AP Biology Quarter 4: Weeks 32-34
April 25 - May 13, 2011
(6,7; 95 min.)
4/25/11 / Ecology: Biomes, Communities, Ecosystems and Conservation Biology
*How are living things and the environment interdependent? / 1. AP Lab 11Prelab
DUE: W 4/27
2. Ch 34-35 Study Guide
DUE: W 4/27
(6,7; 80 min.)4/27/11 / AP Lab 11: Animal Behavior
* How can we scientifically observe and evaluate animal behavior? How can we distinguish between instinctual and learned behaviors? / 1. Lab 11Postlab, Lab 12Prelab
DUE: F 4/29
2. Ch 36-37 Study Guide
DUE: F 4/29
2. Lab Assessment
DUE: T 5/3
(6,7; 95 min.)
4/29/11 / AP Lab 12: DO and Primary Productivity
* How can dissolved oxygen measure primary productivity? What factors influence primary productivity? / 1. Lab Assessment
DUE: T 5/3
2. AP Bio Exam
DUE: M 5/10
(6,7; 95 min.)5/3/11 / Assessment: AP Required Labs
*Demonstration of Understanding / 1. AP Bio Exam
DUE: M 5/9
(6,7;95 min.)5/5/11 / Ecological Interactions
*How is everything you’ve learned this year all interconnected? / 1. AP Bio Exam
DUE: M 5/10
8am-12pm5/9/10 / 2011 AP Biology Exam
(Can you believe it???!!!)
Demonstration of Understanding / No Homework!!!
(6,7; 80 min.)
5/11/11 / Exam Decompression Day
*Reflection on the exam and year / 1. Arabidopsis Poster
DUE: F 5/20
(6,7; 95 min.)
5/13/11 / Work Day: Arabidopsis Posters
* How doesstress affect Arabidopsis? / 1. Arabidopsis Poster
DUE: F 5/20
The Biosphere
- Ecological hierarchies
- Physical and chemical factors: solar energy, water, temperature, wind
- Organism adaptations to abiotic and biotic factors
- Influences of climate
Aquatic Biomes
- Ocean structure and composition
- Freshwater biomes
Terrestrial Biomes
- Biomes and climate: tropical forests, savannas, desserts, chaparral, temperate grasslands, temperate forests, taiga, tundra
Population Structure and Dynamics
- Defining populations
- Population variables: density, dispersion patterns
- Population growth models: exponential growth, logistic growth models
- Limits to growth: boom and bust cycles
Life Histories and Their Evolution
- Mortality and survivorship
- Life histories: r and k selection
Human Population
- Ecological footprints and exponential growth
- Age structures
Structural Features of Communities
- Definitions of communities
- Competition
- Predation and adaptations: mimicry models and coevolution, keystone species
- Symbiotic relationships: commensalisms, mutualism, parasitism
- Succession: primary vs. secondary
Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics
- Energy flow and chemical cycling
- Trophic structure
- Food webs and limiting factors
- Pyramids
- Biogeochemical cycles: water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus
Ecosystem Alteration
- Eutrophication
- Zoned reserves
Classical Concepts in Behavior
- Behavior biology: genetic vs. environmental
- Innate behavior and fixed action patterns
- Learning: association and imitation, animal cognition
Social Behavior and Sociobiology
- Behavior and evolution
- Biological rhythms
- Kinesis vs. taxis: internal maps
- Feeding behavior and cost-benefit analysis
- Sociobiology: agonistic behavior, dominance hierarchies, territorial behaviors, mating behaviors
- Social behavior and signaling
- Altruistic acts and evolution
Biodiversity Crisis
- Habitat destruction, introduced species, overexploitation
- Biodiversity
- Biological magnification
- Global warming
Geographic Distribution of Biogeography
- Biodiversity hot spots and endemic species
Conservation of Populations and Species
- Endangered populations: small-population approach, declining-population approach
- Fragmentation and population viability analysis
Managing and Sustaining Ecosystems
- Landscape ecology and gap analysis
- Edges and movement corridors
- Restoration ecology, bioremediation, augmentation of ecosystem processes
- Sustainable development
C. Gay 4/23/11Steamboat Springs High School AP Biology