Warrimoo P & C Meeting – 13th August 2013

Start : 7.32pm

Finish : 9.20pm

Next Meeting : 17th September 7.30pm

Apologies : Bronwyn Duffy, Lara Greenhill

Present : Michael Kitchin, Robyn Totenhofer, Kirsty Mitchell, Di Samuelson, David Taylor, Hugh Nichols, Troy Penny, Phil Jeffery, John Gildea, Bob Treasure (WCA), Traci Robinson, Kathy Saunders.

Number of Children Enrolled : 195


·  Report Attached – Balance $13,035.82

·  Robyn T now a signatory

·  Insurance to be paid next month =$ 1015.00


·  Electrician $955.00 see quote from Peter Sullivan. ( from previous request for : extra lighting in car park, power point for pie warmers and power point for under library storage) this was moved by Troy P and 2nd by Traci R – go ahead with the quote motion all agreed.

·  Big effort from Di for her canteen efforts, great at rasing funds. Profit = $596 – Sports Carnival and $1252 – Grandparents Day !!

·  New Scrunchies for the girls hair are now in stock.

·  Looking at P&C storage under the library. Hugh presented a quote for crushed road base $45.00 a tonne, cement sheeting $88.00 24x9 feet, request approval to spend $200.00 on this. 1st John and 2nd Troy.

·  Bindi problem on the oval is bad and Hugh has been spraying. Behind the basketball courts Troy and Hugh will whipper snipper soon.

·  Sewerage problem over the weekend, Hugh contacted Sydney Water and they fixed it. Did not notify the school( they should have )

·  Face book is working well with over 60 “likes”

·  Raffle tickets sold today at the open day- Lisa Jeffery co-ordinating the raffle. Springwood Printing donated printing and thanks to Steff L for the design. Booked for outside IGA Blaxland also.

·  Donations include – Museum of Fire tickets, Tree Top Adventure Park, Bunnings Patio Heater, i pad mini

·  Parent class co coordinators for the Spring Fair will be in the newsletter.

·  Election 7th Sept at Warrimoo Citizens Hall. 9-1pm , need sausages, cakes and drinks. Need money to buy. 1st Tracey, 2nd by Di.

·  August 20th, Bunnings plant a tree day, donating plants and mulch for school.

Principal (see attached report)


·  Nil to report

General Business

·  Phil Jeffery – presented ipad proposal. Discussion continues.

·  Firewall may prohibit Google as option ?? , What is the need / use for the students ? What do teachers want ? (90% have them privately)

·  Mr Kitchin will go back to the school teachers and ask them what they want and if they would like to come and talk to us as about it ? Need more discussions….

Outstanding Issues

·  Dance Class before school, see principals report

·  Ethics classes – see principals report

Warrimoo Citizens Association

·  On Sunday 25th August the ‘Moo Choir will be combining with the Warrimoo PS Drumming Group, vocalist Julia Jacklin and her group ‘Saltaband’ to provide a unique generation-spanning cultural experience at Warrimoo Public School’s delightful Hall. Concert begins at 3.00pm.

·  “Ball in the Hall” – 9th Nov . Over 18’s. Warrimoo Hall.