LESSON OBSERVATION CHECKLIST (Ofsted guidance to inspectors September 2009)
Quality of learning
/Observations and Judgements
What are different groups and individual pupils actually learning as opposed to doing? Are pupils consolidating previous skills/knowledge or learning something new?
Can all pupils make the links between previous/new learning?
Can pupils talk about what they are learning, as opposed to simply describing what they are doing?
Do they consistently produce work of a good standard?
Are pupils working independently? Are they self-reliant - do they make the most of the choices they are given or do they find it difficult to make choices? To what extent do pupils take responsibility for their own learning?
How well do pupils collaborate with others? Do they ask questions, of each other, of the teacher or other adults, about what they are learning?
Are pupils creative, do they show initiative?
How well do pupils follow routines/expectations?
Enjoyment of learning and attitudes
/Observations and Judgements
Are pupils engaged, working hard, making a good effort, applying themselves, concentrating and productive? Are pupils developing habits of good learning?
Are pupils happy with their work? Are they proud of it?
Are pupils interested in their work and in what they are learning? Or are they easily distracted?
How smooth is the transition from teacher input to group work? Do pupils settle to work easily?
Assessment to support learning
/Observations and Judgements
Are there any significant differences in the learning of different groups of pupils, or of any individuals? Are pupils involved in assessing their own learning and progress?
Do pupils know what they are learning and why?
Do pupils have targets and do they understand what they mean/what to do to achieve them?
Pupils’ progress
/Observations and Judgements
Are different groups making the same/different progress? What new skills and knowledge are pupils gaining?
How well are pupils developing ideas and increasing their understanding?
Are pupils making gains at a good rate in lessons and over time as shown in their work and the school’s records?
How are weak/good literacy, numeracy and ICT skills affecting pupils’ progress?
The quality of provision
/Observations and Judgements
Are staff using assessment for learning strategies to enable them to differentiate effectively? Are activities pitched at the right level to challenge pupils of different abilities?
How well does marking identify strengths and diagnose next steps to improvement?
How good is the dialogue and oral feedback? Are teachers alert to pupils’ lack of understanding during lessons?
How effectively do staff use questioning to gauge pupils’ understanding? Are expectations of behaviour sufficiently high?
Are teachers alert to the social, emotional, and learning, needs of individuals?
What impact are any support staff having?
Are resources sufficient? Are they well matched to needs to support learning?
Points for discussion and reflection with regard to:
/Areas of Strength
/Areas for Development
Quality of learningEnjoyment of learning and attitudes
Assessment to support learning
Pupils’ progress
The quality of provision
Judgement of quality of lesson: 1 Outstanding 2 Good 3 Satisfactory 4 Inadequate
Signature of Teacher: …………………………………… / Signature of Observer: …………………………………
(If you would like to make any additional comments please do so overleaf)