AP French IV Syllabus
Instructor: / Julie Powers / School Phone: / (254) 761-5650 ext. 2100Room: / 100 / Conference: / 3rdperiod (9:50-10:35)
e-mail: / / Tutoring: / Mon., Tues., Thurs. - 3:40-4:30 pm
and upon request
Bonjour et bienvenue à la classe de français4!
Welcome to AP French IV. You are here because you successfully completed French I, II, and III – congratulations! As you already have a good basis in the French language thecourse will be conducted almost exclusively in French. Instruction will be in French, and student participation (student-to-teacher and student-to-student) will be in French. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency by engaging in daily activities that require the three modes of communication (Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational) as defined in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century. The course is designed around six themes (Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, and Beauty and Aesthetics) that provide a basis for an in-depth study of French language and its many cultures.
The students will learn about contemporary Francophone societies and cultures by examining their products, practices and perspectives through thematic study; use authentic sources such as newspaper and magazine articles, websites, films, music, video clips, blogs, podcasts, stories, and literary excerpts in French to develop language skills and communicative proficiency in real life settings; and build communication skills through regular class discussion, one-on-one conversation, collaboration with classmates, role plays, e-mail responses, essay and journal writing, and oral presentations
Classroom Expectations
Be promptClass begins when the bell rings! Be in your seat!
Be prepared Have required materials, resource handouts, paper, and pen. I will provide vocabulary notes. Students are expected to have the notes and use them in class.
Be readyKnow the current topic being studied. Students are expected to review material outside of class!
Be positiveSupport the learning environment as well as the instructional plan with a positive attitude and positive behavior. It’s all about attitude!
Be productiveUse class time for French only. Pay attention and participate. Your focus should be on the instructional plan and the activities outlined for the day. Constant interruptions are not productive.
Be politeRespect the classroom, other students and their property, the teacher, and the instructional plan.
Classroom Procedures
The Bells
The bells remind us when class begins and ends. Please take care of personal business and personal grooming outside of class. I always stand at the door and greet students as they enter class. This is an excellent time for students to communicate problems, issues, and or concerns that might otherwise interrupt the instructional process.
Attendance is taken daily at the beginning of class. Absences and tardies will follow the
policies in the Midway ISD handbook. Remember when you are absent, you are missing out on
all 4 language skills.
Food and drink are not allowed in the classroom.
Students will not be given permission to leave class to get water and go to the restroom. When
emergencies and extenuating circumstances arise, these requests will be handled on an individual
basis. I reserve the right to refuse water and restroom requests when a student abuses the privilege
like not returning in a reasonable amount of time or going to another destination. I will contact
parents when this situation arises.
Students must follow the MISD behavioral guidelines and consequences outlined in the student
handbook as well as my classroom expectations and procedures. In the event a student chooses
not to follow these rules, procedures, and or expectations the following steps will be implemented
and documented.
Step 1Verbal reminder
Step 2Teacher/Student Conference/Parent notifications
Step 3Student Detention/Parent notifications
Step 4Office referral/Parent contact
Office referrals will continue from this point.
Serious OffencesSkip steps 1-3 Office Referral
Serious offences include, but are not limited to, profanity (written/verbal), obscene gestures (written/physical), bullying (written/verbal), pushing, shoving, fighting (verbal or physical), intentionally disrupting instruction and or student learning, and any other behaviors labeled as serious by MISD.
Grading Procedure
Six Weeks Grades are divided into the following categories:
20% Practicedaily work, exercises, homework, authentic listening and speaking activities
40% Application projects, journals, compositions, speaking in target language, group presentations, cultural research, informal and formal recordings
40% Evaluation exams will take the same form as the AP Language and cultural exam and will include multiple choice answers to demonstrate comprehension of both written and oral sources, e-mails, essays in response to written and oral sources, responding to questions in a conversation situation, and presenting a cultural comparison in French.
Late Work / Zeros
When students do not turn in assignments on the due date, they will have the opportunity to turn them in as late work before receiving a zero.
From the Handbook:
“The teacher is not required to accept late work more than one day after the due date.” Late work will receive a deduction of 30 points whenreceived on the school day following the due date, after that the student will be given a zero for the assignment.
Due dates
Pay attention to due dates. For example, an assignment “due Oct. 2nd” would mean the assignment is due at the beginning of your class period on Oct. 2nd.
Make-up Work / Zeros
You have 3 days to complete your make-up work when you have been absent. However, if you are going to be out for a school related activity, you are responsible for getting the assignment before you leave and submitting the completed work when you return.
From the Handbook:
“A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by the teacher will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.”
With the increasing efficiency of technology students can easily access language translators. Remember using translators at this level is considered cheating. With this in mind, any writtenassignment to be graded as an application or evaluation will be done in class.
I am available for tutoring, before school, Monday through Friday from 7:40-8:10 am and after school upon request. Students need to schedule tutoring with me in order to avoid conflicts. In the event that I have to cancel scheduled tutoring I will call or email the student and or parent to reschedule. In the event of unforeseen conflicts and or emergencies I will post a note on my door.
- 3 subjectspiral notebook with a pocket for handouts: Vocabulary (Vocabulaire), Grammar
Notes (Grammaire), and Miscellaneous (Divers) - This spiral is to be used ONLY for French class.
- A French/English dictionary (not a pocket dictionary – Miriam Webster, Collins, and Barrons all make a decent student dictionary priced from $6-$10)
- Pens: Use onlyblue/black for assignments; pleasekeep redfor grading
- Loose-leaf notebook paper --do NOT turn in ripped out, jagged edge spiral paper!
- Earbuds to use with i-pad
It is going to be a great year and I look forward to working with your student. Donot hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. After reading this document, please fill out the googledocs form on my website with your information. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this plan or any other matter.
Textbook and required materials:
Textbooks: - -Thèmes. Vista Higher Learning
-UneFois Pour Toutes. Pearson
-AP French: Preparing for the Language and Culture
Examination. Pearson
-iPad (fully charged) with earbuds
This document should be kept in your 3-ring binder for reference.