Peace 11.11 Exhibition Tour Information for Community Groups
Wales for Peace is a four-year Heritage Lottery Funded project devised by the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, exploring what Wales has done for peace in the 100 years since World War 1. We have sought to uncover the stories of bravery, faith, immeasurable kindness and commitment to a peaceful future in our communities.
Our vision is to inspire a new generation of internationalists who believe in cooperation and understanding between nations, through learning from Wales' peace heritage... the individuals, communities and movements who have championed Wales' peacebuilding role in the world.
In 2018, this touring community exhibition explores how the quest for peace has been pursued from then to now.
• How have war and peace shaped our outlook on the world? • What does 'peace' mean? • Has 'Remembrance' helped us to learn from conflict? • Who have been Wales' everyday champions in the search for peace? • Whose stories can inspire future generations, to shape Wales' role in the world?
'Peace 11.11' will be a platform for local communities across Wales to share their Peace Heritage stories and will be at the following locations for between four and six weeks in 2018:
• March/April- LlynBrenig Visitor Centre, Cerrigydrudion, CONWY.
• March-Temple of Peace, Cathays Park, CARDIFF
• May Urdd National Eisteddfod, Builth Wells, POWYS
• May Elan Valley Visitor Centre, Rhayader, POWYS
• June Ucheldre Centre, Holyhead, ANGLESEY
• July Llangollen International Eisteddfod, DENBIGHSHIRE
• August National Eisteddfod of Wales, Cardiff Bay, CARDIFF
• September International Festival, Swansea
• October/November Cyfarthfa Castle, Merthyr Tydfil
• November Temple of Peace, Cardiff.
• December Morlan, Aberystwyth
Public Events and Arranged Visits
In addition to visitors to the venue being able to view the exhibition free of charge during opening hours, the community will be able to access special events and educational sessions.
WCIA are seeking volunteer support, to deliver a range of community events that engage people in exploring inspirational stories of local peace heritage.
• Launch event - for partners, volunteers and local media. • Schools workshops - WCIA can provide 'off-the-shelf,' stimulating educational activities for visiting groups, curriculum materials for teachers, and will support local partners to organise workshops for young people. • Creative activities - WCIA have a range of options for creative activities and group workshops, from arts-based approaches to making short films.
We are seeking individuals and community groups who would like to support the exhibition whilst it is in situ. This can be done in a variety of ways and may involve continued and regular support during the exhibition, or it could be a one-off session.
Would your group enjoy uncovering some local history by researching the names on your local cenotaph, or other leads? This information is crucial to the local element of each exhibition and would form part of it. We will provide the support you need. As contributors, you may then wish to organise an official opening event and perhaps some films and talks about related issues that you think are important. Our project looks at very current issues such as the refugee crisis as well as relating so well to the sensitivities of power globally in 2018.
We would like to be able to train local individuals to deliver our schools workshops and this could be suitable for students undertaking the Welsh Baccalaureate, students following Education routes in higher education, or interested individuals of any age or background who identify with the project vision and who find the idea of leading a workshop session with groups of children and young people.
Creative sessions often provide a very open way for children, families and individuals to further consider an exhibition and its message. These sessions are a great way to meet people and have some fun too. Are you an Arts group, or have you always wanted to know more anything creative? Let us know your thoughts and we’ll endeavor to support you to make it part of the programme.
Volunteering with WCIA gives you the opportunity to examine the skills you have developed should you wish too and you will receive official acknowledgement of your support. You can also log your hours with GwirVol.
Please do get in touch, even if-especially if you’re not sure how you or your group could be involved.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Fiona Owens Exhibitions and Engagement Coordinator, Wales for Peace Project, Welsh Centre for International Affairs
ArddangosfaHeddwch 11.11 GwybodaethiGrwpiauCymunedol
Mae CymrudrosHeddwchynbrosiectpedairblynedd a ariennirgan y LoteriTreftadaeth a ddyfeisiwydgan y GanolfanMaterionRhyngwladolCymru. RydymynarchwiliobethmaeCymruwedi'iwneudargyferheddwchyn y 100 mlynedders y RhyfelBydCyntaf. Rydymwediceisiodatgelustraeondewrder, ffydd, caredigrwyddannisgwyl ac ymrwymiadiddyfodolheddychlonyneincymunedau.
Ein gweledigaethywysbrydolicenhedlaethnewydd o ryngwladolwyrsy'ncredumewncydweithrediad a dealltwriaethrhwngcenhedloedd, trwyddysgu o dreftadaethheddwchCymru ... yrunigolion, cymunedau a symudiadausyddwedihyrwyddorôladeiladuheddwchCymruyn y byd.
Yn 2018, mae'rarddangosfagymunedoldeithiol hon ynarchwiliosutmae'rymgais am heddwchwedi'iddilyn o brydi'wgilydd. • Sutmaerhyfel a heddwchwediffurfioeinrhagolygonar y byd? • Beth maeystyr 'heddwch' yneiolygu? • A yw 'Cofio' wedieinhelpuiddysgu o wrthdaro? • Pwyoeddwedi bod ynhyrwyddwyr bob dyddyngNghymruwrthchwilio am heddwch? • Gall straeonpwyysbrydolicenedlaethau'rdyfodol, iluniorôlCymruyn y byd?
Bydd 'Heddwch 11.11' ynllwyfanigymunedaulleolledledCymrurannueustorïauTreftadaethHeddwch a byddyn y lleoliadaucanlynol am rhwngpedair a chwewythnosyn 2018:
• Mawrth / Ebrill - CanolfanYmwelwyrLlynBrenig, Cerrigydrudion, CONWY.
• Mawrth - DemlHeddwch, Parc Cathays, CAERDYDD
• Mai Eisteddfod Genedlaetholyr Urdd, Llanfair-ym-muallt POWYS
• Mai CanolfanYmwelwyr Cwm Elan, Rhaeadr, POWYS
• MehefinUcheldre, Caergybi, YNYS MÔN
• Gorffennaf Eisteddfod Ryngwladol Llangollen, SIR DDINBYCH
• Awst Eisteddfod GenedlaetholCymru, Bae Caerdydd, CAERDYDD
• MediGŵylRyngwladol Abertawe, ABERTAWE
• Hydref / Tachwedd Castell Cyfarthfa, Merthyr Tudful
TachweddDemlHeddwch, Parc Cathays, CAERDYDD
RhagfyrMorlan, Aberystwyth, CEREDIGION
DigwyddiadauCyhoeddus ac Ymweliadauwedi'uTrefnu
Ynychwanegoli ymwelwyr’'r lleoliadyngallugweldyrarddangosfaynrhad ac am ddimynystodoriauagor, bydd y gymunedyngallucaelmynediadiddigwyddiadauarbennig a sesiynauaddysgol. Mae’rCanolfanMaterionRhyngwladolCymraeg (CMRC) ynchwilio am gymorthgwirfoddolwyr, iddarparuystod o ddigwyddiadaucymunedolsy'nennyndiddordebpoblwrtharchwiliostraeonysbrydoledig o dreftadaethheddwchlleol.
• DigwyddiadLansio - argyferpartneriaid, gwirfoddolwyr a chyfryngaulleol.
• Gweithdaiysgolion - gall CMRC ddarparugweithgareddauaddysgolysgogoligrwpiausy'nymweld, deunyddiaucwricwlwmiathrawon, a byddantyncefnogipartneriaidlleolidrefnugweithdaiiboblifanc.
• Gweithgareddaucreadigol - maegan CMRC ystod o opsiynauargyfergweithgareddaucreadigol a gweithdaigrŵp, o ddulliaucelfyddydoliwneudffilmiaubyr.
Rydymynchwilio am unigolion a grwpiaucymunedol a hoffaigefnogi'rarddangosfadraeifodar y safle. Gellirgwneudhynmewnamryw o ffyrdd a gall gynnwyscefnogaethbarhaus a rheolaiddynystodyrarddangosfa, neugallaifodynsesiwnunwaith ac am byth. A fyddai'chgrŵpynmwynhaudatgelurhywfaint o haneslleoltrwyymchwilioi'renwauareichllwyfancoffilleol, neuarweinwyreraill? Mae'rwybodaeth hon ynhanfodolielfenleolpobarddangosfa a byddai'nrhanohoni. Byddwnyndarparu'rgefnogaethsyddeiangenarnoch. Felcyfranwyr, efallai y byddwch chi eisiautrefnudigwyddiadagoriadolswyddogol ac efallairhaiffilmiau a sgyrsiau am faterioncysylltiedigyrydychchi'nmeddwlsy'nbwysig. Mae einprosiectynedrycharfaterioncyfredoliawnmegisyrargyfwngffoaduriaidynogystal â pherthnaseddmordda â sensitifrwyddpŵerynfyd-eangyn 2018. Hoffemalluhyfforddiunigolionlleoligyflwynoeingweithdaiysgolion a gallaihynfodynaddasifyfyrwyrsy'nymgymryd â BagloriaethCymru, myfyrwyrsy'ndilynllwybrauAddysgmewnaddysguwch. Mi fyddhefyd o ddiddordebiunigolion â diddordeb o unrhywoedneugefndirsy'nadnabodgydagweledigaeth y prosiect ac sy'ncanfod y syniad o arwainsesiwngweithdygydagrwpiau o blant a phoblifanc. Mae sesiynaucreadigolynamlyndarparufforddagorediawniblant, teuluoedd ac unigolionystyriedymhellacharddangosfaa'ineges. Mae'rsesiynauhynynfforddwych o gwrdd â phobl a chaelrhywfaint o hwylhefyd. Ydychchi'ngrŵpCelfyddydau, neuydych chi bob amserwediawyddusiwybodmwy o bethyngreadigol? Gadewchinniwybodeichmeddyliau a byddwnynymdrechui'chcefnogi chi i'wwneudynrhano'rrhaglen. Mae gwirfoddoligyda CMRC ynrhoi'rcyflei chi archwilio'rsgiliaurydych chi wedi'udatblygupedymunwchhefyd a byddwchynderbyncydnabyddiaethswyddogolo'chcefnogaeth. GallwchhefydcofrestrieichoriaugydaGwirVol. Cysylltwch â ni, hydynoedos - ynenwedigosnadydychchi'nsiŵrsut y gallech chi neu'chgrŵpfodynrhanohono. Dwi’nedrychymlaen at glywedgennych chi. Pobhwyl! Fiona CydlynyddArddangosfeydd ag Ymgysylltu, ProsiectCymruDrosHeddwch 07498 309 779