Appelbaum Publications 3

Robert Appelbaum



Aguecheek’s Beef, Belch’s Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections: Literature, Culture, and Food Among the Early Moderns, University of Chicago Press, 2006. 376 pages

Envisioning an English Empire: Jamestown and the Making of the North Atlantic World, ed. Robert Appelbaum and John Wood Sweet, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005. 368 pages

Literature and Utopian Politics in Seventeenth-Century England, Cambridge University Press, 2002. 256 pages

Journal Articles

“Food Fuss in London,” 12,000 words, submitted to Food, Culture, and Society

“New Worlds,” 5000 words, in Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, forthcoming

“Terrorism and the Novel, 1970-2001,” 20,000 words, in Poetics Today, forthcoming

“Milton, the Gunpowder Plot, and the Mythography of Terror,” Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History, 68.4 (2007), 461-92

“Rhetoric and Epistemology in Early Printed Recipe Collections,” Journal of Early Modern Cultural Studies 3.2 (2003), 1-35

“Eve’s and Adam’s Apple: Horticulture, Taste, and the Flesh of the Forbidden Fruit in Paradise Lost,” Milton Quarterly, 36.4 (2002), 221-39

“Newe Bokes of Cookerie,” Journal of Early Modern Cultural Studies 1.1 (2001),128-43

“Belch’s Hiccup: Disturbances of the Appetite in Twelfth Night, Textus 13 (2000), 231-62

“Aguecheek’s Beef, Textual Practice 14.2 (2000), 327-41

“War and Peace in The Lepanto of James VI and I,” Modern Philology 97.3 (2000), 33365; reprint Reading Monarchs Writing, ed. Peter Herman (Tempe, AZ: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 2002)

“O Power”: Gerrard Winstanley and the Limits of Communist Poetics,” Prose Studies, 22.1 (1999), 39-58

“Anti-geography,” Early Modern Literary Studies, Special Issue on Literature and Geography, 4.2. (1998),12.1-17:

“AIDS, Death, and the Analytic Frame,” (with Rebecca Bauknight, Ph.D.), Free Associations: Psychoanalysis, Groups, Politics, Culture, 41 (1998), 81-100

“Standing to the Wall”: The Pressures of Masculinity in Romeo and Juliet,” Shakespeare Quarterly, 48.3 (1997), 251-72

“Tip-toeing to the Apocalypse: Herbert, Milton, and the Modern Sense of Time,” George Herbert Journal 19.1-2 (1996), 27-54

“Utopian Dubrovnik, 1659: An English Fantasy,” Utopian Studies 7.1 (1996), 65-92

Book Chapters

“The Civility of Eating,” 5000 words, in Food and Morality (Devon: Prospect Books, 2008), forthcoming

“Rethinking the Civilizing Process,” 10,000 words, in Renaissance Food from Rabelais to Shakespeare: Culinary Readings and Culinary Histories, ed. Joan Fitzpatrick (Aldershot: Ashgate), forthcoming

“Food,”3000 words, in Ben Jonson in Context, ed. Julie Sanders (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), forthcoming

“The Imaginary Imaginary Voyage: Richard Brome’s The Antipodes,” in Viaggi in Utopia, ed. Raffaella Baccolini, Vita Fortunati, and Nadia Minerva (Ravenna: Longo Editore, 1996), 143-52

“Genres utopiques en Angleterre, 1516-1640,” in Histoire transnationale des utopies littéraires et de l’utopisme, ed. Vita Fortunati and Raymond Trousson (Paris: Champion), forthcoming

Comedy of Errors,” “Timon of Athens,” “Sonnets 71, 94, 147," In The Greenwood Companion to Shakespeare, ed. Joseph Rosenblum (Westport: Greenwood Press, 2005), 30,000 words

“Hunger in Early Virginia: Indians and English Facing Off Over Excess, Want, and Need,” Envisioning an English Empire, ed. Robert Appelbaum and John Wood Sweet, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005, 195-217


Review of Taste: A Literary History, in Literature and History, forthcoming

Review of Empires of the Atlantic World, in Historian 70.1 (2008),186-88

Review of Milton and the Ends of Time, in Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, 34.3 (2005), 381-85

Review of The Kingdom of Science: Literary Utopianism and British Education, 1612-1870, in Cithara: Essays in the Judeo-Christian Tradition, in press

Review of Defending Literature in Early Modern England, in Modern Philology, 102.3 (2005), 417-20

Review of The Broadview Anthology of Seventeenth-Century Literature, in EMLS 7.2 (2001)

Review of Robinson Crusoe, Myths and Metamorphoses, in Utopian Studies, 8.1 (1997)

Review of Inwardness and Theater in the English Renaissance, in Early Modern

Literary Studies 1.2 (1995)

Review of An Empire Nowhere: England, America, and Literature from “Utopia” to “The Tempest,” in Utopian Studies 5.1 (1994)


“Victory Walk,” a short story, Side Show 97 (El Cerrito: Somersault Press, 1996)

“California Story,” Fiction International 27.2 (1995)

“Hansel and Gretel” (A New Version), Nobodaddies: A Journal of Pirated Narratives 1.2 (1994)

“Morte d’auteur,” Fiction International 25.1 (1993)


“Literary Terror.” Program notes for Royal Shakespeare Company performance of Speaking Like Magpies, by Frank McGuinness, Stratford-upon-Avon, September-November 2005

“John Smith’s Fish: Mapping Natural Resources, Cultural Habits, and Food,” Texts of Imagination and Empire,

In Progress

Terrorism Before the Letter: Literatures of Political Violence in Britain and France, 1559-1642

Working the Aisles: Food, Sex, and the Culture of Desire