APA Sample Paper (Title of Your Paper)
Olivet Student (Student Name)
Olivet Nazarene University
Olivet Informatics Training (Course Name)
BSN XXX NRSG 102 (Cohort and Course number)
Instructor’s Name
From this line, hit Control/Enter at the same time or Insert – Blank Page to start a new page.
Please check with your instructor to see whether or not an Abstract is required for your assignment. If it is, note there is no paragraph indentation on the abstract page. The abstract should be between 150 and 250 words. See page 26 of the APA manual for items to be included in an abstract.
APA Sample Paper
(Title of Your Paper – centered not bold)
This is a brief introduction to setting up your assignments in the APA format. While headings will be used in this sample paper, always check with your instructor to see if the assignment requires them.
Basic Setup
Always use the font Times New Roman size 12 when typing your papers. With your cursor at the beginning of a blank document, click the Home tab, choose Times New Roman 12 in the font settings. The margins should be set at 1” on all sides.
The paper should be double spaced throughout. From the Home tab, choose the paragraph settings. Select Double from the drop down box in Line Settings. While in the paragraph setting, check the box “Don’t add an extra line…..” Tab at the start of all paragraphs so they’re indented five spaces.
Running head/page numbers
The Running head and page numbers must be in the Header section of the paper. In Office 2007, the easiest way to insert your header is to click the Insert tab. Choose Header. You will see another tab on the menu bar called Design. Choose Different on First page.Now select Page Number (not Header). Choose the plain page number to be in the upper right corner. Click the Home tab and select the full justify button. (This is the button where all the lines are equal. It is normally set to the left margin.) You’ll notice your cursor will be directly in front of the page number. Type your Running head and hit the tab key bar until you see the Running head at the left margin and page number at the right margin. The words Running head: must be on the first page. On page two of the document, repeat the above steps. However, the words Running head: is not included. Close the Header box. You will now see your Running head and Page Number on all of your pages. Make sure the paragraph setting has returned to the left justify position.
Title Page
The format for the required components used for the nursing programs are listed on the title page of this sample paper.
Body of the Paper
Hint: A paragraph must be comprised of three or more sentences. There must be two spaces after any punctuation mark ending a sentence. Once you have finished typing your document and are ready for your Reference page, hit Control/Enter to start it on a new page. The Reference page must be on a page by itself, so even if your document text has only one or two line on the last page, it’s OK.
Reference Page
APA requires a hanging indent for all references. Once you type References (Reference if there’s only one), hit Enter. Your cursor will still be in the Center so hit the Left Justify button to place in by the Left margin. From this point, you can either Right Click and choose Paragraph or click the arrow in the right corner of the Paragraph setting from the menu bar. Click the down arrow by the Special box. Choose Hanging Indent. Click OK.
Now you can type your references. Do not worry when the reference goes to the left as you continue into the second line. When you hit Enter for a new sentence, you’ll see the first reference has a hanging indent.
Insert New Page
Girardin, B.W. (2005). The sexual assault nurse examiner: A win-win solution. Topics in Emergency Medicine, 27(2), 124-131.
Jacobs, E.E., Masson, R.L., & Harvill, R.L. (2006). Group counseling: Strategies & skills (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thompson Brooks/Cole.
National Women’s Health Information Center. (2006). Sexual assault. Retrieved July 19, 2008, from