Clackmannanshire Volunteer Managers’ Forum
Terms of reference
Purpose / role of the group:
Suggested by CTSi, and formed in January 2017 following a session within a CTSi Community Breakfast, the aim and focus of the Forum is to engage volunteer managers and others who interact/work with volunteers to allow them to:
- Share resources / best practice / be cohesive
- Network
- Support each other with events
- Create a bank of volunteers to share
- Have ‘spotlight’ sessions whereby groups will deliver a brief on their projects
- Invite beneficial speakers
- Share/inform others of training
One of the main messages that came from a discussion on purpose for the forum was increasing volunteer participation. Within this, several points were raised including:
- Promoting roles effectively
- Best practice for recruitment of volunteers
- Working on better retention of volunteers
- Suggestions of clear service, better training, quality placement, and support to progress were all mentioned.
The forum is open to a wide range of individuals from those who directly manage volunteers, to teachers in schools hoping to know more about volunteering in the area to support young people move in to volunteering. From discussions those in attendance of the January Community Breakfast, and the first Forum meeting, it was agreed the forum would be open to:
- Volunteer Managers
- Volunteers – when appropriate to gain their opinion
- Schools/colleges/university
- Community Councils/Clackmannanshire Council
- Criminal and Community Justice Services
- Employability Organisations (JCP, SDS etc)
- Guest speakers
Format of the forum:
- The forum will be meeting-based, although members can contribute electronically if they are not able to make the meeting and have input to the agenda. Agenda items can also be proposed.
- It was agreed that the Forum would meet monthly to find its feet and be involved with planning for Volunteers Week (1st – 7thJune).
- Each meeting will be scheduled for 2 hours and will not exceed the allocated time.
- There will be information via e-mail, the CTSI website, and if required, post.
- Meetings will include opportunities for people to share information on their service/organisation.
- Meeting format may include presentations (when speakers attend).
- Louise Orr (CTSi) will chair the meetings
- Danielle Hill (CTSi) will take notes for the meetings
- Louise Orr (CTSi) will create and circulate any documents required for the forum with input from members and post information on the CTSi webpage
- For the time being it was agreed that Play Alloa would host the forum
- The forum members will be responsible for suggesting and arranging speakers
The terms of reference will be reviewed at the June/July meeting (after Volunteers’ Week)
- Specific areas agreed to review:
- Forum host
- Forum chair
- Sub-groups
- Meeting themes
- Frequency of meetings