Sports Council Minutes
Thursday7thNovember 2013
Present – Tony Whitehead (TW), Michael Pym (MP), Ana Lopez (AL), Jack Kilner (JK), Chloe Weaver (CW), Joshua Knight (JKn), George Shipp (GS), Thomas Justice (TJ), Ari Hayton (AH), Callum Allison (CA), Harry Stevenson (HS), James Brewer (JB), Charlie Farr (CF), Scarlett Dempsey (SD), Bethan Morgan (BM), Becca McDonnell (BMc).
Apologies from Aziz Quadri – Basketball and Kea Barlow –Tennis.
- Welcome and Updates from Sports ClubsAll
TW welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Points 2 and 3 took place before the club updates as JK, CW and AL all had to leave early.
GS, TJ and CA – Hockey have had a good start. Men lost in the cup – unbeaten otherwise. Men are short of numbers, mixed and women are generally ok. Women’s team have problems with some courses on Wednesdays – TW to chase up. New coach – Matt Abbott
AH and HS – Rugby – Decent start to the season – biggest drama was losing the kit but then finding it again.
JB – American Football – won 1st game v Imperial – going well – lots of new members
CF – competition 8th December
SD and BM – Women’s Football – 2 games, 2 defeats – going well in terms of numbers and team improving – new goalkeeper
BM – Netball – initiations went well – fixtures/training going well so far too
- LGBT+ Campaigns Jack Kilner
JK explained why they are wanting to run an awareness campaign – recent homophobic attacks on/around campus – working with TW along with Alex Brooks (President) and Kyle Marchalleck (VP Campaigns and Representation) – JK mentioned BUCS out in sport programme which will be coming soon – JK spoke about ‘gaybombing event’ which LGBT+ society are planning to run in Sparrows (27th November) – bright coloured dress up – CW invited sports teams to do something like pick a colour/theme each and get involved – would like to get as many involved as possible to raise awareness
- Sustainability Hub Ana Lopez
AL asked if anyone had heard anything about the sustainability hub before on the website for example. Nobody had but a few were interested.
AL explained the new Green Ambassador roles which are being advertised
AL spoke about an event in the garden involving the sports teams – possibly 20th November – CA, AH and HS all suggested that a different day (possibly a Friday would be best as a lot of the teams will have fixtures on Wednesdays)
- Ratification
- JudoJoshua Knight
JKn spoke about what Judo is and the reasons that they would like to start as a new sports team
JKn – link set up with Metro Judo club – reduced fee – plenty of benefits to this link – free memberships and kit available for new starters – JKn asked when would be best to train to get people from other clubs who might be interested to train with them – few competitions locally after Christmas
Teams fed back to JKn about the best days for training to get them all involved - generally agreed that Mondays/Wednesdays would be the worst days and Thursday the best.
Vote for ratification was taken.
Yes – 6No – 0 Abstaining – 0
- Boxing TW
TW spoke on behalf of the students who want to set up the club – briefly explained their plans as they were on the form
Vote for ratification was taken.
Yes – 7No – 0 Abstaining – 0
- Fixtures All
All going ok – mentioned previously in updates
- Training and Facilities All
No issues
- Tour TW
TW – Loretfest with SportsParty - £65 deposit to be paid by 10th December
- Online Kit Store TW
TW – now up and running – TJ – bit expensive but good quality – also takes a while to arrive
- Any Other Business All
AH – Thomas Mulquin charity match is tomorrow night (8th November) – asked for as many clubs as possible to support if possible