
Ms. Connolly 12 AP English Language & Composition


Introduction: James Joyce, along with many other prominent writers, was influenced by the world around him. As a result, Joyce’s writing style was greatly influenced by the culture in which he lived.


Your group (3-5 people) will research the life and times of James Joyce. You will explore Joyce’s personal and professional life, the history of Ireland, the social classes of Ireland during Joyce’s lifetime, various political conflicts experienced in Ireland and the social classes of Ireland.

Task One: James Joyce’s Life (1-2 people)

Read and review the background of James Joyce’s life using the websites listed below. Then, put together a timeline illustrating Joyce’s life, focusing on his personal and professional experiences. Your timeline should include both visual/pictorial and written information, and be unique in its presentation (not the typical outline). You will use Microsoft PowerPoint to complete this task. Your presentation (which you will share with the class) should be a minimum of 10 slides (maximum of 20), including the following elements:

·  Title Page with group members’ names

·  Works Cited page in MLA format (use

·  Custom animation

·  Graphics (pictures, clip art, etc.)

·  A design template that is both aesthetically pleasing as well as practical

As per the rubric, you will be graded on the appearance of your PowerPoint presentation (font, layout, format, etc.), sequencing of information, originality, and accuracy.


If there are any other websites you would like to use as sources, please use the “Accessing and Assessing Websites” handout to ensure the quality of information. You CAN use Wikipedia for this assignment, but you MUST use other websites as well.

Remember, since this is a PowerPoint presentation, your written information should be in outline/bullet point format – too much text is distracting.

Your group members can collaborate in real time using Google Docs.