“The Adventures of ________Jack Clark________” Podcast Script Graphic Organizer

You will be creating a Podcast focusing on your Adventures related to “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Use the organizer below to help you gather your information.

Introduction: “Welcome to the Adventures of __________Jack____________ (do not use your last name) Welcome to Jack’s podcast. Today you will be listening the times were I tricked my brother into talking my dog for a walk, experienced my juvenile pariah, escaped to a sport filled wonderland, and a poem about the legacy I wish to leave. Stay tuned.

Adventure One Excerpt:

My mother was running errands while she expected me to be doing my horrid punishment. I picked my victim wisely. I needed someone small and easily intimidated. I had the perfect person to do it, my little brother.

Adventure Two Excerpt:

Alex Smith, the biggest, toughest, and most daring kid in the whole 8th grade, my older brother said he got suspended for a week because he light a hair on fire just because the kid looked at him” he responded in a quiet voice as if he thought that Alex would hear him.

Adventure Three Excerpt:

Soon after the dreaded conversation happened, I walked to one of the only places were I could get away from everything, The ESPN Zone. This sanctuary is the only place were I could have fun and forget about all of the stuff that made me stressed. As I strolled into one of the noisiest places in town I could smell the delicious scent of fried delicacies. I could hear the familiar sounds of baseballs getting cracked against bats and basketballs getting swooshed into chain linked basketball nets……..

Adventure Four Excerpt:

A new school year has come to appear

My whole body fills with fear

The relaxing summer has past

A dreaded day has come at last

How am I supposed to start this year?

How am I supposed to come over this fear?

Overlying Theme:

While doing this adventures, I learned that fun last forever and that it is never to late to be a child.


Thank you for listening to Jack FM, and remember you don’t know jack…….until you listen to this.