PRESENT :Annette Dickinson-Flint; Chris Flint; Mark Fone;Graham Jackson; Max Lloyd; Cyril Nolan; Gary Nolan; Lorna Rogers; Guy Scott.

APOLOGIES:- Mal Brown; Lee Picken; Jacky Turner; Don Wallington.


a. The Committee still awaits the revised ground lease from the Rugby Club.

b. Planning Application has been re-submitted for a slightly larger extension; approval expected by 17th May

c. All light meters to be re-programmed to accept the new £1 coin and 50 pence pieces.

d. Subject to a review, light fees may require adjusting.

e. Nomination papers for the election of Officers & Committee etc will be issued in May.

f. Octoplumb Ltd have been invited to look at the boiler to resolve intermittent leaks.

g. Only one response was received in reply to email broadcast re Summer Event and that for a barbecue with

a handicapped racketball competition.

h. Dave Bailey has completed mortar repairs are required at head of Court 3 sidewalls because of movement

caused by Storm Doris.


a. Both the Current and Savings accounts remain strong.£1150 worth of bills paid in March including fridge

supplies and Rugby Club ground rent of £721 per quarter.

b. The Club Insurance will be renewed this month at an annual premium of £1206


199 members have renewed their membership including 41 subscription free juniors.


a. The Inter County Over 40's Racketball team came third in the National Finals after Winners Norfolk,

and runners up Dorset.

b. The Club Racketball team of CD; MD; SD; CM and CW are takingpart in the NationalClub Finals at

Edgbaston on 22nd/23rd April.Expected to play Queens Club, London in Semi Final; Edgbaston will be playing

Liverpool. Spectators will be welcome, an organised trip?

c. Team playing results : - League One - Runners Up; League Two - Runners Up; League Three -

Winners; "A" Cup - Runners Up; "B" Cup - Runners Up; "C" Cup - Winners.

Squash 57 League & Cup - Winners.

d. The Club has been invited to host the County "end of Season Review Meeting" on 9th May and the AGM

on 7th September 2017; the Committee agreed to host but not include a buffet.

e. The Club has been invited to host the County Racketball Championships; date to be agreed.


Numbers continue to rise. Parents & Carers would prefer that the Safegaurding meeting would follow a Saturday session. Ideas for "occupying" 20 children required!!


a. April 10th onwards Club Closed Squash, Nolan/Downing & Racketball Championships for which the draws have

been issued; please arrange your own matches within the time frame requested.

b. The Club "D" team have arranged to host a social/friendly match v Kingsland "F" on 20th April.


a. Max Lloyd suggested that lights on Courts 1 & 2 need attention.

b. Mark Fone thought that the Club might like to invest in renting a Squash Cannon machine which members could

hire as they do for a Court booking. GSJ to gather further information.

c. In view of the "declining" standard of match marking it was agreed that the Club would arrange a markers

course and invite all County Clubs to attend. GSJ to obtain details.

Date of next Meeting

MONDAY 1stMAY 2017 at 1940 hours