AP Psychology Pop-Culture Armchair-Psychologist Project

An armchair psychologist is a person who gives advice for mental disorders but has no formal training in psychology. For this project, you are going to play armchair psychologist to a fictional pop culture character who is need of some psychological help: you will determine what psychological disorder(s) the character has and develop a prescription for treatment. To assist you in your endeavors, you will conduct research on the “diagnosed” disorder(s) and the actual treatment for the disorder(s). You will write a letter to your character that outlines your findings, and then consult with your fellow armchair psychologists in class to discuss your “diagnosis” and treatment plan.

Step 1: Choose a Character

Choose a fictional character from pop culture who is in need of a psychological evaluation (no two students in a class can select the same character). Selecting a character that you are familiar with (from a favorite movie, TV show, book, etc.) is best – the more familiar you are with the character’s behavior and personality, the easier the project will be!

Please note: You may not select an actual celebrity or star of a reality TV show – you are not licensed to diagnose real live human beings 

Step 2: Conduct Research

Determine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors the character exhibits that are indicative of a particular disorder(s). Determine which disorder(s) you believe the character has. Then conduct research on the signs and symptoms, prevalence, and possible course of treatment for the disorder(s). Create a bibliography that lists all sources used.

Step 3: Determine a Course of Treatment

Develop a prescription for treatment for the patient based on your research and his/her unique set of traits and symptoms (as well as any other relevant circumstances).

Step 4: Write a Letter to the Character

Write a letter to the character that explains why you selected him/her for a psychological evaluation, why you “diagnosed” him/her with the selected disorder(s), and your recommended prescription for treatment. Your letter must demonstrate a complete understanding of the disorder(s), its symptoms, and detailed examples that prove ways in which the character’s personality and behavior demonstrate those symptoms, as well as a thorough understanding of the appropriate course of treatment and the reasoning behind it.

Step 5: Participate in Peer Conferences

Participate in a conference with your fellow armchair psychologists to present and discuss your findings. Take notes on the cases presented by your peers and evaluate the recommended courses of treatment.

Project Schedule

Tuesday5/26Computer Lab – begin research on disorder(s), symptoms, and treatment(s)
Wednesday5/27Computer Lab – complete research & begin letter to character
Thursday5/28Computer Lab – complete letter to character & prepare for peer consult/presentation
Friday5/39Classroom: Peer conferences | Turn in peer evaluations | Turn in letter to character

Grading Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1-0
Letter to Your Character / Thoroughly explains why you selected the character, reasons behind “diagnosis” and recommended treatment. Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the disorder(s) and symptoms.
Provides multiple detailed examples that prove ways in which the character’s personality and behavior demonstrate those symptoms. / Explains why you selected the character, reasons behind “diagnosis” and recommended treatment. Demonstrates an understanding of the disorder(s) and symptoms.
Provides several examples that prove ways in which the character’s personality and behavior demonstrate those symptoms. / Partially explains why you selected the character, reasons behind “diagnosis” and recommended treatment. Demonstrates an incomplete understanding of the disorder(s) and symptoms.
Few examples that prove ways in which the character’s personality and behavior demonstrate those symptoms. / Unclear or inaccurate explanation as to why you selected the character, reasons behind “diagnosis” and recommended treatment. Demonstrates little-to-no understanding of the disorder(s) and symptoms.
Provides unclear or inaccurate examples of ways in which the character’s personality and behavior demonstrate those symptoms.–or- Missing
Four Peer Evaluations
(Completed in class on Fri. 5/30) / For each peer-evaluated case: Thorough notes that indicate the symptoms, behaviors, and treatment presented.
A detailed evaluation of the recommended course of treatment and multiple reasons to support your evaluation. / For each peer-evaluated case: Notes that indicate the symptoms, behaviors, and treatment presented.
An evaluation of the recommended course of treatment and reasons to support your evaluation. / For some peer-evaluated cases: Brief &/or vague notes regarding the symptoms, behaviors, and treatment presented.
A brief, vague &/or unsupported evaluation of the recommended course of treatment. / For some peer-evaluated cases: Incomplete &/or inaccurate notes regarding the symptoms, behaviors, and treatment presented.
Incomplete &/or unsupported evaluation of the recommended course of treatment.–or-
Bibliography / Complete APA bibliography that cites at least 4 sources. Complete heading, title; correct formatting. / Complete APA bibliography that cites at least 3 sources. Complete heading, title; correct formatting. / Complete APA bibliography that cites 2 sources. Complete heading, title; correct formatting. / Complete APA bibliography that cites 1 source. –or-
Incomplete or missing bibliography &/or incorrect formatting.

Name ______

AP Psychology Pop-Culture Armchair-Psychologist Project Peer Evaluations

Armchair Psychologist: / Character:
Notes on symptoms, behaviors, and treatment presented: / Your evaluation of the recommended course of treatment and why:
Armchair Psychologist: / Character:
Notes on symptoms, behaviors, and treatment presented: / Your evaluation of the recommended course of treatment and why:
Armchair Psychologist: / Character:
Notes on symptoms, behaviors, and treatment presented: / Your evaluation of the recommended course of treatment and why:
Armchair Psychologist: / Character:
Notes on symptoms, behaviors, and treatment presented: / Your evaluation of the recommended course of treatment and why: