APHG UNIT 6: Development and Industry
Unit Overview
This section of the course presents the geographic elements of industrialization and economic development, including past and present patterns of industrialization, types of economic sectors, and how places acquire comparative advantage and complementarity. Students also learn how models of economic development, such as Rostow’s stages of economic growth and Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory, and programs like the Millennium Development Goals help to understand why the world is divided into a more-developed economic core and a less-developed periphery.Measures of development (e.g., gross domestic product [GDP] per capita, the Human Development Index [HDI], and the Gender Inequality Index [GII]are tools to understand patterns of economic differences. The analysis of contemporary patterns of industrialization and their impact on development is the third major theme of this section. Topics to be studied include Weber’s industrial location theory and accounts of economic globalization, which accent time–space compression and the international division of labor. As an example, students study the
reasons why some Asian economies achieved rapid rates of growth in the mid- to late 20th century, whereas most sub-Saharan African economies did not. In addition, students need to understand patterns of economic growth and deindustrialization in a region such as in North America, where the emergence of service sectors, high technology, and growth poles (e.g., Silicon Valley, the Research Triangle, universities, and medical centers) is transforming the contemporary economic landscape.Countries, regions, and communities must confront new patterns of economic inequity that are linked to geographies of interdependence in the world economy, including global financial crises, the shift in manufacturing to newly industrialized countries (NICs), imbalances in consumption patterns, and the roles of women in the labor force. Communities also face difficult questions regarding raw material, energy use, the conservation of resources, and the impact of pollution on the environment and quality of life.
Key Concepts/Standards
- Social and economic measures of development
- Gross Domestic Product and GDP per capita
- Human Development Index
- Access to Healthcare, education, utilities and sanitation
- Unemployment
- Trade
- Growth and diffusion of industrialization
- Industrial Revolution
- Economic systems
- Models of Economic Development: Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth and Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory
- Types of Costs in Industry: Fixed vs. Variable
- Industrial Location Models: Weber’s Industrial Location Model, Location of retailing and service industries and local economic development (Hotelling and Losch)
- Contemporary patterns and impacts of industrialization and development
- Spatial organization of the world economy/global industrial zones
- Rise of service industries
- Manufacturing in newly industrialized countries
- Labor (division)
- Fordist vs. Post-Fordist
- Planned Obsolescence
- Outsourcing and Offshoring
- High-tech Corridors
Essential Questions
- Why does development vary among countries?
- What are the social indicators of development?
- Where are developed countries located?
- Where are less-developed countries located?
- Why do less-developed countries face obstacles to development?
- Where is industry distributed?
- Why are automobiles produced where they are?
- How has industry and development impacted the earth’s environment?
Formative Assessments
- Gapminder Lab Activity
- Industrial Location Lab Activity
Summative Assessments
- Development Quiz
- Industry Quiz
- Field Study Project
- Cars Project
- Unit 6 Test (FRQ and MCQs)
Unit 6 Vocabulary
Absolute advantage
Comparative advantage
Core periphery model
Dependency theory
Foreign direct investment
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Human Development Index
Levels of Development
Measures of Development
Purchasing power parity
Rostow, W.W.
Stages of Growth model
Technology gap
Third world
World systems theory
Acid rain
Air pollution
Aluminum industry (factors of production, location)
Assembly line production (Fordism)
Bid rent theory
Break-of- bulk point
Cumulative causation
Economies of scale
Export processing zone
Fixed cost
Footloose industry
Four Tigers
Greenhouse effect
Hotelling, Harold
Industrial location theory
Industrial Revolution
Least-cost location
Losch, August
Major manufacturing regions
Multiplier effect
Ozone depletion
Post Industrial
Special economic zones (China)
Specialized economic zone
Substitution principle
Time-space compression
Transnational corporation
Variable costs
Weber, Alfred
Weekly AgendaMonday, Nov. 16 / Tuesday, Nov. 17 / Wednesday, Nov. 18 / Thursday, Nov. 19 / Friday, Nov. 20
1) Lecture: Measures of Development
2) Lab Assignment: Gapminder / Activities:
1) Turn in Gapminder Lab Activity
2) Maquiladoras Analysis, Free Trade and Comparative Advantage
3) STATE Phase VII: Trade
4) Allentown Extra Credit Assignment
5) Intro to Field Study Project Options: Tertiary or Teen Shopping / Activities:
1) Development Quiz
2) Go over Industry Part I PPT
3) Lab: Industrial Location Lab Activity
4) STATE Round 6 Fates / Activities:
1) Turn in Industrial Location Activity
2) Lecture: Industry Part II
3) Cars Project Introduction and Selection / Activities:
1) Foreign Production of Goods/Global Industrial Zones
2) Video Clips: Outsourcing and Sweatshops, 1-800 India Discussion
3) Your iPhone Production
4) Work on Cars Project
1) PPT: Free Trade Agreements
2) Lab: Gapminder
3) Unit 6 Vocabulary-Development / Homework:
1) PPT: Industry Part I
2) Article: NAFTA at 20 (The Economist)
3) Work on Field Study
4) Unit 6 Vocabulary-Development Quiz Tomorrow / Homework:
1) Work on Field Study
2) Unit 6 Vocabulary-Industry / Homework:
1) 1-800- India
2) Work on Cars Project
3) Work on Field Study
4) Unit 6 Vocabulary-Industry / Homework for Thanksgiving Break:
1) Work on Cars Project
2) Work on Field Study
3) Unit 6 Vocabulary-Industry
Extension-review / Differentiation:
Extension-review / Differentiation:
Extension-review / Differentiation:
Extension-review / Differentiation:
Formative review / Assessment:
Summative-Reading Quiz
Formative review / Assessment:
Formative-lab activity / Assessment:
Formative review / Assessment:
Summative-Reading Quiz
Formative Review
Monday, Nov. 30 / Tuesday, Dec. 1 / Wednesday, Dec. 2 / Thursday, Dec. 3 / Friday, Dec. 4
1) Industry Quiz
2) Industrial waste and Externalities / Activities:
1) Turn in Field Study
2) Lecture: Stress on the Earth’s Landscape
3) Video Clip: The Dying Aral Sea
4) Video Clip (TED Talk): Externalities in Action
5) Video: The Lorax / Activities:
1) Turn in Cars Project
2) Unit 6 Test (FRQ)
3) Unit 6 Test (MCQs)
4) Unit 7 Plan
1) Complete Field Study / Homework:
1) Finish Cars Project
2) Article: Global Warming: Fact or Fiction
3) Unit 6 Test Prep / Homework:
1) Unit 7 Vocabulary
Extension-review / Differentiation:
Extension-review / Differentiation:
Product-Unit 6 Test FRQ Groups
Summative-Vocabulary Quiz
Formative review / Assessment:
Formative review / Assessment:
Summative-Unit 6 Test