AP U.S. History Quarter 1 Terms to Know


MayansMission SystemHacienda SystemDias

da GamaMagellanCortezPizarro

BalboaChamplainCabralCabot Brothers

Coronadode LeonPope’s Rebellion

St. Augustine, Fla.ConquistadoresPatroon SystemPequot War

QuebecLas CasasHeadright SystemKing Philip’s War


RoanokeSeparatistsIndentured Servitude Amerindians

John RolfeBacon’s RebellionStono RebellionWm. Bradford

John WinthropRoger WilliamsThomas HookerAnne Hutchinson

Ann BradstreetCity on a HillMass. Bay Co.Va. House of Burgesses

HarvardGovernor BerkleyFundamental Orders of Conn.Cavaliers

QuakersCharter of LibertiesWilliam PennOglethorpe

NE ConfederationDominion of NEAndrosMayflower Compact

Glorious RevolutionNavigation ActsHuguenotsEdict of Nantes

PrimogenitureSpecieMiddle PassageGeorge Whitefield

Jonathan EdwardsHalfway CovenantFirst Great AwakeningMethodism

MulattoMestizoToleration Act 1649Zenger Trial

French and Indian WarAlbany Plan of UnionWilliam Pitt

Peace of ParisOhio ValleyPatrick HenryJames Otis

Sam AdamsPaxton BoysBenjamin FranklinSons of Liberty

Mutiny ActSugar ActCurrency ActWrits of Assistance

Paul RevereMercy Otis WarrenJohn DickinsonThe Gaspee

Coercive ActsBoston MassacreJohn AdamsGeneral Gage

Second Continental CongressHessiansCommon Sense

Thomas PaineThomas JeffersonGeorge WashingtonDeclaration of Ind.

Benedict ArnoldLord NorthWilliam HoweSaratoga

Valley ForgeYorktownTreaty of ParisThe Federalist Papers

Alexander Hamilton John JayAnti FederalistsJay-Gardoque Treaty

Jay TreatyRight of DepositPinckney TreatyJudith Murray

ManumissionNorthwest OrdinanceLand Ordinance 1785Republican Party

James MadisonXYZ AffairAmendment 12Quazi War

Va.Kentucky ResolutionsAlien and Sedition ActsMad Anthony Wayne

Treaty of GreenvilleRevolution of 1800Republican MotherMidnight Judges

John MarshallMarbury v MadisonAaron BurrWashingtonIrving

Benjamin RushEnlightenmentDeismEli Whitney

Robert FultonThe ClermontSecond Great AwakeningTreaty of San Ildefonso

Essex JuntoContinental SystemLouisiana PurchaseEmbargo Act

Wm. Henry HarrisonTecumsehHenry ClayDaniel Webster

Hartford ConventionWhigsJohn C. CalhounWar of 1812

Treaty of GhentAl GallatinGreat Triumvirate

National RoadErie CanalJames MonroeEra of Good Feeling

John Quincy AdamsCorrupt BargainRush-Bagot AgreementAdams-Onis Treaty

Missouri CompromiseMonroe DoctrineWorchester v GeorgiaWinfield Scott

Trail of TearsDartmouth College v WoodwardAmerican System

Monroe DoctrineWorchester v Georgia

TocquevilleDorr’s RebellionVan BurenAnti-Masonics

Removal ActSC Exposition and ProtestNicholas Biddle

Roger TaneyAroostook WarHorace GreeleyJohn Tyler

Independent Treasury SystemSpecie CircularAndrew Jackson