App Ideas for Increasing Independence
Beat the Heat – Summer 2013
Carol Huntley
Transition Specialist, Round Rock ISD
AbleLink Technologies:
- Visual Impactfor iPad - ( Free, but individual tasks are downloaded for 99 cents each)– provides easy step-by-step multimedia instructions for use by anyone needing a support to perform daily tasks of all kinds: make a grilled cheese sandwich by yourself; learn important skills for applying for a job; learn how to take your own blood pressure at home. Online library of skills…..adding more all the time.
- Everyday Skills for iPad– ($39.99) provides self-directed learning sessions for 40 important skills necessary for living independently and accessing the community, based on content from the Attainment Co.
- Everyday Skills pocket edition – ($19.99) for iPhone or iPod Touch
- Living Safely for iPad – ($29.99)provides self-directed learning sessions for 27 safety skills.
- Living Safely pocket edition – ($19.99) for iPhone or iPod Touch
- My Health, My Choice, My Responsibility for iPad– ($9.99) self-paced learning on 8 important topics for leading a healthy lifestyle (developed in cooperation with Westchester Institute for Human Development).
- Community Sidekick universal for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad – ($19.99) - As a user is learning to travel in the community, Sidekick sends automated email messages with map links to show the user’s location. The device must be turned on.
OT’s with Apps:
Preparing Adolescents & Adults for Life #1
- MyTalk
- Apps for Organization: GeeTaskLite, iPrompts, Visual Impact Pro
Preparing Adolescents & Adults for Life #2
- Self-Management Apps: iReward, i Earn it Stars
- Time Management Apps: Time Timer, Time’s Up, TimeCalc,
Preparing Adolescents & Adults for Life #3
- Purchasing and Budgeting: Cash Strapped, PicList To Do Manager, Shopping List Generator
- Navigation: Community Sidekick, GPS Alarm, BreadCrumbz
- Phone: OneTapDial (FaceDialer), Pocket Ace
Glenda’s Assistive Technology Information and More…
Gives some good insights into using iPads, iPhones, etc. in the classroom. Gives benefits that are being seen in using these tools; lists pros from a student’s standpoint; compares using Apps on iPad, iPodTouch, iPhone to what it would cost to by more expensive devices; Gives some educational reasons for using the iPad; has a list of videos about the use of these technologies for students receiving special education services.
inov8 Educational Consulting
There’s a special app for that – Part 8: Apps that support the development of autonomy and independence
- Predictable $159.99 – Augmentative communication app; text-to-speech; allows student to write with the use of word prediction; option to categorize specific sentences into various groups “My Phrases”
- Pictello ($14,99) – Create social stories for students working, this app can provide a picture-based step-by-step guide to performing a specific task – option to record your own voice with pictures.
- Functional Skills System (99 cents each) - Conover Company series of apps on functional skills such as hygiene, dressing, emergency signs, eating in a restaurant, etc.
- Hidden Curriculum on the Go ($1.99) – Based on “The Hidden Curriculum” and and Michelle Garcia Winner’s work in the area of social thinking; explicitly explains various behaviors, rules and expectations in various social situations and environments
- Conversation Builder ($5.99) – Presents pictures to begin the conversation and asks the student to respond by recording their own voice; gives prompts for a correct response
- Model Me Going Places 2 (Free) – Provides videos for modeling social skills for children; has a vast video library
- Springpad (Free) – Universal – Organizes notes; organizes tasks so students can feel more in control of their lives
- Wonkido – visual organizer; geared for younger children
Appolicious – Special Education Apps
To get to this page, go to this site and type Special Education in the search bar:
- Proloquo2Go ($189.99) – Augmentative Communication
- Percentally ($2.99) - Tally counter that automatically converts tallies to percentages
- Behavior Tracker Pro ($29.99) – Does what it says!
- Tally Counter (Free) – Tally counter
- iConverse – Assisted Communication ($9.99) – Augmentative Communication
- Autism Apps (Free) – Comprehensive list of apps used by and with people with autism, downs syndrome and other special needs.
- Dragon Dictation (Free) – Voice Recognition application allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text or email messages.
- First Then Visual Schedule - ($9.99)–fully customizable for you to create schedules and steps to a task; add pictures; add your voice, etc.