In the top list of the diseases which cause the death, cancer occupies the second place after the cardiovascular diseases.

The causes, the symptoms, the evolution are different from person to person.

Millions of pages have been written on this subject. Hopefully this small article will bring a new light and hope for the sufferers of this illness.

First of all, what are the already known causes of cancer ?

  • hereditary tendency towards cancer;
  • wrong diet (too many animal products like meat, raw milk, pork fats, processed food, chemical preservers and too less vitamins, anti-oxidants, fibers (celulose) from fresh food;
  • weak immune system;
  • psycho-emotional problems like too many worries, obsessions, depression, sadness, anxiety, lack of will and psychical power to fight with the difficulties of the life;
  • chemical substances;
  • radioactive substances;
  • different viruses, bacteria, intestinal parasites;
  • too “lazy” functioning of the internal organs etc.

Most of these factors brings to the cells a kind of intoxication (poisoning) and a low nourishment with essential substances (nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, spur-elements, clean and biological water), oxygen and healthy radiation.

The main problem is a non-sufficient healthy blood flow to and from the tissues which finally increase the risk of genetically transformation of the healthy cells into cancerous cells.

If we read attentively any medical book of oncology or we look attentively to the patient we shall see that the symptoms, in their great majority, are caused by this lack of healthy blood and energy flow in the affected area.

Based on this things we can understand how our little friend can be a helpful “doctor” because besides many other positive properties the scientists from all over the world have proved that :

  • the bee venom improves the blood flow in the organism
  • the honey brings the best energy (clean “fuel”)
  • the propolis increases the power of immune system
  • the royal jelly and bee pollen are bringing the best nutrients and vitamins to the cells

Of course, the best treatment is the individualised one, from case to case, but still we can give some principles:

  • the bee venom therapy should be administered only by apitherapy specialised doctors or natural healers [1]
  • the bee products must be very fresh, especially the royal jelly and the bee pollen; ideally their absorption in the body should be directly in the blood stream from the mouth
  • the propolis should be given in every possible way (raw, tincture, suppositories, ointment etc.)
  • next to the bee products the medicinal herbs and other natural remedies should be used according to the specific situation of each pacient
  • a good psychotherapy can make also miracles; the discussions should be oriented towards love of the Nature, bringing more light, optimism and reasons to live longer and healthier
  • the diet is also very important; ideally is a vegetarian diet, fresh, 100 % organic and full of energy
  • the cleansing of the body through every possible way is imperative

Even if this disease seems to be complex and difficult to cure, the patient should take this situation as another problem of his life, a problem like any other else which can be solved with intelligence, ambition and a lot of love!

Remember that the beekeepers (which use all bee products) are long living persons and are rarely subjected to cancer …