AP Biology Campbell & Reece
8th Edition
2008 AP Biology Reading
Week of August 4, 2008
Day of class:
1.Introduction: Themes in the Study of Life pages 1-11
- The Core Theme: Evolution accounts for diversity of life pages 12-24
- The Chemistry of Life pages 27-37
Week of August 11, 2008
- The formation & function of molecules depend on chemical bonding between atoms pages 38-44
- Water & the Fitness of the Environment pages 46-56
- Carbon & the Molecular Diversity of Life pages 58-66 read carefully!
- The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules pages 68-77
- Proteins have many structures pages 77-87
Week of August 18, 2008
- The Structure of Nucleic Acids pages 87-97
- Eukaryotic cells have organelles pages 98-108
- Mitochondria & Chloroplasts pages 109-118
- Extracellular Components pages 118-126
- The Fluidity of Membranes pages 127-135
Week of August 25, 2008
- Active Transport Uses Energy pages 135-145
- Free-energy change reveals if reaction is spontaneous pages 146-156
- Regulation of enzyme activity helps metabolism pages 157-160
- Cellular Respiration Harvesting Chemical Energy pages 162-167
- Glycolysis harvests chemical energy by oxidizing glucose to pyruvate pages 167-172
Week of September 1, 2008
Monday Labor Day
- During oxidative phosphorylation, chemiosmosis couples electron transport to ATP synthesis pages 172-177
- Fermentation pages 177-183
- Photosynthesis pages 185-194
- Linear electron flow pages 195-202
Week of September 8, 2008
- Review of Photosynthesis pages 202-210
- Receptor proteins pages 210-218
- Cell response to signaling pages 218-228
- Cell division pages 229-238
Parent-Teacher Conferences(Bonus for Parent or Guardian Attending)
Week of September 15, 2008
- Eukaryotic cell cycle pages 238-244
- Genetics pages 246-252
- Meiosis pages 253-261
- Mendel & the Gene pages 262-271
- Inheritance patterns pages 271-281
Week of September 22, 2008
- Mendel Summary pages 282-289
- Sex-linked genes pages 289-296
- Alteration of Chromosomes causes disorders pages 297-303
- Molecular Basis of Inheritance pages 305-310
- DNA Replication through use of proteins pages 311-319
Week of September 29, 2008
- Chromosomes pages 320-328
- The Genetic Code pages 328-336
- Translation pages 337-344
- Point mutations pages 344-351
- Bacteria response to environment pages 351-364
Fall Break - Week of October 6-10, 2008
Week of October 13, 2008
Professional Development day(No School for Students)
- Noncoding RNAs play multiple roles in controlling gene expression pages 364-373
- Cancer results from genetic changes pages 373-383
- Viruses reproduce only in hosts pages 384-390
- Viruses, viroids & prions page 390-397
Week of October 20, 2008
- Using Restriction Enzymes to Make Recombinant DNA pages 398-404
- DNA Technology pages 405-411
- Cloning Organisms pages 412-416
- Applications of DNA Technology pages 417-424
- Genomes and Their Evolution pages 426-434
Week of October 27, 2008
- Multicellular Eukaryotes have noncoding DNA & multigene families pages 434-442
- Comparing Genome Sequences pages 442-451
- Descent with Modification pages 452-459
- Evolution supported pages 460-468
- Genetic Variation pages 469-475
Week of November 3, 2008
- Natural Selection and Genetic Drift pages 475-479
Election Day (For some first opportunity to vote in national election!)
- Natural Selection pages 479-489
- Reproductive Barriers pages 490-498
- Hybrid zones provide opportunities pages 498-505
Week of November 10, 2008
- History of Life on Earth pages 507-514
- Key Events in Life’s History pages 514-525
- Major Changes pages 526-535
- Phylogeny pages 536-542
- Shared characters are used to construct phylogenetic trees pages 542-550
Week of November 17, 2008
- New information pages 551-560
- Rapid reproduction, mutation and genetic recombination pages 561-570
- Prokaryotes play crucial roles in biosphere pages 570-577
- Protist Diversity pages 578-588
- Rhizarians pages 589-597
Week of November 24, 2008
- Protists play key role in ecological relationships pages 596-604
- Diversification of Plants pages 604-610
Thanksgiving break - November 26-28
Week of December 1, 2008
- Ferns and Seedless Vascular Plants pages 610-616
- Evolution of Seed Plants pages 618-625
- Reproductive Adaptations of Angiosperms pages 625-632
- Human Welfare Depends on Seed Plants pages 632-640
- Ancestors of Fungi pages 640-648
Week of December 8, 2008
- Fungi play key role in nutrient cycling pages 648-656
- History of Animals pages 656-664
- Invertebrates (Life without a backbone) pages 665-673
- Lophotrochozoans pages 674-684
- Arthropod body plan pages 684-692
Week of December 15, 2008
- Echinoderms pages 693-702
- Craniates pages 702-710
- Tetrapods pages 710-720
- Mammals pages 720-728
- Humans are mammals with large brain pages 728-737
If we are out due to snow, please continue reading assignments on date as planned. So keep reading!
Week of January 5, 2009
- Plant Structure, Growth & Development pages 738-743
- Differentiated Plant Cells pages 744-754
- Growth, morphogenesis, and differentiation pages 755-763
- Transport in Vascular Plants pages 764-772
- Water & Minerals Transported from Roots to Shoots pages 772-783
Week of January 12, 2009
- Soil & Plant Nutrients pages 785-792
- Plant nutrition pages 792-799
- Angiosperm Reproduction pages 801-810
- Fruit & Seed Dispersal pages 811-819
- Plant Responses pages 821-828
Week of January 19, 2009
Martin Luther King Day
- Polar movement of auxin pages 828-835
- Responses to light page 836-845
- Plants respond to attacks pages 845-851
- Animal form and function pages 852-860
Week of January 26, 2009
- Feedback control loops pages 860-868
- Energy requirements related to size pages 868-877
- Vitamin Requirements of Humans pages 877-883
- Specialized organs pages 884-890
- Evolutionary Adaptations pages 891-896
Week of February 2, 2009
- Circulation pages 898-905
- Blood pressure pages 906-915
- Gas Exchange pages 916-922
- Adaptations of gas exchange include pigments pages 923-928
Parent-Teacher Conference
Week of February 9, 2009
- The Immune System pages 930-936
- Acquired Immunity pages 936-942
- Defending against infection pages 942-951
- Immunity Review pages 952-959
- Animal’s Nitrogenous Waste pages 959-969
Week of February 16, 2009
- Hormonal Circuits pages 969-973
- Hormones and Endocrine System pages 975-984
- Endocrine and Nervous Systems pages 984-990
- Endocrine glands pages 990-996
Week of February 23, 2009
- Animal Reproduction pages 997-1007
- Tropic and Sex Hormones pages 1007-1012
- Placental Mammals Embryo Development pages 1012-1020
- Animal Development pages 1021-1027
- Gastrulation pages 1027-1035
Week of March 2, 2009
- Morphogenesis in animals pages 1035-1045
- Neurons, Synapses and Signaling pages 1047-1052
- Action Potentials pages 1052-1063
- Nervous System pages 1064-1072
- Circadian Rhythm pages 1073-1078
Week of March 9, 2009
- Synaptic connections pages 1078-1085
- Sensory Motor Mechanisms pages 1087-1092
- Human Ear pages 1093-1099
- Vision pages 1099-1105
- Protein filaments required for muscle function pages 1105-1118
Week of March 16, 2009
- Animal Behavior pages 1120-1129
- Genetic makeup & environment contribute to behaviors pages 1129-1138
- Inclusive fitness & evolution of altruistic social behavior pages 1138-1143
- Ecology pages 1146-1155
- Global Climate pages 1155-1167
Week of March 23, 2009
- Terrestrial Biomes pages 1168-1174
- Population Density pages 1175-1183
- Logistic Growth Model pages 1183-1190
- Human Population pages 1191-1196
- Community Ecology pages 1198-1210
Week of March 30, 2009
- Disturbance Influences Species pages 1211-1220
- Ecosystems pages 1222-1230
- Biological & Geochemical processes pages 1231-1239
- Rising Atmospheric Carbon dioxide levels pages 1239-1245
- Earth’s biodiversity threatened pages 1246-1255
- Landscape and regional conservation pages 1255-1260
- Restoration ecology pages 1260-1267
Congratulations you made it! Now begin with a solid AP Biology Review workbook! Ask & I’ll make suggestions based on your specific needs!