AP Literature: Research Paper

Due Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012

We have read Ellison’s Invisible Man, Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, King Lear by William Shakespeare, and a multitude of poems written in different forms and styles. You will easily be able to write a brief research paper (4-5 pages) on some Formalist aspect of any of these. You must use at least three different secondary sources (different essays in a collection count as separate sources). Please do not embarrass either of us by claiming someone else’s words or ideas. Doing so constitutes plagiarism and will result in a zero for this assignment. There is no problem in using someone else’s theories to support your own argument (not determine it!)—just be certain to give credit by documenting carefully. Your sources must be valid—internet postings of college and graduate students do not count as authorities. Sources must have titles and authors and be from reliable sites, PREFERABLY FROM OUR SCHOOL DATABASES(JSTOR, Gale, Etc.). No Wikipedia, Sparknotes, Monarch notes, Barrons, Cliffs, etc. will be acceptable. I will ask you to hand in your sources with your paper (in a clasp envelope), since you will receive a grade for research/ documentation. Now is the time to rely on your own analysis—you have been working on this skill all year, so be confident! Your paper must also be submitted through turnitin.com no later than 3-30-12. Papers not submitted through turnitin by this deadline will receive the grade of zero.


Wednesday, 3/21... ………....Original and arguable Thesis Statement due

Friday, 3/23……………..…..Introductory paragraph w/ thesis statement due (25 points minor)

Monday, 3/25……………….Summaries of three critical articles due (50 points minor)

Thursday, 3/29…………...….Final draft of essay due with works cited page and all articles with

highlighted portions in a clasp envelope.


1.  Your essay should be 4-5 pages, typed and double-spaced in MLA format

2.  You must have at least 3 reliable secondary sources (at least one of which must be a print source).

3.  The Research Paper guide is online (Lassiter webpage), but see me if you would like to borrow a hard copy. Also, Purdue OWL can be helpful.

4.  The only difference between a research paper and a typical out-of-class essay is that (a) the research paper has secondary sources as well as primary evidence to support your interpretations and (b) a works cited page that lists the works actually cited in your paper.

5.  Please see me at any time during the research and/or drafting process for guidance, suggestions, or editing advice.