AP LIT Senior Research Paper
- Choose novel from the ones we have discussed in class.
- Gather information and literary criticism on the chosen novel from various sources.
- Quotation Requirement:
- Include at least one long quote from the novel
- AND one short (less than 4 typed lines) quotation from each source;
- however NO more than 9 direct quotes in the paper.
- Produce a handwritten source card on each source using MLAHANDBOOK 8th edition format.
- Write notecards based upon the information in the sources. You must put the notes in your own words unless your information is a direct quote.
- Type a thesis statement.
- Type an informal outline (before writing the composition).
- Type a rough draft of Works Cited by alphabetizing the bibliography/ source cards.
- Type the first point of rough draft of the composition including the internaldocumentation in MLA format as they write. Turn in on turnitin.com for teacher approval.
- Take the teacher’s revisions and suggestions to revise their paper, and meet with the teacher for any follow-up questions or help before finishing the final draft.
- Students will develop the introductory paragraph making sure that the thesisstatement is the last sentence in the introductory paragraph.
- Develop the concluding paragraph making sure that it concludes or finalizes the paper appropriately. No new information in conclusion.
- Print rough drafts of thecomposition and the WorksCited and bring to class for peer review.
- Type the final copies of the compositions, inputting all necessaryrevisions.
- Edit final Works Cited. Remove any sources that are not cited in the paper.
- Prepare source packets with all source cards, note cards, drafts, etc.
- Turn in the final copyon turnitin.com
- Also submit research paper by placing all the rough and final materials in a two-pocket folder.
Final Due Date: Thursday, April 27
Papers are due within the first 10 minutes of class or the student will receive a late grade. All research materials must be turned in with the final copy. Final draft must be printed out in a folder.
Senior Research Project: 4 major test grades---200 pts. for preliminary work & 200pts. for final paper.
All work must meet English grammar and punctuation rules. Sentence structure is a basic skill; therefore, fragments, splices, or run-ons will result in a major deduction from the final paper grade. All work must be completed by the student, and the teacher will determine the accuracy of the paper and sources. Students will meet MLA standards for plagiarism.
Some sites:
The Victorian Web
- AVL – Gale Literary Sources
- Help w/ MLA 8th ed citation:
*Do not use a student’s paper, prezi, or presentation as a source.
Students will choose a novel and research literary criticism surrounding the novel. They will develop an original argument using other criticisms for support. They will include other criticisms that don’t align with their argument in an effort to refute and show the strength of their argument.
Preliminary Packet (Total 200pts)Due Monday, April 3
Supplies: 50 4x6 lined index cards
10 3x5 lined index cards
2 black or blue pens
1 gallon Ziploc bag
2 rubber bands
Optional highlighters and white out
2-pocket folder
Source Cards: MUST BE WRITTEN IN INK. Students must have at least 5 source cards completed with bibliographical information in MLA format, and the source number on the card. Sources must include at least one print source such as a magazine, newspaper, or book from the libraryand the novel itself; and the remaining sources must come from the Alabama Virtual Library, unless otherwise approved. (Due by Wed. April 5)
Note cards: Students must have at least 25 note cards completed by Monday, April 10.
These CANNOT be done in complete sentences. Each card must have a subject heading, page number if from a print source, and a source citation (author’s last name and page-if print).
Thesis statement & Outline: This must be completed by the beginning of class,Thursday April 13.
1st point of Rough draft & Works Cited: This must be completed by2:00 on Wednesday, April 19.
Peer ReviewPaper works cited must be typed to receive full credit on Tuesday, April 25.
Final Paper (Total 200pts)
- 5-7 pages of body with a formal outline & works cited page. *Must be typed.
- MLA format and documentation
- Must use at least 5 sources in paper and on works cited page.
- Final paper must be submitted in a folder with all rough materials and printouts of sources used.
Typed papers must be in Times New Roman size 12 font; one-inch margins; double spaced, and they must adhere to MLA guidelines.
Due Dates:
______/5pts.– Supplies
______/40 pts. – Note cards & Source Cards
______/25 pts.—Thesis and Outline
______/20 pts. –1st point & Works Cited
______/10 pts. –Peer Review
______/100 x 2 Total Points for Preliminary Work
Final Paper is due on Thursday, April 27.
Papers that are not turned in at the beginning of class (first 10 minutes) on the 27thwill be considered late. Late essays will be 10% off. Late essays will not be accepted after Friday, April 28.