Own Your Learning: Grammar-in-practice lessons, independent study, 2015-16
Grammar:the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax. (dictionary.com)
Text: The Language of Composition—“Grammar and Rhetoric as Style”
Own Your Learning:Read the pages assigned below, study the concept assigned, and complete the exercises. Work with effort and integrity.
Lesson No. / Read/Study Pages / Lesson Topic / Assignment / Due Date1 / 339-345 / Parallel Structures / Exercises 1, 2, 3 and 5: questions 1-3, and Exercise 4 / 8/10
2 / 498-505 / Direct, Precise, and Active Verbs / Exercise 1: questions 1-10
Choose one: Exercise 2, 3 or 4 / 9/8
3 / 999-1005 / Subordination in the Complex Sentence / Exercises 1 and 2: 1-5
Exercise 3: 1-2 / 9/21
4 / 893-900 / Cumulative, Periodic and Inverted Sentences / Exercises 1, 2 and 5 / 10/26
5 / 698-705 / Coordination in the Compound Sentence / Exercises 1 and 2: questions 1-5
Exercise 4 / 11/23
6 / 167-173 /
/ Exercises 1-5: questions 1-3 / 1/117 / 420-426 / Pronouns / Exercise 1: questions 1-10
Exercise 2 / 1/25
8 / 592-595 / Concise Diction / Exercise 1: questions 1-15 / 2/22
9 / 790-796 / Modifiers / Exercises 1 and 3
Exercise 5: any three sentences / 4/4
10 / 252-256 / Short Simple Sentences and Fragments / Exercise 1, 2 and 3 / 4/18
- This assignment must be word-processed!
- Approximate time for completion: 1.5-2 hours
- Be prepared to share your work with the class
Self-assessed, in class (Practice category—see rubric next page): 50 points, based on:
- Completion—10 points
- Did you complete all the assigned work?
- Quality—how “accurate” are your answers—20 points
- How accurate are your answers, based on the examples and class discussions?
- Word-processed?—5 points
Name ______Period _____
Scoring Rubric for The Language of Composition—“Grammar and Rhetoric as Style”
Lesson # _____Title ______Pg. ______
______/10 Completion
- Did you complete all the assigned work, as outlined in the instructions?
- 10 points for all work completed
- 5 points for partial completion
______/20 Quality—how “accurate” are your answers Consider…
- How accurate are your answers, based on the examples and class discussion?
- Look at the development of your responses—this should indicate the time and effort put into the assignment.
- 18-20 points: I got it. I was already familiar with the content, and am able to incorporate the elements of this lesson into my own writing. I put effort into doing this.
- 16-18 points: Some of the material in this lesson was new to me, but it appears from the review that I am on the right track, and I did learn something I didn’t know.
- 14-15 points: I didn’t put that much effort into this, namely completing the work for these points.
______/5 Word-processed/MLA formatted correctly?
______/______Quiz/Practice ______
______/______Grand Total
This self-assessment must be complete to receive credit. Partially completed forms will default to a score of 25.
Note: You are expected to self-assess your own work ethically. Your signature below attests that you completed the work on your own, without assistance, and you evaluated it fairly, according to the guidelines above:
____ Excused late. Please explain.
____ Unexcused late. Please explain.