MUG Meeting 7/2/17

Present: Harry Hewat, Gill Harrison, Bhavesh Hindocha, Sam Parry (Hackney Parks), Cllr Feryal Demirci, Haley (FRUK)

Apologies: Cllr Ian Rathbone, Carrie, Georgie Brown, Ben (Green Gym)

  1. Benches – some disappointment and concern that the replacement of benches throughout the park hadn’t happened, when planned for last year. It now seems to be dependent on factors such as budget, whereas before it was presented as a definite outcome.

Action: Sam to update

  1. Outdoor gym – consultation is being looked at by Parks. MUG asked for report from Sam too. Main question whether the keep present layout and update equipment, or create a new space with new equipment. That new space could be the old paddling pool / Plaza – to take advantage of it’s ‘hard standing’ base. But concern expressed of the impact this would have on the space, which has recently been refurbished and is still finding its uses among the community (e.g. cine theatre planned). No new gym would be created without further consultation as planning consent required. So options could be discussed then.

Action – can Sam provide details of consultation results?

  1. Kiosk – we need to arrange a visit with Daven. Feryal / Sam explained any commercial use would need to go through council procedures for procurement.

Action – Harry to set up visit

  1. Tree survey is underway across parks – Sam to let us know of progress
  1. The Lodge – which MUG would like to see back in community use (as do other groups in their parks, e.g. Hackney Downs). Cllr Demirci has the report from the officers, and is working through it – issues of conditions of lodges, legal restrictions, budgets, options for use. She hopes to discuss it with the Mayor. She is hoping to have a new approach finalised in 6 months.

Action: keep up to date with progress with Cllr Demirci.

  1. South Millfields play area. The Council have offered to bid for money for a playground, in response to the demand from local families over several years, if MUG and the local community can match fund to pay for maintenance over several years. The Committee expressed interest in this proposal and discussed ways to move forward. We need to investigate ways to fundraise with Georgie Brown, to develop a project plan. We need to find people in the community who could lead the process of fundraising, such as those involved in the past in trying to get a playground. We need to think about what sort of playground would be best, and design and costs.

Action: Harry to approach former playground campaigners to see if they can be involved. Harry to arrange meeting with Georgie to discuss. Need to recruit new people to get involved through AGM?

  1. Green Gym – hoping to extend the wildflower meadow on Millfields. Also possibilities of weeding, putting up bird and bat boxes.

Action: Gill to report

  1. John Little – MUG hope that John can be retained on Clapton Park estate where he was done wonderful planting and community involvement.
  1. Waterworks proposal for housing development on this Metropolitan open land. Going through Walthamstow Council. Most of the Committee were against development, though Harry expressed hope it would lead to more open access and better use of the space overall.

Next meeting is the AGM on Sat 25 March, at 1030 in the park rangers depot near the tennis courts. All welcome. New committee members needed.