
Porzana carolina / Latitudinal migrant / 4 / Scarse / Not present
Charadrius vociferus / Resident / 3 / Scarse / Not present
Actitis macularius / Latitudinal migrant / 4 / Scarse-Uncommon / Not present
Tringa solitaria / Latitudinal migrant / 4 / Scarse / Not present
Gallinago delicata / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Not present
Patagioenas fasciata / Altitudinal migrant / 2 / Rare / Not present
Zenaida macroura / Resident / 2.5 / Rare / Not present
Columbina passerina / Resident / 3 / Common / Not present
Leptotila verreauxi / Resident / 2.5 / Common / Uncommon / 4
Piaya cayana / Resident / 2.5 / Common / Uncommon / 3.15
Coccyzus americanus / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Scarse-Uncommon / Not present
Coccyzus erythropthalmus / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Scarse-Uncommon / Rare / 0.015
Tyto alba / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.008
Megascops choliba / Resident / 3 / Common / Scarse / 0.33
Glaucidium brasilianum / Resident / 2.5 / Common / Scarse / 1.25
Pseudoscops clamator / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.008
Chordeiles acutipennis / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Not present
Nyctidromus albicollis / Resident / 3 / Rare / Not present
Caprimulgus carolinensis / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Scarse / Not present
Cypseloides niger / Resident / 2.5 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.87
Cypseloides cryptus / Resident / 2 / Scarse-Uncommon / Rare / 0.05
Cypseliodes cherriei / Resident / 2 / Scarse / Not present
Streptoprocne rutila / Resident / 3 / Abundat / Rare / 0.3
Streptoprocne zonaris / Resident / 3 / Abundat / Scarse / 1.13
Chaetura vauxi / Resident / 2 / Uncommon-Common / Uncommon / 3.92
Campylopterus hemileucurus / Altitudinal migrant / 2 / Rare / Not present
Florisuga mellivora / Resident / 2 / Rare / Not present
Colibri delphinae / Resident / 1.5 / Rare / Not present
Colibri thalassinus / Altitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Not present
Anthracothorax prevostii / Resident / 3 / Scarse / Rare / 0.18
Amazilia saucerrottei / Resident / 2.5 / Common-Abundat / Scarse / 0.43
Amazilia tzacatl / Resident / 3 / Abundat / Common / 8.23
Lampornis calolaemus / Resident / 2 / Rare / Not present
Heliomaster constantii / Altitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Not present
Selasphorus scintilla / Resident / 3 / Rare / Not present
Eumomota superciliosa / Resident / 3 / Rare / Not present
Pteroglossus torquatus / Resident / 2 / Rare / Not present
Elaenia flavogaster / Resident / 3 / Common-Abundat / Scarse / 0.3
Contopus cooperi / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Scarse-Uncommon / Rare / 0.97
Contopus sordidulus / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Common / Scarse / 1.91
Contopus virens / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Common / Scarse / 2.29
Contopus cinereus / Resident / 3 / Rare-Scarse / Not present
Empidonax flaviventris / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.37
Empidonax virescens / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Scarse / Rare / 0.47
Empidonax alnorum / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Common / Rare / 0.14
Empidonax traillii / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Common-Abundat / Rare / 0.14
Myiarchus tuberculifer / Resident / 2.5 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.33
Myiarchus crinitus / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.41
Myiozetetes similis / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Scarse / 2.35
Myiodynastes luteiventris / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Common / Rare / 0.99
Legatus leucophaius / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.047
Tyrannus melancholicus / Resident / 3 / Common-Abundat / Common / 8.73
Tyrannus tyrannus / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Scarse / Rare / 0.047
Tyrannus forficatus / Resident / 2.5 / Rare / Not present
Vireo philadelphicus / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Common / Rare / 0.93
Vireo olivaceus / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Common / Uncommon / 4.03
Vireo flavoviridis / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Abundat / Rare / 0.32
Cyclarhis gujanensis / Resident / 2.5 / Common / Rare / 0.32
Progne chalybea / Resident / 3 / Scarse / Rare / 0.025
Progne tapera / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Not present
Tachycineta bicolor / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Uncommon / Not present
Stelgidopteryx serripennis / Resident / 3 / Scarse-Uncommon / Not present
Stelgidopteryx ruficollis / Resident / 3 / Rare / Not present
Riparia riparia / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Common-Abundat / Rare / 0.52
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Common / Uncommon / 3.97
Hirundo rustica / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Abundat / Scarse / 2.44
Cistothorus platensis / Resident / 3 / Rare / Not present
Myadestes melanops / Altitudinal migrant / 1.5 / Scarse / Not present
Catharus aurantiirostris / Resident / 2.5 / Uncommon / Scarse / 1.1
Catharus fuscescens / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Scarse / Not present
Catharus minimus / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Scarse / Not present
Catharus ustulatus / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Common / Rare / 0.75
Hylocichla mustelina / Latitudinal migrant / 1.5 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.094
Turdus plebejus / Altitudinal migrant / 2 / Rare / Not present
Dumetella carolinensis / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Scarse / Not present
Bombycilla cedrorum / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Scarse / Not present
Ptilogonys caudatus / Altitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Scarse / Not present
Vermivora cyanoptera / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Not present
Vermivora chrysoptera / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.047
Parula americana / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Not present
Dendroica petechia / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Common-Abundat / Uncommon / 3.28
Dendroica pensylvanica / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Common-Abundat / Uncommon / 2.94
Dendroica magnolia / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Not present
Dendroica tigrina / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare-Scarse / Not present
Dendroica coronata / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Scarse / Not present
Dendroica virens / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Scarse / Rare / 0.047
Dendroica fusca / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Scarse-Uncommon / Rare / 0.93
Dendroica dominica / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Not present
Dendroica pinus / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Not present
Dendroica discolor / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Not present
Dendroica castanea / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.37
Dendroica cerulea / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Rare / Not present
Mniotilta varia / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.094
Setophaga ruticilla / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Scarse-Uncommon / Rare / 0.94
Protonotaria citrea / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.094
Helmitheros vermivorum / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Scarse-Uncommon / Not present
Seiurus aurocapilla / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.15
Parkesia noveboracensis / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.15
Parkesia motacilla / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Scarse / Not present
Oporornis formosus / Latitudinal migrant / 1 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.19
Oporornis philadelphia / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Common / Rare / 0.71
Oporornis tolmiei / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.056
Geothlypis trichas / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Uncommon / Not present
Geothlypis poliocephala / Resident / 3 / Rare-Scarse / Rare / 0.03
Wilsonia citrina / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Rare / Not present
Wilsonia pusilla / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Common / Rare / 0.56
Wilsonia canadensis / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.34
Basileuterus rufifrons / Resident / 2 / Uncommon / Scarse / 2.15
Icteria virens / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Scarse / Not present
Thraupis palmarum / Resident / 3 / Common / Scarse / 1.42
Saltator maximus / Resident / 3 / Scarse / Rare / 0.7
Sporophila nigricollis / Resident / 3 / Rare / Not present
Acanthidops bairdi / Resident / 2 / Rare / Not present
Atlapetes albinucha / Resident / 2.5 / Uncommon / Scarse / 2.87
Melozone biarcuata / Resident / 2.5 / Uncommon / Scarse / 2.55
Spizella passerina / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Not present
Melospiza lincolnii / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Not present
Piranga rubra / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Uncommon-Common / Uncommon / 4.16
Piranga olivacea / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Uncommon / Rare / 0.94
Piranga bidentata / Altitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Scarse / Not present
Pheucticus ludovicianus / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Common / Rare / 0.6
Passerina caerulea / Resident / 3 / Rare / Not present
Passerina cyanea / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Common-Abundat / Rare / 0.14
Passerina ciris / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Not present
Molothrus aeneus / Resident / 3 / Uncommon-Common / Uncommon / 6.12
Icterus spurius / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Scarse / Rare / 0.94
Ardea alba / Latitudinal migrant / 4 / Not present / Rare / 0.14
Egretta caerulea / Resident / 4 / Not present / Rare / 0.025
Buteo nitidus / Resident / 2 / Not present / Rare / 0.025
Buteo brachyurus / Resident / 1 / Not present / Rare / 0.008
Falco rufigularis / Resident / 2.5 / Not present / Rare / 0.025
Aramides cajanea / Resident / 2 / Rare / Scarse / 0.25
Columba livia / Resident / 3 / Common / Abundat / 11.5
Patagioenas flavirostris / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Abundat / 23.9
Zenaida asiatica / Resident / 3 / Not present / Scarse / 1.4
Aratinga finschi / Resident / 3 / Common / Abundat / 97.27
Brotogeris jugularis / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Common / 7.2
Pionus senilis / Resident / 2 / Rare / Scarse / 0.28
Amazona albifrons / Resident / 2 / Not present / Scarse / 0.38
Amazona auropalliata / Resident / 2 / Not present / Rare / 0.008
Chaetura pelagica / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Not present / Rare / 0.03
Colaptes rubiginosus / Resident / 2 / Not present / Rare / 0.33
Dryocopus lineatus / Resident / 2.5 / Not present / Scarse / 1
Elaenia chiriquensis / Resident / 3 / Not present / Rare / 0.025
Zimmerius vilissimus / Resident / 2 / Not present / Rare / 0.05
Pitangus sulphuratus / Resident / 3 / Common / Abundat / 18.4
Pachyramphus aglaiae / Resident / Not present / Rare / 0.2
Psilorhinus morio / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Common / 5.67
Campylorhynchus rufinucha / Resident / 2.5 / Not present / Rare / 0.025
Thryothorus modestus / Resident / 3 / Common / Abundat / 11.95
Saltator atriceps / Resident / 3 / Not present / Scarse / 1.52
Sporophila americana / Resident / 3 / Not present / Rare / 0.05
Melozone leucotis / Resident / 2.5 / Uncommon / Common / 7
Spiza americana / Latitudinal migrant / Not present / Rare / 0.094
Dives dives / Resident / 3 / Not present / Common / 8.17
Quiscalus mexicanus / Resident / 3 / Common-Abundat / Abundat / 24.25
Icterus galbula / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Common-Abundat / Abundat / 24
Amblycercus holosericeus / Resident / 3 / Not present / Rare / 0.72
Ardea herodias / Resident / 4 / Rare / Rare / 0.008
Buteo platypterus / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.047
Buteo swainsoni / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.015
Falco peregrinus / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.18
Columba livia / Resident / 3 / Common / Common / 11.5
Columbina inca / Resident / 3 / Common / Common / 5.57
Crotophaga sulcirostris / Resident / 3 / Common / Common / 6.75
Chlorostilbon canivetii / Resident / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.025
Archilochus colubris / Latitudinal migrant / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.047
Momotus momota / Resident / 2.5 / Common / Common / 6.18
Chloroceryle americana / Resident / 4 / Rare / Rare / 0.45
Melanerpes hoffmannii / Resident / 2.5 / Abundat / Abundat / 16.45
Sphyrapicus varius / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Rare / 0.15
Elaenia frantzii / Altitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Rare / 0.025
Empidonax minimus / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Rare / 0.047
Sayornis nigricans / Resident / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.025
Megarhynchus pitangua / Resident / 2.5 / Common / Common / 6.2
Tityra semifasciata / Resident / 2.5 / Scarse / Scarse / 1.35
Vireo flavifrons / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Uncommon / Uncommon / 3.97
Pygochelidon cyanoleuca / Resident / 3 / Abundat / Abundat / 28.03
Troglodytes aedon / Resident / 3 / Abundat / Abundat / 17.33
Turdus grayi / Resident / 3 / Abundat / Abundat / 38
Oreothlypis peregrina / Latitudinal migrant / 2 / Abundat / Abundat / 18.94
Dendroica striata / Latitudinal migrant / 2.5 / Rare / Rare / 0.047
Thraupis episcopus / Resident / 3 / Abundat / Abundat / 25.2
Saltator coerulescens / Resident / 3 / Common / Common / 7.52
Volatinia jacarina / Resident / 3 / Uncommon / Uncommon
Sporophila torqueola / Resident / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.03
Tiaris olivaceus / Resident / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.08
Zonotrichia capensis / Resident / 3 / Abundat / Abundat / 17.3
Sturnella magna / Resident / 3 / Common / Common / 6.7
Molothrus oryzivorus / Resident / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.07
Psarocolius montezuma / Resident / 2.5 / Common / Common / 13.25
Euphonia elegantissima / Altitudinal migrant / 2 / Rare / Rare / 0.05
Passer domesticus / Resident / 3 / Rare / Rare / 0.03