AP - Chapter 32 Study Guide

“The Age of Globalization” 1990s-2010s


Free-trade agreements / Bill Clinton / Human Genome Project
social safety net / NAFTA / AIDS Epidemic
Digital communications / Hillary Clinton / Pro-Choice vs. “Right to Life”
computers / Newt Gingrich “Contract with America” / Osama Bin Laden & Al-Qaeda
Digital mobile technology / Bob Dole / USA PATRIOT Act
Internet / Budget surplus / Abu Ghraib
Social networks / Monica Lewinsky scandal / Guantanamo Bay
Service sector / Clinton Impeachment / Hurricane Katrina
real wages / Kosovo / 2008 Financial Crisis
September 11, 2001 / 2000 Election / 2008 Election
World Trade Center / George W. Bush v. Al Gore / Barack Obama
Pentagon / Florida recount / Stimulus Package
War in Afghanistan / Bush Tax Cuts / Affordable Healthcare Act
War in Iraq / 2004 Election - John Kerry / Tea Party Movement
War on Terrorism / globalization / Occupy Wall Street
Climate change / Digital revolution / NSA Controversy
fossil fuels / ARPA / Sandy Hook - gun control


·  What debates emerged over free-trade agreements, the scope of the government social safety net, and calls to reform the U.S. financial system?

·  What effects did globalization have on the U.S. economy and society?

·  How did economic productivity increase as improvements in digital communications enabled increased American participation in worldwide economic opportunities?

·  How did technological innovations in computing, digital mobile technology, and the Internet transformed daily life, increased access to information, and led to new social behaviors and networks?

·  What were the causes and effects of the changing economy in the era including the increase in the service sector, the decrease in manufacturing, and a drop in union membership?

·  Why did real wages stagnate for working and middle class and what were the causes and effects growing economic inequality?

·  What were the causes and effects of increased immigration from Latin America and Asia to the United States?

·  What were the increased political and cultural debates over issues such as immigration policy, diversity, gender roles, gay rights, and abortion?

·  How did the United States respond to the 9/11 attacks including military efforts targeting terrorism, and controversial conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq?

·  How the “War on Terrorism” reignite debates over improving security at the expense of civil liberties and human rights?

·  How did conflicts in the Middle East and concerns about climate change lead to debates over U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and the impact on the environment?

·  How has the United States status as the leading superpower and its role in the world evolved in the 21st Century?