AP Human Geography
Point Loma High School
2335 Chatsworth Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92106
Instructor: Mr.Estanol
Phone #: (619)223-3121 Ext.1001
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:
The following is the course syllabus for AP Human Geography. Please take a moment to read and become familiar with this document.
Overview of AP Human Geography
AP® Program:
The two-semester course is open to students who would like to experience the rigor and pacing of a college level course. When selecting students for the course, special attention is given to their performance in previous social studies and language arts courses. Tenth through twelfth grade AP students who take the AP Exam will earn an additional grade point when calculating GPA. Students who pass the AP exam can earn college credit.
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface.[C 2]
2. To learn about and employ the methods of geographers, especially including observation, mapmaking, data gathering and reporting, and technical writing. [C4]
3. To employ spatial concepts, geographic vocabulary, and landscape interpretation to a variety of locations and situations around the globe and in local areas. [C2,C3]
4. To develop a geographic perspective with which to view the landscape and understand current events. Apply the key themes of geography in learning about the world and understand the ways in which geography shapes the world today.
5. Develop an understanding of various cultures; recognizing both similarities and differences among distinct cultures around the world.
6. Describe the ways in which recent technologies have influenced the workplace and global economic issues.
7. Use technology to collect, analyze, organize, and present information relating to global political, social, and economic issues.
8. Describe and analyze dangers to the global environment.
9. Define overpopulation, outline possible problems overpopulation may cause, and describe possible solutions to population problems.
10. Describe different economic approaches to achieve economic growth in countries at various levels of development.
11. Understand current events in the context of expanding global communications in the modern world.
Core Text: Chapter Key Issue Power Points and other informative documents will be posted on the course Homework web page to support the curricular units being discussed in class. For more information about the curricular units see Course Outline below. In addition, we will also be using James Rubenstein, An Introduction to Human Geography, 9th edition. The instructor will distribute these in class.
Course Description: Students will explore world geography and current events in this year-long ELECTIVE course. Emphasis will be placed on using technology to collect, analyze, organize, and present information relating to global political, social, and economic issues. In addition to technology, a particular focus will be placed on the global environment, challenges facing developing nations, cultural bias and possibilities for cultural understanding, different economic approaches for development, and war and the efforts to secure peace. The course is RECOMMENDED for taking 10th grade AP European History, World History, or AP World History (which fulfill the world history graduation requirement).
Additionally, the course will be designed to prepare students to take (and pass) the AP Human Geography exam in May. Students are strongly encouraged, though NOT required, to take the exam. For a list of topics that will be covered during the academic year please see Course Outline below.
Course Outline- the following topics will be covered throughout the academic year:
§ Unit 1: Geography Its Nature and Perspectives
*Chapter 1, Chapter 14
§ Unit 2: Population
*Chapter 2, Chapter 3
§ Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes
*Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
§ Unit 4: Political Organization of Space
*Chapter 7, Chapter 8
§ Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land Use
*Chapter 10
§ Unit 6: Industrialization and Economic Development
*Chapter 9, Chapter 11
§ Unit 7: Cities and Urban Land Use
*Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Class Binder: Students will learn to become self-directed workers and learners. The class binder consists of 5 sections: 3 Levels of Questions and Answers, Key Terminology Notes, Essential Geographic Skills, LOTS to HOTS, Total Recall Time. The class binder will be due at the end of each unit, worth 50% of overall grade.
Homework: Homework will be a crucial part of your grade. You can expect it at least four nights a week. There will be no homework assigned on Friday. The week’s homework agenda will be updated every Monday on-line.
1. Go to www.pointlomahigh.com .
2. Click on Homework
3. Click on History (Dept.)
4. Click on your student’s AP Human Geography Period.
Grades: Grades will be determined based on a standard point system. Students will earn their grades based on the percentage of points they have relative to the total points possible (90% = A, 80% = B, etc.). Every assignment in this class is worth “x” amount of points. The overall class grade consists of Tests = 40%, Class Binder = 50%, and Participation = 10%. This class will require a great deal of self-motivation on the part of the student. Students are responsible for earning their grades, not the instructor.
Citizenship: Respect for each other and the classroom learning environment is expected. If behavior in class becomes a problem, please realize that a parent conference will be required and appropriate action taken. The instructor will treat you as an adult until given a reason not to. Honesty, maturity, and respect on the part of the student towards the instructor is expected. Deviance from these expectations will not be tolerated.
Tardiness/Absences: Tardiness / absences will affect your citizenship and academic grades. Students are responsible for finding out about, as well as making up, all missed work. Students will have one day to make up work for each day of legally excused absence. Keep in contact with your classmates and the instructor to stay current on all assignments.
The instructor will not follow-up on students to make sure they have made up work they were absent for. This is the student’s responsibility.
Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments or opportunities in this class will be announced.
Please be aware that during Current Events, Lots to Hots may require teacher guidance due to subject matter pertaining to the curriculum that may be rated TV 14.
It is the expectation of the instructor (AND THE SCHOOL) that you take an active role in your student’s education. It is expected that you remain aware of your student’s progress and grade in this class at all times. To facilitate this, the instructor will have your student’s grades posted on Power School for both student and parents/guardians to review at any time.
Progress reports are issued every six weeks and semester grades are mailed home. If you wish, you may request weekly progress reports through the counseling office. If Internet access is not available at home it is available on campus and your student can get a copy of his/her grades at any time.
Please use the methods described above to communicate with the teacher and school. The instructor is available by phone, fax, and email.