Greater Akron Audubon Chapter
Executive Board Meeting
Minutes: 26 March 2006
The meeting was called to order by President Mark Purdy at the home of Susan Jones and Clyde Witt.
The treasurer’s report was provided by Michele Tucker.
On hand in treasury:$3669
In CD:$16591
Joyce Pelz gave a presentation at Donzell’s on birds and feeders, for which she received a $25 donation to the chapter.
Clyde Witt reported that the March/April newsletter was in the mail. The May/June newsletter will be the last until Autumn.
The hospitality report reflects that:
Cookies are all set for the April meeting
Claire agreed to do hospitality for the April meeting
Michele Tucker agreed to do hospitality at the May meeting
Mark reviewed the award to the chapter of the grant, in the amount of $841.39, for creation of a native plant garden, planned by Joyce Pelz and Michele Tucker.
A planning meeting is scheduled involving Cathy Parker and Joyce.
Mark Purdy reported that he had provided information regarding Marie Morgan to the Akron Zoo as they had requested.
I volunteered to type up and submit the Great Egret awards for Bert Szabo and Marie Morgan.
Mark Purdy also reported that he had made a poster of the chapter for the Akron Zoo.
Jerry Tinianow(Ohio Audubon Director) forwarded an email regarding a waterways symposium at KSU on 16, 17, and 18 May. The email was requesting displays and/or presentations from local chapters. Mark Purdy will contact Marnie Urso regarding this.
COAC is holding their annual meeting in Columbus on 8 April (1000 to 1600.)
Discussion was held regarding the efforts of some Bath residents to allow dogs to run off-leash at the Bath Nature Preserve.
-Clyde Witt shared research on rationale for disallowing this.
-There are both county and state leash laws in place
-Mark Purdy will prepare a collection of studies and forward them to Bath trustees.
Follow-up from IBA study at BNP: include BNP in Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas study as part of chapter’s adoption of this area.
Joyce Pelz reports that she received word that River Day will be in May but there is not yet as specific date.
Pre-meeting activities:
-Marc Nolls has assembled a survey (reviewed at the board meeting) and will have it available
-I agreed to purchase a bird feeder for a suggestion box. The feeder will be given as a door prize at the June picnic.
-Posters were agreed and Wolfgang and Mark agreed to co-develop the poster
-Marc Nolls agreed to bring copies of the bird outing schedule with March and April walks
The picnic will be at Bath nature Preserve on 27 June from 5:30 PM
-Agenda will include:
- Presentations to award winners (names deleted for now)
- Guest speaker (Susan will call Jen Brumfield.)
- Walks will be available beforehand
The Spring bird-walk dates are:
BNP bird-walks:
5/14:Mike E
WolfCreekPark (SharonCenter, MedinaCounty) will hold an Earth-Day on 22 April
(Rt 94 between SharonCenter and Ridgewood Road)
Wolfgang will notify papers of all upcoming birdwalks.
Joyce reported that the Akron Zoo will have an Earth Day on 6 May
No pins are needed (Clyde has a bundle)
I will order (Audubon) coffee for resale
Respectfully Submitted
Mike Edgington
Board Secretary