AP World Map Project

AP World Map Project

Unit 1 – 8000 BCE to 600 CE

Working on your own or with a Partner, accurately create a map to include the themes below.

·  Label the major cities during the first 5 chapters.

·  Accurately label/shade aminimum of 10 empires on the map (preferably the ones that would directly relateto your map theme) OR accurately label/shade the major faith systems that spread throughout the world.

·  Depict the theme ofyour map (the spread/location of civilizations & faith systems)clearly so that even someone not in this course could understand what your mapis trying to convey.

·  Creatively interpret thetheme and display it in a neat and visually attractive map (postersize)

·  DUE: October 25, 2013.

The themes to be represented:

I. Required Civilizations / Empires:

·  Roman Empire

·  Alexander’s Greek Empire

·  Mesopotamia

·  Olmec

·  Maya

·  Zapotec

·  Gupta Empire

·  Mauryan Empire

·  Assyrian Empire

·  Unified Egyptian Kingdom

·  Kush

·  Axum

·  Shang Dynasty

·  Han Dynasty

·  Zhou Dynasty

·  QinDynasty OR

II. The spread of faithsystems: During this Unit wehave studied the Classical eras and have started the emergence of Monotheistic faiths including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is also duringthis period that there is the codification of Hinduism & the birth ofBuddhism. These faith systemsspread beyond their founders or origins and took hold of either a singularculture or spread to multiple regions.Your map will indicate theorigins and potential spread of the following faithsystems:

·  Hinduism

·  Buddhism

·  Christianity

·  Judaism

·  Islam

·  Confucianism

·  Taoism

·  Shinto

Next marking period we will add the theme you did not select and also add the spread of trade.


You may want to create a map that you can add new overlays to for future themes.

Map has Keycities accuratelyplaced & labeled- 10 points

Required empiresare accuratelyand clearly labeled - 10 points
Required empiresare shaded toreflect their geographic control- 10 points


Required faith systems are accurately and clearly labeled – 10 points

Required faith systems are shaded to reflect their spread of geographic control – 10 points

ReferenceGeographic elementsare labeled(Oceans/seas/majormountain ranges/major deserts) - 10 points
Creation oflogical and usefulkey or legend for the map -10 points
Overall appearance is neat& clear -10 points

Total: 60 points
Labeling beyondthe requiredlist -Extra Credit!!!!