Instructions for Setting-Up your Team Unify Account For Text Messaging

*Before beginning this process, make sure that you have your cell phone nearby because you will need it to receive a verification code via text.

  1. Log into the website with your email address and password
  2. Click on “My Account”
  3. Click on “My Account” again – this should bring you to screen called:

“Billing Account Configuration” as shown below

-Go to the box called “Email Account and Texting Set up”

  • If your cell # is VERIFIED and it lists the correct CARRIER skip to step

# 8 below.

  • If you do NOT see you cell number with a checked box called “Verified”, then proceed with step #4.
  1. Click on “Add SMS” box on the right hand side

-In a pop up box called “Cell number” type your (PARENT)cell number e.g. 908-123-4567

-In line “Cell Carrier” pick your cell phone company exp. Verizon, Team Mobile, etc.

-Click “Send”

  1. Your cell phone will receive a text message with a verification number, type in that number in a box “Verification number”
  1. Click “Verify”
  1. Your cell number is now verified. Click on “Save changes”on the right side of the screen
  2. Go to the lower box called “Members under this account
  1. Click on the name of the swimmer (you must complete steps #10-15 for each of your swimmers)
  1. It will bring you to a screen “Member/athlete profile”.

  1. Scroll down to “Member Email and Test Messaging Set up”
  1. Click on “Add SMS” – on the right side

- In a pop up box called “Cell number” type your (PARENT) cell number exp. 908-111-1234. PLEASE DO NOT PUT IN SWIMMERS CELL PHONE NUMBERS –ONLY INPUT PARENT’S CELL PHONE NUMBER. If a swimmer cell number is in there please click on the red x to delete it, then click on “Add SMS” and enter parent’s number

-In line “Cell Carrier” pick your cell phone company exp. Verizon, Sprint, etc

-Click “Send”

  1. Your cell phone will receive a text message with a verification number, type in that number in a box “Verification number” that will pop up on your computer screen
  1. Click “Verify” .
  1. Your cell number is now verified. Scroll down to Click on “Save changes” located at the bottom right side of the screen.

Don’t forget to do steps #8-15 for each of your swimmers and

make sure you click on SAVE CHANGES each time.