PPG Meeting 10/04/2015


Mr Spencer, Mrs Iny, Mr.Stephenson, Mr.McCarthy, Bennedicta, Yolanda, Mrs.Wojewodzki, Berrin, Dr.Karthi, Dr.AJ& Sabba

Apologises from Mrs Ali who could not attend

The Raffle:

  • The raffle raised £1087- we met the target! Thank you to everyone who helped, especially Mr.Spencer& Mrs.Iny.
  • We will send thank you notes to each of the sponsors.
  • Raffle was drawn, winners are as follows:

1st Prize: Conifers

2nd Prize: Mr.O’Brien

3rd Prize: Mr.Griffiths

4th Prize: John from the Hollies

5th Prize: Mr.Iny

6th Prize: Mr.P Murray

7th Prize: Anon.

8th Prize: Conifers

9th Prize: Mr.R James

10th Prize: M.Christodoulou

11th Prize: S.Risk

Friends& Family:

  • Friends and family test was recapped- it’s a ‘would you recommend us to your family/friends?’ The surgery needs to do a report on it each month, we will include the raffle in this month’s report.

Gillan House Surgery Newsletter:

  • Gillan House Surgery Newsletter has been launched! The 2nd edition is on the website. The newsletter will be quarterly- the minutes for PPG meetings will help us to write the newsletter.

Patient Emis Access:

  • Emis Patient Access Online was explained; patients can have access to our system ‘Emis’ to view part of their medical records online. They can then see their past& active problems as well as their allergies and medication. We explained the procedure for getting access to this- 2 forms of ID (one of which has to be photographic) and proof of address, not a Utility bill. This information is to be included on the newsletter.


  • There is a charity designed for GP surgeries (Contact a Family) which helps staff at surgeries deal with families who have disabled members and help provide a better standard of care for them. Mr. Spencer bought in leaflets for us to look at.
  • Part of the website for the PPG has been changed and updated.
  • Discussed the issue of where patients should stand in the queue for the two windows, as they cannot see if the second window is free. Could we have lights to show that the second window is free? Or a round mirror? Or buzzer?
  • Elderly patients who wish to see a female GP find it hard to get up the stairs to see her- how do we make it more accessible? We cannot afford a stair lift, and a lift cannot be placed. We could convert Room 2 into a clinical room?
  • Twin prams cannot fit through the doors, so mothers are leaving them by the entrance which is a health and safety hazard, however, as it stands, there is no other place where they can safely leave their prams. Maybe we could convert the clinical waste area on the forecourt into a Pram Lock area and the clinical waste can be put further back behind the gate to the garden? The Pram Lock could be operated by putting a pound in to be able to remove the key and getting the pound back when the key is replaced?