Minutes of a meeting of the Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 13th September 2011 in the small room of the Parish Hall, Addison Road, Wimblington AT 7.00PM.

Present Cllrs M Davis (Chairperson) G Bellard, C Brown, P Crawford, J A Clarke, S Spurr, The Clerk, AS Thomas, A Carlin, M Moulton, P Hart, J Young, Serjeant Munger

Apologies for Absence Cllrs E Gowler, AR Knowles, Mrs E Wright PCSO J Hornett

Pursuant to the National Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare

any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in respect of any item to be discussed at the Meeting.

No interests were declared.

541/11Confirmation of minutes – Resolved that the minutes of meeting held on 12th July 2011 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a true record.

542/11Police representative report

PCSO J Hornett sent a written report that no crimes had been reported other than a small number of incidents of anti social behaviour. Residents from Norfolk Street and Kings Street had shown an interest for a Neighbourhood Watch scheme.

Serjeant Monger endorsed that additional patrols had taken place and there had been no calls about anti social behaviour. Concerns were raised over the area at the side of the Church being dark and the thefts of lead from churches. It was agreed that the matter be discussed with the PCC as to how the problems may be addressed.

The anti social behaviour problems may have associated with the fact that two local children had been taken into care. On October the 3rd a new member of staff would be in place and this should increase police presence in the area. The police were asked if they could cover the school period, Serjeant Monger reported that the PCSO had been patrolling during school times and the police were interacting with the Neale Wade School.

543/11Matters Arising

a) Fun Day – further to minute 532/11(a) - Cllr Brown reported that the Fun Day was a great success and handed £90 along with a statement of expenses to the Clerk. The Chairperson thanked the Allotment Association for their help and it was agreed that it would be advantageous to form a committee to run next year’s event. Several options were discussed and the following were agreeable to be on a committee: - A Carlin, a representative from the Allotment Association, Cllrs Brown Bellard, Davis and Spurr. The committee would look at options in the New Year.

b) Highways – further to minute 532/11(b) – Junction at Bridge Lane. Cllr Clarke reported that the highways had met with him and the question of a road sign replacement was discussed along with speeding issues and a possible road crossing. Visibility issues were better due to crop harvesting.

c) WMPF – further to minute 536/11(a) – The Clerk reported that the Richard Scott event was cancelled.

d) Allotment Road – further to minute 537/11© - Cllr Davis reported that the road and turning area were complete and invoices were still pending from the ground force contractor but prices should be within the budget. Andy Thomas on behalf of the Allotment Association thanked the Council and in particular Cllr Brown for their work in making the roadway and turning area happen.

e) Parish Hall roof – the clerk reported that due to unforeseen events the contractors had been unable to start the roof works but had indicated that they would start on the problem area next week.

544/11Income Expenditure

a) The members considered and approved the following accounts for payment

C Brownpavilion keys37.40 4.68 42.08

Fenland D CHall rates113.00

British GasHome care – hall20.00 4.00 24.00

R WrightJuly salary598.40

Fenland D CWheelie bin church115.94

S WrightFire risk asst and health & safety audit100.00

Fenland D C Wheelie bin – hall115.94

Mrs M MoultonCaretaker/booking duties195.69

Cambs CC Clerks Pension179.14

T HampsonGrass cutting etc655.00131.00786.00

Moore StephensAudit fee 2010/2011285.00 57.00342.00

PPS (R Wright)Manhole for hall 67.25 13.45 80.70

S WrightVillage duties 80.00

British gasElectricity – hall106.78 5.34 112.12

Anglian WaterWater – hall, pavilion & cemetery175.20

M DavisExpenses, Fun day web site etc161.13

e.on – Electricity pavilion15.17 0.76 15.93

Fenland D CHall rates113.00

B GasMaintenance 20.00 4.00 24.00

R WrightAugust salary 598.40

Mrs M MoultonAugust salary 195.49

Cambs CCClerks pension 179.14

T HampsonGrass cutting740.00148.00 888.00

P J Thory Ltdhardcore and planings1135.92227.181363.10

Ridgeon’s Ltdmembrane for road 165.00 33.00 198.00

St John AmbulanceFun day 52.00 10.40 62.40

British GasGas at hall105.01 5.25 110.26

BlocksAway LtdSewer works at hall 89.00

Eloo LtdComposting toilet – allotments4256.88851.375108.25

Mrs Moulton (Argos)Vacuum cleaner 91.66 18.33 109.99

b) The Clerk reported that Moore Stephens had signed off the Annual Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2011 on 19th July. The competition of audit has been duly advertised.

c) The Clerk presented schedules of Income of £29,093.79 and Expenditure of £20,863.72.

d) Risk Management – The clerk explained the policies and procedures that were in place and the need to update on a regular basis. The Fire Risk Assessment for the hall had been updated and a new Standing Order had been circulated. It was felt that a Finance & General purposes Committee would be beneficial as it would involve Councillors in having a greater input in financial matters.

Resolved – That a Finance and General Purpose Committee be formed, the suggested members being Cllrs Davis, G Bellard, S Spurr and either E Gowler or A Knowles.


Observations on the following applications

FYR11/0528/FK Seller Mortimer Farm 16ft Bank – formation of ménage – no objections

FYR11/0537/F Lavenham Fen Farms Manea Road – grain store with photovoltaic cells – questioned the glare from the cells to road users

FYR/11/0539/F20 Eastwood Industrial Estate - industrial unit – no objections

FYR11/0699/F30 Eastwood End – 3 3storey 5/6 bed dwellings – felt that footpaths should be improved along with additional lighting and a bin.

546/11Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport

a) New lights – To give further consideration to provision of new street lights for 2011/2012. The Clerk reported that he had contacted Fenland district council to ascertain whether they had surveyed the lights since 2008 but had received no reply. Resolved – That the F & G P committee would investigate hazardous lights and report back to the full Council.

b) Footpaths and highway issues

i) Mrs Farrow raised concerns over the trees opposite 1a St Peters Drive. Philip Roberts asks the Council to commission a qualified report upon conditions of trees and liaise with Fenland D C over actions. Council and residents contribute towards works. The Clerk reported that he had since spoken to Mr Roberts who informed him that residents in Addison Road were addressing the issue. Resolved – That it was not a Council matter and no contribution would be made.

ii) Wimblington Byway 10 Workhouse Drove (Manea Road – Eastwood End) – badly rutted and overgrown – local contractors to undertake shrub clearance and surfacing works at end of September.

iii) Cambs CC – salt grit bins at £95Resolveed that two bins be purchased and the possible sites being Pond Close and Church Street.

iv) Mr J Waterman of 56 Doddington Road had complained to Cllr P Jolley about the speeding in Doddington Road and witnessed a near miss accident. He has taken the matter up with S Barclay MP. The Parish council were asked if they would seek a speed and counting box to be installed to ascertain the volume of traffic and speed of vehicles. S Barclays believed that a crossing may be needed and asked for the Council’s opinion. Resolved – That as speeding occurred both in March Road and Doddington Road a request for monitoring equipment be sought.

v) Winter Maintenance training 29 Sept and 21 October.

547/11Recreation Ground

a) WMPF – Cllr Clarke reported that he had obtained quotes for window shields based on different window sizes and Cllr Brown had looked into window prices. Cllr Davis reported that the metal door was dangerous and work was needed on it immediately. The question of a replacement PVC door was discussed but some members felt that the pavilion and toilet block should be demolished. The Clerk referred the members to minute 536/11(a). The question of the water leak was also raised and some members were concerned that the discussion was going in circles. The removal of the willow tree was also raised and concerns that its removal would cause some parishioners to object. Resolved – That quotes be obtained as agreed and also a quote to demolish the toilet block or block up be obtained. The removal of the willow tree was in hand and would be removed after the leaves had dropped and a risk assessment undertaken. Cllr brown stated that he would make safe the metal door.

b) Parkfield – Parkfield reported that the work on the new storage building would start next week, the lamps reported by ROSPA had been removed, and the cricket season had finished and a good year had been recorded.

548/11New Cemetery/Churchyard

a) New Cemetery – The Clerk reported that he had instructed T Hampson to trim the hedge between the cemetery and allotments as it was encroaching upon the cremated area and was all over the place. The trimming should help the hedge to establish at the agreed height. Cllr Bellard mentioned that the Allotment Association had mentioned the cutting at their meeting.

b) Wimblington St Peters Churchyard – The Clerk reported that Parkfield had sent an employee to strim the churchyard for two mornings last week. Cllr Crawford reported that the PCC were pleased with the Fun Day and hoped that it continued. The question of supplementing the work undertaken by the Community Payback people was discussed. The question of clearing the kerbed graves was discussed and whose responsibility it was. Resolved – That T Hampson be approached when the necessity arose to trim around the graves.

549/11Parish hall

General up date – Cllr Davis reported that the application for grant towards new floor was not successful but an application would be made to the Fisher – Parkinson Trust.

The Clerk reported that damage to the door window had been made but the party that booked the hall had agreed to pay for the repair.

550/11Correspondence & Other matters

a) Fenland District Council – Queens Diamond Jubilee 2012 – events workshop to deal with all aspects of event management to ensure that Council’s have the knowledge to stage a safe event. It was agreed that the letter be passed onto the Diamond Jubilee Group.

b) CHS Group – Hassock Way – recent 3 bed house advertised and a very poor response from people connected to Wimblington. Next property to be considered will be a 2 bed house. No names were provided by Councillors for the 2 bed house.

c) Fenland Road Safety Campaign (Charlotte’s Way) – Request for Council to make a Jointly Funded Work grant to assist with cost to provide barriers at Bedlam Bridge. RESOLVED – That Graham Chappell be invited to give a presentation to the council.

d) RHS Britain in Bloom – request for Council to join campaign. Cllr Wright indicated that she would be prepared to assist but the Council decided that they would not be joining the campaign.

e) Fenland DC – Use of hall as an emergency rest centre. The Council had no objections.

f) Allotments – For All – Composting Toilet. Cllr Davis reported that the full cost of the toilet would be met by the grant.

g) Fenland Strategic Partnership Transport and Access Group – Fenland Rail Development Strategy – comments from 10 Sept to 2 December 2011

h) North Witchford Lodge – A meeting is to be held on Tuesday 20th Sept at 10am to inform residents of the future. Any Councillor is invited to attend. Cllr Spurr agreed to attend the meeting.

i) Stonea Camp – Scheduled walk will take place on the 14 September 2011.

j) Victim Support – request for donation. Resolved that no donation would be made.

k) Shelly Fowler – Horse riding and rights of way. Cllr Davis reported that she had received two emails from M/s Fowler about the condition and barriers at the bottom of Chapel lane. Cllr Davis would make an appropriate response.

l) Mobile Gym – It was reported that the mobile gym would cease from the end of October due to insufficient users.

m) Cllr Brown referred to the planning application at 30 Eastwood End and made comments about the tress on lot 1 & 2.

n) Cllr Clarke made comment to the fact that farmers were now ploughing up to the edge of the fields which made it difficult for dog walkers.

o) Cllr Spurr reported that parishioners felt that Community matters should be reported in the Journal.

p) Cllr Spurr reported that the Film Club had received £500 from the Fisher – Parkinson Trust.

q) The Diamond Jubilee group also reported that they had received £500 from the Trust.

551/11Dates of next meetings

Tuesday 11th October 2011 The Clerk asked if the meeting could be changed as he would not be available. It was agreed that the meeting would be held on the 18th October and the scheduled meeting on Tuesday 8th November 2011would be held on the 15th November


A Carlin presented the Council with £188.50 collected by Wimbo Zids towards their fund raising for the WWMPF. It was agreed that the £50 raised towards the Skate Park could be merged with the WWMPF funds.

It was reported that a break in to Mrs Hopper in Addison Road and at 42 Doddington Road had occurred but was not mentioned by the police. The Clerk would contact the PCSO to ascertain the position.