Apartheid Web Hunt
Learn about Apartheid by answering the following questions. Follow the links and read to find the answer.
1. Using Dictionary.com, define Apartheid in your own words.
2. Mr. Dowling's web site gives the history of Apartheid. How and when did Apartheid begin in South Africa?
3. Who designed the laws and rules that created South Africa as an Apartheid nation?
What was the Native Land Law of 1913 and what effect did it have on the Xhosa?
4. What party did Daniel Francois Malan belong and what impact did he have on South African history?
5. According to the Population Registration Act, South African's are classified in one of four categories. List the categories.
6. What is the separate development policy?
7. How did racially assigned categories and Apartheid effect the social aspects of an individual's life?
8. The immorality acts were enacted in 1949. What effect did they have upon the people living in South Africa?
9. What was the "pencil in hair test?"
10. Which South African law forced individuals to leave their homes and live in racially designated areas?
11. What are Bantustans? Give the names for each of them.
12. Give an example of something a student would learn under Bantu Education.
13. What are the Treason Trials?
14. What law was also named the Pass law? Describe the law.
15. What happened when this law was protested? Describe the events that took place in the township of Sharpeville.
16. What role did the National African Congress play in Apartheid?
17. What role did Nelson Mandela play in South Africa's history?
18. Why did Nelson Mandela go to prison? For how long did her remain?
19. When Nelson Mandela was in prison, he vowed not to where short pants for long, why?
20. Who was the last president under the Apartheid South Africa?
21. Why did Apartheid fail in South Africa?
22. What affect did the world have upon Apartheid and South Africa?
23. What was the Comprehensive Anti Apartheid Act of 1986?
24. Why did Nelson Mandela and F.W. deKlerk receive the Nobel Peace Prize?
25. Does Apartheid exist still? Anywhere?