Deadline Spring Jan 15th / Fall Jul 15
This application is to be completed in full by the HUNT TEST CHAIR (HTC) and submitted to the Chair of the Hunt Test Committee for approval. Richard McCullough 2501 Beulahtown Rd, Kenly, NC, 27542
Refunds: Will be permitted up until 9PM CT on the Monday before the test. Requests must be made by email to the Hunt Test Manger. There will be no refunds after 9 pm CT the Monday before the test except for bitches in season, illness, injury or death of a dog. The HTC reserves the right to request a veterinarian certificate. Such scratch must be made by notifying the Hunt test Secretary in a timely manner. If an owner-member has a dog that has received a 4X GMPR on the first day of the test but had also registered for the second day shall be granted a refund if the dog is scratched. Entry modification: All dogs must be entered at the highest stake they intend to run for that test. Dogs may be shifted to a lower stake without a refund of the difference. Appeals of the Hunt Test Secretary’s refund decision by owner-members must be made to the Hunt Test Committee within 10 days of the end of the test.
Running order will be posted on the web page under the EVENTS TAB
Entry Forms, Premiums, and liability release forms are available on the web page under the EVENTS TAB
The Hunt Test Chair, with the approval of the Hunt Test Committee, may choose to modify the conditions of the Test based on resources available, weather or other factors and will ensure that the changed conditions will be posted on the web site 24 hours in advance of the Hunt Test under the EVENTS TAB. All participants are encouraged to review the on-line premium for possible changes
There are generally NO Walk-ups allowed. The exception is when the (HTC only) has received a request by a member who for extenuating circumstances only was unable to register online Walk-up requests must be in person at the test- no requests shall be honored that are made in advance of the test date. Walk-ups by their nature cause extra work for the HTC, HTS, HTM and the Secretary and for that reason will require an additional handling fee of $25 per dog. This fee shall be collected along with the registration fee, proof of membership, application, and dog registration proof, before the dog is allowed to run.
▪No handler is allowed to run a dog without assurance that all fees have been paid and all appropriate documentation has been received by the APLA.
▪All dogs must be entered at the highest stake they intend to run for that test. Dogs may be shifted to a lower stake
STATE ______Proposed Dates ______Alternate Dates ______
Name of Preserve or Property:______
Hunt Test Chair ______Email______Phone______
Hunt Test Secretary______Email______Phone______
Will there be Ground Fees If yes How much ______
What time should handlers check in______Start Time of the test ______
Head Judge ______
Stakes: The HTC may select a stake using only the following options for each day of the test:
Rest Rooms must be provided _____ check to confirm
Ribbons How many do you estimate? GMPR____MPR____APR____CPR____
The APLA secretary will be in contact with you and you must declare your final numbers by email no later than the Friday morning after the test closes on Thurs. This is necessary so that there is sufficient time for mailing.
What are your plans for Lunches for handlers______
Will there be a banquet? If yes when______where ______
Judges/Handlers Seminar If yes when ______Where______
Motels (Provide at least 3 if available) Put an * in front of those that are dog friendly. Provide Name, Address, Phone
Restaurants: Provide Name, Address, Phone
Bird Supplier ______
Cost of Birds DUCKS______CHUKARS______PHEASANTS______
Directions to HQ and address for GPS users
Grounds: Describe the grounds including discussion of both fields and water, provide dimensions, acres
Send the Hunt Test Committee Chair Satellite images by email
Dog Safety
Ask the land owner if there is foxtail or cheat grass on the property If yes describe ______
Check the fields and water for hazards _____ check to confirm that all is safe
Land Owners instructions to participants: Ask the land owner about parking, driving, trash etc
Additional information
5/2014 Schmiedeshoff, Secretary