October 15th, 2014
Attendees: Jeff Mudd, Karen Broyles, Linda Blackburn, Ray Scott, Lou Lozanov, Joe Witkowski, Al Downs & Theresa Scully
Action Items:
- Action Items:Feedback letter to corporate via Steve Melynk has 45 days to respond. Jeff to follow up.
- Action Items: MO Sales Tax Exemption Certificate & Tax Return is still pending –Theresa will meet with Ray on October 21st and then submit before November 15th deadline.
- Action Items: Jeff to finalize scorecard by board meeting in November
- Action Items : Jeff to recruit Marketing Director for BOD
- Action Items:Jeff to develop job description for webmaster. He thinks we may have identified a potential webmaster.
- Action Items : Jeff & Theresa to test square for use in November
- Action Items:Linda to explore options for reaching students through campus events, career fairs, club mtgs. , and or student paper competition/case competition via supply chain professors. The following assignments were made to assist Linda:
1)Ray will follow up with UMSL
2)Al will follow up with Lindenwood & Webster
3)Jeff will follow up with SLU & Wash U
- Action Items : Joe will work on table topic for corporate responsibility/sustainability
- Action Items : Theresa to update board on options for Chapter Birthday Party
- Action Items:BOD to send Jeff metrics they are tracking for their role and a functional checklist for their respective role (include task & frequency) due by November mtg.
- Action Items: Karen to send out CBAR file in advance of November BOD mtg. for members to review and come prepared to update the file in November.
- Jeff reviewed all action items with the BOD, see above action items remaining.
- The motion to approve our new by- laws and approve our spending policy was made by Tim and seconded by Ray. The motion passed via an electronic vote.
- Jeff stressed the importance of all of the members completing their respective checklist of responsibilities in order to ensure smooth transitions of the BOD positions in the future.
- Theresa reviewed with the BOD the venues that she has explored for the Birthday Party. She is awaiting a few more responses and has a plan B with Catering Your Way by Lisa if her original inquiries decline the event. Jeff mentioned the need to make the announcement within the next two weeks.
- Joe is working on table topics for upcoming PDM on November 18th.
- Tim will pursue the testimonials for the website by beginning with Jan Meyer. Jeff commented that Ray’s contact on this was reasonably priced and would provide a good start in this endeavor. Theresa commented that an APICS instructor would be someone to develop a testimonial with. It was also suggested to have a recently certified member do a testimonial on the value of APICS education.
- Linda commented on her upcoming meeting with Webster in order to pursue campus events for APICS. Jeff mentioned that he thought a good beginning is to ask for ability to have an informational table during lunch for us to man and discuss APICS with day students and the option of manning an informational table during happy hour for evening students.
- Joe and Al updated the BOD on the professional development course offerings. Al mentioned that there wasn’t a great deal of interest in SCCC location for these courses.
- Al asked the BOD for approval to use our website for the student case competition and later reimburse district to avoid confusion. The BOD approved of this approach and Al will set this up on the chapter’s website.
- November will be the BOD CBAR review.
- Wrap Up: Jeff reminded the BOD that our dinner and next BOD meeting is scheduled for November 13th, conducted the review of meeting effectiveness, and concluded the meeting.